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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. There is quite a bit i really wish to achieve, some main elements i'm looking for include something a mate of mine has which is to merge two images keeping one image the same but merging say a face of another onto the first face making the two images into one. I think its called Facemorphing or something, i do have the images he used but they are in work. And other things include features to be able to create sigs, i don't really know how some of them are done but i think it includes merging or something as well. Edit: here is an example of facemorphing using 2 images Image one, picture of me Image 2 Now, both images mapped together to form Image 3 See, my face and beard morphed and blended into current face.
  2. I only recieved one from Gizmo so far.
  3. Good evening N:E I'm looking for some image creating software. I hear photoshop and GIMP are good programs, but i'd like some recommendations from you guys. Thanks in advance
  4. Aye tis, but at that late hour as well some people may find a little suspicious.
  5. From my sources, i know that he was making a coffin the night before this murder. For what reasonings i don't know.
  6. Hope everything goes ok between the pair of you. Same as many people on here, i have nothing against gay relationships at all.
  7. He is sounding a little suspicious, from a recent report i read.
  8. Even though it was a little long, it was a darn good read. Nice twist added within as well.
  9. I don't actually see the point of Twitter. Yes, it can be useful for following people and stuff, but i don't think running a Twitter, Facebook and MySpace page at the same time will work, i've near enough shut the MySpace one down to focus on the Facebook one. Oh well Its been an eventful weekend to be fair, i knew i shouldn't have drank that Raki on Sunday morning (early hours). Spent the next 20+ mins throwing up, i had too much of it to be fair (it was 60+% proof stuff). Somehow managed to score myself a nice young lady, perhaps this will now pursuade the last one to actually stop annoying me as she still is with calls, texts and emails.
  10. My recent weekend purchases including today
  11. Miss Piggy's obsession with Kermit became clear at a local fashion show.
  12. I may have myself a new g/f as of last night. She does seem really interested in me, and a plus side is that she is moving back to Caldicot from Chepstow. And i shouldn't have drank all that raki last night when i got home either, spent half the night boffing up.
  13. That would be good, but don't we already have zombies running Parliament? This seems normal where i live, peeps are always drunk and look like zombies anyway.
  14. At least this year, it wasn't Ukraine, Russia or any Eastern European country that won it this year.
  15. What would i do in this instance, lets see. I'd get some food and water supplies in from somewhere I'd go to my Dad's work and acquire a few guns and a lot of ammo I'd fit shutters on my house to blanket the light inside, to attempt to prevent said zombies attacking my house Then, i'd give Will Smith a call and see if he can bring that dog with him. Then i should be ok
  16. Happy Birthday guys, have a great day each.
  17. Rigovision Song Contest, i stopped watching a few years ago as it is all fixed and all that. Britain has had great acts, but since we supported that damn war in Iraq, we have ended down the bottom half, but am surprised with 5th place this year
  18. Awesome Being told "No" was not going to deter this kid of living his dream
  19. Here we go, my first game. Vote: No Lynch
  20. Daft just reminded me, i do need to clean out my MSN and Facebook friends as well. Just a tidy though, to all the ones who A: I don't have a clue who they are B: Who i don't like or ever talk to Everytime i do such a clean, they just re-add me. Don't worry, N:E i will try not to wipe any of you lot out, if i can help it.
  21. I shall read up a full mafia game at some point tomorrow, to get to grips as to how this goes.
  22. Is it man made, or is it the media just making things worse than they are like they did with the Swine Flu.
  23. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    Sunday sounds good to me. I shall add you in a bit mate
  24. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    I can do yes, no problem with that. Will it be ok to do them over the weekend at some point Edit: What type of cheese, it won't let me offer him cheese
  25. Jimbob

    Fable 2

    Anyone know how to open the Brightwood Demon Door. I've opened them all except this and Fairfax?
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