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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. And we'd probably be in even more debt. Labour probably would have raised the VAT with immediate effect, instead of the 6 month warning the Tories have given us. Couldn't agree more, if it saves Britain from a fate of bankrupcy then i am for the idea completly.
  2. Indeed, like this Havn't beaten it yet. There is so much to do side-quest side of things, plus Blackjack and Poker can keep you hooked for a long time. 10/10
  3. It sucks yes, but we've all got to take the pinch to bring the country back out of debt. At least the Tories did one good thing, no rise on Alcohol (yet). Cheap prices remain still. I look at the Budget, it does pinch in places and relieves in others. We've got to take the pain, it is needed for Britain.
  4. May give it a go. 2-1 win for Recall against Eights in the earlier friendly. Not too shabby i think
  5. Nothing too exciting with the update. Still, won't stop those who want to use home-brew stuff.
  6. New DLC is out, co-op mission pack.
  7. That sucks, sorry to hear that EEVIL. Day was packed busy. Moved stuff around all day long, leaflet delivered this morning. Not good climbing all them stairs in flats in intense heat (well, it was indoors anyway). Moved desks, cabinets, paint and cupboards this afternoon. Had to cover in the centre this afternoon. Did ask about the remaining weeks before the move, looks like i shall remain in the office until move-day. Then the worst part of the day, home time. Those who read my update on FB will know already, those who don't then here goes. Trains were running late, which was un-usual. The train before mine, the Taunton one was cancelled due to a line-fire. And the Cardiff one was for the same reason. Train arrives for me, leaves on time but stops 2 minutes after leaving the station. Found out from the conductor on board (who was quite the character (Costa del Newport was what he was saying.)) that there was a fire line-side set by Newport Kids, which was true as we went past there were 3 in the back of the police cars. Took 50 minutes to get home, in a journey which should have taken 15 at most. At least the only good thing came from it was that we used the relief line to get on the right-side of the track, which was the single line that went over the main-line (always wanted to cross that bridge).
  8. Sorry to hear about you both (nando + buttons). I havn't been through what you are going through, and like Ashley i can only imagine to be fair. Also, sorry to hear about your cat Ganepark, losing a family pet is always hard especially if it's been in the family for years. Like the dog we had before the one that wrecked the place (1st family dog), it was hard on us all. Not as much me as i had a fear of it since it bit me several times when i was 3. Anywho Not 100% sure on how this "loan" period is going to work in work. Apparanly one person needs me 3 days in the centre, another needs me 3 days in the office and on days where the senior member comes in and we need to keep an eye on him (he's 86). It works out roughly, not exactly that 3 days will be 1/2 in office and 1/2 in centre.
  9. Not a chance for Gold Members, who already pay £30 or so a year for a subscription to play online. Fair enough, people already pay for the broadband then pay for Live Gold on top of that. But would they pay an extra subscription just to play COD??. Well, i know a few who would (my Uncle would pay for my Cousin who so happens to be spoiled as it is) I wouldn't.
  10. Fair enough, but i think it is one of them movies to watch when you are totally drunk. Then it turns into a comedy of crapness. I'm trying to figure a way to wipe my memory of this movie, it remains within to this day.
  11. Good luck/hope it all went well for you. N-E are rooting for ya
  12. Makes me wonder really, why did you want to watch it??. Glad you enjoyed it, it is one of the best Arnie movies out there. Anyway Tomorrow Never Dies Stars Pierce Brosnan in his 2nd of 4 outings as 007. This time, he has to stop a potential new World War from occuring between Britain and China thanks to a over-powered news media bloke. Pretty good flick, one to watch most definitly. 8/10
  13. I'm tempted to watch Tomorrow Never Dies, right after i've made a sandwich for tomorrow. It's been a good weekend. I think i've earned the trust of my mother, Saturday she gave me her bank card and pin number and asked me to get £300 out. Which i did, and today she gave me the new door keys and said take your mates over and show them. She's not normally like this i tell ya. Took the dog out for 2 long walks, 1 hour each day. Same route, just reversed it today. Got drunk last night, but not as bad as my mate who was so drunk he only thought he had 3 pints all evening.
  14. Oh grass, though art so beautiful!!!.
  15. Yeah, wouldn't mind at all. I'll send an invite over
  16. Preparing my squad for the new season. Bought 3 new players, all youngsters as well. Have a new keeper (19-5), defender (18-4) and a striker (20-5). Shall be testing them out over this season, see if i can develop them.
  17. Have a great day Wolfy, Happy Birthday
  18. Always get him a card and something i can find in the shop
  19. I'm sure you could think of something cool. Master Gav
  20. Wouldn't be the first time Nintendo goes back on it's own word would it??
  21. Indeed it is, the original Galaxy is a great title. One that i think you shall enjoy more once you've delved deeper into it.
  22. I'm picking out new players for Recall. Got a few older players who i think won't be around by the end of this season, so am investing in a few youngsters to replace them (thanks to some advice i was given). See if i can develop them further. So i think i shall be using this season to develop some youth players (i say youth, more like players i don't use often mixed with the youngsters) and see how i go from there.
  23. Bought a young(ish) striker to replace the retiree, a 20 year old. Am debuting him in the friendly today. Am looking at a defender as well, around the 18/19 year mark.
  24. Happy Birthday dude
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