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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I know, i'm just not planning on being in the current job around that time.
  2. Hi Tumbleweed. I don't tend to pop in as often as before, which wasn't a lot then either. To be frank, i hardly use the chatroom. And everytime i pop in, there seems to be no-one around then as well. And i go in at different times, i usually see Twozzok and perhaps Rummy in there but they don't tend to chitter.
  3. I'm considering a purchase, but with a few other titles coming out around the same time and me not being certain if i want to remain in my job who knows really.
  4. Like Sheikah said, this does seem to be the O/S to miss like Vista was. I'll stick to 7 for the time being. But from what i've heard, the desktop is a dying breed.
  5. Watched my first Dwarf around the season 6 re-runs before season 7 launched.
  6. Think of it this way, now you can watch brand new episodes and talk about them here amongst fellow forumers......... Now i'm sounding old, i too watched Dwarf when i was in school
  7. 4-0 win today, pretty pleased with the result. Was expected though i believe.
  8. 3 rounds of the Lower League, enjoy!!!
  9. Probably be a lot of time as well, Ninty will let you cross VC purchases from what i've read over from the Wii to the WiiU so i guess Microsoft will let Arcade titles cross over from the 360 to the 720 (or whatever it is called) I'm in a similar boat, never got round to beating Tooie the first time and the 2nd time now.
  10. Who knows, I've put everything out there and its up to those left to vote to choose. And Peeps seems convinced I'm lying, hence his gunning grudge thus so far.
  11. Got the reports completed, uploading them when i get home. It's a good 30 minute video at the least.
  12. I DIDN'T block Peeps. I tried to protect him last night, but none of you seemingly believe i have an odd day power and even day power. Yesterday i blocked Peeps, today i protected him. I have the PM saying i failed in protecting him. So there is clearly a 2nd roleblocker, and yet it seems that believing that isn't the case.
  13. As I said, I have two powers. And as its been known in previous games, I don't lie. So why would I start now. I attempted to protect you last night, but I failed and I got a pm back confirming that. The night before I was the one who blocked you. It's clear to me, that there are other blockers in the game.
  14. Yeah, meant Night 3 and Night 4 I've targetted Peeps. First 2 nights, no targets at all. That's a guarantee, look back through the thread. I mentioned about not sending a target in around an early day phase (2 I think, not sure can't remember). Shows how inactive I've been if I don't know what night/day phase the games on. And when I say real life took over my online life past few weeks, that is true. I'm not hiding anything.
  15. Evidence my claim didn't check out. I said my power was roleblock on even days, protect on odd. I roleblocked Peeps Day 3 and attempted to protect on night 3, but failed for some unknown reason. Perhaps I was blocked myself, hence why Peeeps claims to have been roleblocked in this day phase. I already claimed this yesterday. And by Day 3, I meant night 2. Can't edit posts, otherwise this would be in there.
  16. Vote: jayseven I've read the thread through and through, and something isn't adding up. heroic was killed, and jay was the person who targetted him last night. Makes sense to me for jay to be mafia. Sorry dude, but thats how i see it at this time. And Peeps, i targetted you again last night.
  17. That was horrendous overall, god knows what was going through Alonso's mind when Grosjean flew past his visor. I'm just glad everyone is ok. And wonder what them words were between Hamilton and Grosjean just after the incident. Overall though, a good race for Jenson and well done to Vettal for securing 2nd.
  18. Jimbob


    There's 5 in the photo. A Carling, Speckled Hen, Carlsberg, Stella and Strongbow. The Speckled Hen is at the back.
  19. I'll leave my vote off for now, i'll read the thread through and make a decision. And Peeps, i'd like to know why you'd target me unless there is another lead.
  20. Jimbob


    More Bishes
  21. Interesting start to the GP to say the least.
  22. 6-0 against Emo Blades today, very impressed with the squad. Got 2 injuries, both back within 3 days of each other.
  23. So, you can't trade 'mon from Gen IV games to Gen V games until you've completed the game. Can you transfer them though? I did a little search on Google, it does seem it's possible I got the first White, but the forest i got at the end wasn't much. In fact, there wasn't anything there except a tree or two and 1 person.
  24. Such a shame indeed, a great magazine indeed. Had a subscription from the N64 days right to the NGamer days. I suppose one of the main reasons i liked it was that the reviews were honest, unbiased (compared to the official magazines views (influenced i believe by the company)) and overall a great read. I did write in and email several times, with only one or two making the mag. A sad day indeed, both Power and Gamer being great mags and independent as well. As it's been said, best chance of survival these days is being multi-format really.
  25. Prototype was good, but it got too repetitive for myself.
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