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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I never said who i was, which is true. I'll come clean as everyone "knows who i am". Zombie Steve i may be. Am i lying, no. Do i lie in mafia games, no. There we go.
  2. Lost 2-0 against Yellow earlier, damn!!. Full reports coming this weekend, 6 rounds of reports. Gonna be tough, but it will be done i promise.
  3. I'll be ready to go for a mafia game pretty soon. In tribute to a popular TV show, i got 2 in mind. Anyway, i'm planning on a Red Dwarf mafia. Am writing roles over the weekend, and can get a 2nd game going pretty soon.
  4. Explain your votes against me, i'm not mafia in the case you are wondering.
  5. Work are doing a health and wellbeing program, the first project is each floor has to climb the equivilent of Snowdon in flights of stairs. Basically, my building is 16 floors. They've worked out this has to be done 25 times to reach the summit. Around 400 floors, and i've done 9 floors so far. It's a start to get fit i suppose, i know i can do a lot more.
  6. Jimbob


    Had my first re-tweet in over a year, started using Twitter a bit more now. I'll add you later @Darren, feel free to follow me back. Twitter link is in the sig below.
  7. This is the first time in a while, where i agree with Rez on this one. I've had no problems with Shopto at all, in fact they've been very helpful. I used Paypal, and it changed my address to my old one. One quick message* to Shopto and viola, it was changed back *Had to have 2 orders sent to the address before a change could be made.
  8. I guessed it were called that, and according to a certain Mr Phillips on Twitter, it was cut from the game. I was expecting to go to Omega and fight to get it back, there were enough bloomin hints. And as for more DLC, they should have done a "Season Pass" like others have done.
  9. Yes, but for the price, you can excuse 3. But this, so far it makes 3 look good. Robocop is meant to be a robot, that looks like a cheap mock-up for Captain America.
  10. Vote: Dannyboy As others have said, best lead so far for a mafia suspect.
  11. Last nights target was Dannyboy.
  12. By any means necessary i imagine.
  13. Makes no difference. It now reclaims GAME back into most major towns/cities after the major closures of stores.
  14. No, just a strongly worded letter. Havn't thought who to send it to yet.
  15. 1: It's a bit of a kick in the teeth in some ways. Yes, it allows competitive pricing for retailers which in turn allows us the consumer to choose where to shop to. But, if prices change all the time then it will leave many of us unsure where to shop for it. Still, £300 is max for the premium console and £220-£250 for the basic model is fine. 2: As some are doing, i'm looking around for the best deal. When it arrives, i may get one at launch. Or wait until after the holiday rush and pick one up then. 3: If i do pick one up, it will most likely be a Premium (black). Will go along with most other things i have at home. 4: As it stands, if i get one at launch i'll most likely get New Super Mario Bros Wii U and hold off until Pikmin 3 arrives for my next game. But being allowed to transfer VC licenses over and backwards compatible with Wii games, it won't be a problem with waiting. 5: Havn't watched it yet 6: Nintendo this year are not like Nintendo i know, holding off until the last minute really to announce launch titles and prices for the Wii U. They should have announced this at E3 (or soon after). Nintendo are losing money again, and this decision may not help them. I'm more disapointed at not seeing Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing 3DS this year, surprising indeed. 7: Not as such, as i mentioned i havn't watched it yet.
  16. I've been busy writing a strongly worded letter.
  17. Well, i believe if it says it on the pre-order pages then i guess so.
  18. Shopto still have Premiums going for £296 for pre-order. And they say they will honour pre-order prices.
  19. You berry nearly fooled me.
  20. Doing the same as the 3DS, i'll look for different prices and see what the best one is. Probably get the Premium one most likely. Anyone got a stream, i'll have a ganders later.
  21. I would say isn't this a little early, but shops think Christmas begins in September. Always like seeing everyone out and about on Halloween all dressed up. Havn't done that myself for years, well not since most of my friends moved away anyway.
  22. Vote: No Lynch I can't see it going anywhere today
  23. Welcome Darren, like Danny said it's nice to have a new member who isn't a spambot. Hope you stick around, there's plenty to partake in.
  24. Lost 2-0 today. Damn, good things need to end at some point.
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