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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Welcome indeed "Howard". Remember who gives you extra, we do.
  2. No, but they could be sleeping with the light on after todays performance.
  3. I've been looking at my teams for this year, got offered to take a 2nd Private league team. Which brings my total to 3 teams (2 private and 1 official). I'm considering getting rid of my Official team, i've paid no attention to them and the squad is a complete mess. All old players, some retiring and lack of skills as such. It would take forever to build it back, so i've contacted that admin and handed in my resignation so i can focus on Recall and my new team Busted (don't ask, they have potential and are a good youth team)
  4. I see Nintendo are shafting Europe once again, dear oh dear.
  5. Happy Birthday, have a good one.
  6. I reckon £339 as a guess
  7. That's a lotta pennies. Price not confirmed as actual, or has it?
  8. It may work with Kinect 2, but Kinect one certainly strugged to understand voice commands. Would be an interesting feature if installed, and again another nail into the reasons to avoid.
  9. Sweet, get them pennies saved.
  10. But with some people looking younger or older, it would be a little tricky (unless thats taken into account) for Kinect to detect ages of people. Would be interesting to see if a message pops up on-screen "The person 3 in from the left is not old enough, they look under 16. Please advise them to leave the room then say "Xbox play" so the system can re-scan before playback commences"
  11. The 3D effects look great indeed, i don't normally use 3D with games as i got fed up with it. This, well it's a different story.
  12. Accepted (if that's fine). I'll have a video uploaded later (i love fibre broadband, 10 minute uploads)
  13. Sure @The Peeps, sounds like a plan to me. Any gaps for season reviewers?
  14. Last bits for May, out of ebay sales. I fancied playing Twilight Princess again, but as a mate of mine has my GC copy (and Gamecube to go with it) and he moved to Kent with it, i had to re-buy it. Also bought a Wii Classic controller in the need i fancy playing N64 titles on the Wii. Until they possibly move to Wii-U Virtual console. Got both above for the combined price of £15 Bought on Blu-ray £13.99. As it stands at present, £1 cheaper in GAME than on Amazon.co.uk
  15. I'm still plodding along with the Song of Fire and Ice series, i'm currently 3/4 through book 3 - part 1 "A Storm of Swords". These seem to be a series of once you pick up, it's hard to put down as you want to know what will happen next.
  16. Close game between me and JC, but a victory was mine 1-0. Both went for 4-5-1 formation, he had more chances. I honestly can't wait until my new striker is fit and to see what he can bring to the team. Could be a wildcard, who knows.
  17. Shall i invite myself to partake. If there is space, count me in.
  18. Bought a 21-7 forward to beef up the squad, won't be ready until 5th June though.
  19. First up with the review is James "Tom Jones" Richards
  20. I see my build-up of midfield is working well, but an influx of new players for the forwards is something i need to work on. It's shocking to say the least. Oh well, time to look at the Youth acadamy and transfer markets.
  21. I've got in the mood for this, by replaying Wild World.
  22. Picked up my copy Friday, they didn't have the pre-order bonus stuff (well, none in stock). Didn't mind too much, wasn't fussed. But surely if you pre-order, they would have enough to go around. Hopefully GAME have the pre-order stuff for New Leaf, if not a chat to management will be in order about it. Anyway, loving the game. Done a few levels on the way home on Friday. Much better than waggling the controller around.
  23. Thats the problem, you know how the situation will turn out if going back to the hospital. But others may not, so yeah save the money only to be told something you know. Waste of time indeed. I recall a few years ago having a few ingrowing toenails removed, was told to stay off the foot for 2 or so days. Got bored after a few hours of no walking, moved around and i should of heeded the advice. Same for when i damaged ligaments in my foot and cracked the knee joint as well, didn't stay still and i feel twinges still.
  24. Fair point, doing nothing at all will drive me crazy. Tough, but necessary really.
  25. Mine is in store, bag and keyring as well.
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