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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Just have to remind yourselves, you pay Xbox Live Gold and the PS Network is free. So whose network was hacked and rendered useless for a period of time? I think the pricetag for Gold may be justified from that perspective.
  2. Picking mine up tomorrow (doing my 2013 support the highstreet as much as possible campaign) from GAME. Reciept is on my desk under a pile of games i'm trading in.
  3. It will feature all of the above, so expect a "historic" Rare franchise (knowing our luck, it's Kinect Sports) to feature the above.
  4. I wish they'd make up their own minds, this is more confusing than
  5. Both from the sounds of it are smoking a lot of weed, i'm eagerly looking forward to E3 to see whats what.
  6. The only confusing part is the fee, is it a cheaper price for a pre-owned game or the price of it "as new" to play it. Which sucks big style, may as well buy new.
  7. Probably were, and the device turned into a gimmick for the families.
  8. Most i know have one, they are pretty good. And the peeps i know who have Blu-ray players have a 360 or not. And i believe LoveFilm is available on the 360. Which is a negative point, and many people online arn't happy about this. Rumours swirling are that Sony are considering something to allow the PS4 to be backwards compatible with PS3 titles, but that's a way off yet. And didn't the chappy who did the presentation say that even with the One, it would work alongside the current 360?
  9. By room, the console would be on my desk. I sit at the desk with the PC, so i can go online. It's a comfortable position, plus my chair is comfortable. I don't care about the look of the console, yes it's big. But thats fine, i got the room for it. Sony are making the PS4 for gamers, which is fine. Microsoft are making a device which is for the home entertainment at it's heart. Again, thats fine. But most people have Smart TV's, Satellite and a separate Blu-ray player/Lovefilm package so may not need to go for this. Who knows, only time will tell if Microsofts approach will work.
  10. 500gb HDD, na thats way too small. I currently have a 250gb with a few games installed (but with a lot of DLC content and it's close to being filled on the 360 at present. Maybe a terabyte HDD would be better for them, who knows. I can look past one issue with not playing last gen games. But needing Kinect to even operate is a huge issue. Especially as this will be in my room. I have enough room for the Wii-U sensor bar, never bought Kinect due to the fact it is simply a gimmick nothing more. I'm waiting for E3, but it could be the chance to swap to Sony for me once i see the console they offer. They are focusing on games, which is what i want. Yes fair enough, i have the 360 for usage of my NBA League-pass and using it for multiple uses is a good idea. But i have a Satellite box and Blu-ray at the moment, and all these uses would probably burn the whole system out. Which is why the PS4 is looking like an alternative to the One. But we don't know what the console looks like yet, and probably won't know until E3. Which is where my decision will be made. Will i venture to the dark side or stick with Microsoft?
  11. Concering both the PS4 and the One (sorry, i can't help myself). It's a tough choice, and i've got over the 2 big negatives being backwards compatible (which Nintendo have on the 3DS and Wii-U) and Kinect needed to even operate the machine. It's a tough choice as to which to get, and i'll wait until after E3 to make my choice. Anyway, this is what the One means to Nintendo. As many have said, it puts Nintendo in a position they can grab the hardcore gamers from Microsoft/Sony that dislike the new consoles. They can invest time into getting the big exclusives and with free online gaming, it is a good opportunity for Ninty to promote it.
  12. I'm waiting until E3 to make my decision on which to get. If i get the One (jeez, i'm sounding like Morpheus right about now) then hopefully they release GTA upon it as well, it would look fantastic if they do. But it's tough to choose a second console, very tough.
  13. I'm hoping they do a "U-Turn" and allow 360 titles to play on the One. Heck, they allowed a select number of XBox titles to play on the 360 so i expect the same may occur here. After all, end of the year there is GTA-V and i don't think many people will want to buy this game, get a One and not be able to play it. Not being backwards compatible will cause damage to the sales.
  14. Hang on, Nintendo allow Wii games to be played on the U. But both Sony and Microsoft so far are not allowing this to occur with PS3 and 360 titles on their new consoles. I swear they are going backwards and forcing us to use the new stuff. Without backward compatibility equals no sale for me.
  15. I currently have a 360/Wii-U at present. A best of both worlds. I plan on getting one of the next gens from Sony or MS. It's tough to decide which one, Microsoft is a little more promising. But not much, and E3 could be the decision maker event for me.
  16. I thought things were getting smaller, jeez that is one huge mother of a box. As far as i care, as long as the games are good and it's backwards compatible with the games i currently have then it gives me some firepower towards picking this over the PS4.
  17. Wonder if they'v solved the cooling issue with this. The size of the console makes it seem most of it contains a huge bugger fan.
  18. Recent purchases 30p (yay) And with the success of them LAN plugs i bought recently for the Wii-U, i decided to wire the entire room up. So needed this to do so. £24 (ish)
  19. And another part of my job. I hate the commute as well, combined with the 8 1/2 hours i'm in work. I also have to commend with 3 1/2 hours travel and waiting. I can hear you all saying "get a car, will be easier". And with that i agree, but the distance i gotta travel works out to be twice the price i pay for the train on fuel. I currently pay £40 a week on the train, if i had a car i'd have something around £60-£80 p/w on fuel. This is based on a friend who has a small engine car and travels 6 miles less than me to work. It doesn't work out to be cost effective. The commute wouldn't be too bad if i had a decent shift, my 1st train into work is at half 8, second is at 9:15am. I get to work at 9:45am ready for 10am. Thats the good part, the bad is the finish. I leave work at half 6 most days on a normal shift day. Some days i do lates, so the first part is the pain in the backside part. So by leaving at half 6, i get home at half 8. 2 trains still, but with a 45 minute wait after the 1st train. Each day (including lates and weekends), i have a 12-13 hour day. 5 days a week, leave at half 8/half 9am. Home at half 8/10pm. A shift change means more time at home, but still have these 12 hour days. But adds 2 hours to my evenings at home. Which will improve my social life drastically. I have asked for a shift change (the difference would be home at a decent time).
  20. Just a heads up, i'll be looking into the accomodation over the bank holiday weekend.
  21. If you saw Mania, he took one hell of a bump on his knee via the annouce table in his match vs Taker. He's been working injured for a while, and he's taking some time away to heal up and get back to 100%. He was considering leaving the company again, but WWE came up with a deal for him which allowed him to stay. Something that i believe all WWE talent should do after Mania, they should work the RAW/Smackdown tapings after Mania then have a month off to rest up afterwards. Maybe then more talent will stick around and it will give creative the chance to think of something interesting. Extreme Rules was a decent PPV from what i've heard, but compared to RAW (which was meh to say the least). Trending before RAW was RVD, what do people think that he would return.
  22. Good for him, at least it's not a self deal and he's trying to work on getting the other stars an increase as well. Without Downey Jnr, i don't believe Avengers II will work as well. So hopefully this deal works out and Marvel arn't stingey as it were.
  23. My job, call center and my job title is Customer Service Adviser. This is a copy/paste from the bad stuff thread. I do ask myself on a daily basis why i even go in, maybe it's the money. Maybe it's the friends i have. Yes, that's it. It's both. And if the friends dried up (aka they left), i'd be gone as well. The way it's meant to be is, everyone should be treated equally and fairly. But it does not happen. Many people get away with things that even i can't get away with, because of their group of "friends" they have. Management have completely lost the plot since the new boss has come in. People get away with things that no-one should be able to get away with. Especially with leave and the job. You are permitted 3x 5 minute breaks between your hour lunch and 2x 15 minute breaks (which are set at certain times of the day). Which is meant to balance things out on the phones, but it doesn't as everyone goes at the same time leaving the phones un-manned around 1pm. And because of this, i've been told I can't have my lunch until half 1 because of the lack of people on the phone. I have addressed this to the manager, who simply said “so what, get over it and do as you are told” I see some people walking in and out of each wing on their “5 minutes”, who are clearly out of their desk for over 5 minutes. How do I know this, I sit next to a manager and I can see the log-in page and how long some people are in a code for. Does this get bought up, no. Those 3x 5 minute breaks, people abuse them and get away with it as the manager simply "wipes" the record of them ever taking the break. I go 2 seconds over, and i have it in the neck. What makes me laugh is how people get away with what they are doing, heck i know people who are on "medical" leave and are plainly just skiving. I know a few people who do this, and I have bought this to management and asked them to check their reasons as to why they are off. I know the real reason, management know the lie. 2 people who sit in my wing should be fired, but alas are not and it does surprise me. But if i took one day out of the ordinary, which i have then i had a written warning against me. I spoke up against management, and i got told "get over it". That's just the management and work colleagues. The work itself is a different rant. Those who work in a call center will know this and agree that the customers/public who call have serious attitude problems and feel they have the need to abuse you over the phone when they don't like the decision being made (¾ of the time, it's the customers fault because they fail to tell us on time certain things. I have been told that if you've worked in a shop with difficult customers, I can handle the calls. This should work, but never does because face to face is completely different to over the phone. Customers treat you different, and will take the chance to swear, abuse and be racist if they need to be. I could rant and rave all day, but i won't. The job centre got me this job, I had to apply for it and as it was offered to me in the job centre I couldn't turn it down. If I did, I would have lost a months benefit. Call Center work is aweful, and I hate it with a passion. I will not work in another call center again after this one.
  24. Just completed it now.
  25. Well, it's been a nice weekend. So nice in fact, i did the garden yesterday. All by myself, and i only mowed 2 plants.
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