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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I must be one of the few left who prefer the normal 3DS over the XL, having tried the XL for myself. The one thing that puts me off getting an XL is the resolution of some games, particulary the Mario titles. The screen-size is great, the size is decent. The only reason i would get a XL is if my current 3DS decided it didn't want to work as well.
  2. Rumours of Ninty doing special Mii appearances during E3 sound promising, bring on next week to find out.
  3. We are a helpful bunch, so shouldn't be a problem in getting you to the meeting place if you wish to attend.
  4. Friday morning can't come soon enough, i'm playing Wild World to feed my cravings at present. It's an 8 character limit for towns in that game, sorry people.
  5. Add me after Rez, i'm working on a new mafia game.
  6. Just to confirm to those unsure, my information is based on my target last night of Sir Flinkington. He and Animal asked what i picked up from last night.
  7. Full lower league report for Friday's games coming later today. And welcome Rgoer Federer
  8. It is tricking on the information i received, not tracking.
  9. Sorry, had to do it again. 22 years in the making, but it's the resident danish export's birthday today. One Dannyboy-the-Dane to be precise. Here's wishing him a happy birthday today.
  10. @Fierce_LiNk, @Animal. Here's what i found out upon my actions. Without quoting of course. He's got a natural talent for drawing information from others and tricking the votes in the daytime.
  11. @Animal, my actions last night. I targetted Sir Flinkington last night and gathered some titbits from that.
  12. Another victory for Recall vs Coloccini, 2-0. Both goals scored by David Lister. 4 goals in 2 games, he's promising indeed.
  13. Indeed it vas, indeed it vas.
  14. Well, well. I shall start by saying i was successful in my night action. That is all i shall say for now.
  15. Old N-Europer Jordan put this online earlier concerning the DRM for the Xbone. For those unsure, maybe this will decide you
  16. Probably Rez (again)
  17. Todays purchases (it's been a little expensive, but hey ho) £70 (there and back in total). First Class Booked the 27th Accommodation 2x tickets to see them again in November in London, can't wait. All in all, today cost me around £200
  18. No problem at all.
  19. I know @MoogleViper, neither was i.
  20. Accomodation for the 27th booked. 8 bed (with ensuite) private room, £32.50 each. http://www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Clink78/London/21954/directions http://www.booking.com/hotel/gb/clink78.en-gb.html?aid=311076;label=clink78-whSWmQDdHYXXmHtzmRzkdAS12485998380%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac706020%3Aap1t1%3Aneg;sid=f8b5d2f804e8591dcbab2d13bc67f4a1;dcid=1;srfid=e665b03a670ce695255910c45768ec2e3b866371X1 So that's @ReZourceman, @Goafer, @Dannyboy-the-Dane, @Jimbob, @Cube, @The Peeps, @MoogleViper Room for 1 more.
  21. The dress code allows us to wear what we want to work, as long as it isn't inappropriate. So no provocative t-shirts or slogans etc. We can wear shorts and vests if we want in the summer. There is a fan in the office, but they are only given if you suffer from heat strokes or something. So unless you sit near the person who has the fan, you ain't getting any cool air. And if the office is hot, wait until the rest area. It's closer to 30 in the summer, maybe warmer. I suppose it's lucky there is the grassy area outside so you can eat outside, the only other area which has seating outside is the smokers pit.
  22. Yeah, sod that. Microsoft are getting it all wrong. In a way that they are trying to force people to get the One. Not a good move Microsoft.
  23. Windows are never open, health and safety risk apparantly. There is 1 window per wing that opens. I've not seen the dehumidfyers on this week, and it's been border 20-21 degrees outside (add another 6 for the inside). The aircon we do have works once in a while, due to the size of the office they shutdown often as they seem to be overworked. Someone didn't anticipate the size needed.
  24. These deals are getting something more daring. I offer 2 million, a bag of Malteasers and Prov Donk
  25. Sometimes it's done, best to weed the inactives out quick otherwise it may damper the game.
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