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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Talk to the cat on the dock/pier in the village. You can play in a room alone or with friends from what i've seen. Not played online as of yet, may go on for a few hours tonight if anyone is interested. Still a relative new player.
  2. I have this feeling they'll be rolling out another update before weeks end to fix the bugs. Watch this space.
  3. I did see someone upgraded their town yesterday and used one of them wooden bouncy things on the river, thought that was pretty neat. Finally got my hands on an axe. Went mental, chopped down various trees. Without any fruit on, so i have no idea what trees i chopped down. Have to wait until Thursday when the fruits re-appear so i know i'm chopping the right trees, but have replanted a couple in various other locations. Time to make this town look like as i want it to look. It's a pity, the axe broke after 6-7 trees cut down.
  4. Damn, heard about the update. My phone connected to the 3DS and it's downloading now, wish it would hurry up as i wanna plant some trees. Hoping to get it done before hometime so i can potentially get some passes on the way home, more pink pieces (and there was me thinking i got them all, damn it)
  5. May have been my end, the wireless in my room is a little naff. I went downstairs and had no issues afterwards. No worries @Ville, will have more fruits for trade in a few days time.
  6. I got a fireflower, green shell and Pikmin hat. Not too bad, but i ain't got the room at the moment until Nook's loan is paid.
  7. I can drop off cherries, pears, apples, lychees and peaches if thats good for you. I can drop them anytime after 9pm if that is ok for you, or if you wish to visit and stock up at your own will.
  8. Is lychee an exotic fruit, if so i can confirm that grows.
  9. Thats what the game is about, play it as you see fit. Enjoy it the more that way.
  10. My gates are open for anyone wanting some lychees from 9pm until 10pm tonight, 1 per person first come first serve.
  11. Had a nice surprise, pulled up one of the weeds near my house this morning on the train. Went up to cash in some fruits, and between Nooks and the clothing store is a construction of something. Wonder what that is, very exciting times ahead. Some of you are more ahead of me, expecially with the island and construction of various things.
  12. Yeah, it's one of them games. Do as little or as much as you like. I was visiting someone's world yesterday exchanging fishing rods for gold. I happened to see they hit a mystery present down on a section of the beech they are unable to reach, couldn't help but laugh.
  13. Nice, lets see then Home Consoles NES - Metroid SNES - Super Mario World Mega Drive - Sonic the Hegehog III N64 - WWE No Mercy/Goldeneye 007 Gamecube - Soul Calibur II Wii - Super Smash Brothers: Brawl WiiU - Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate Xbox 360 - Mass Effect Trilogy (if not allowed, then Red Dead Redemption Handhelds Gameboy - Super Mario Land II Gameboy Color - Links Awakening Gameboy Advance - A Link to the Past (GBA version) Nintendo DS - Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo 3DS - Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  14. Yes, Reseti comes and bugs you. And Nook sends his boys round with axes. In reality, nothing happens. And @Agent Gibbs, i gotta wait a day or so for my permit. Sucks, but gotta be done. Until then, back to the fishing and bug catching. And to introduce myself to the new resident.
  15. Sorry for my absenth. From what i've read, i'm voting this here Vote: Tales
  16. Only 8k from clearing my 2nd mortgage payment, i plan on clearing it tonight. Fired up the game at lunch and chopped a chunk off from selling fish, fruit and bugs that i've already donated to the museum. Got the streetpass unlocked (finally, took me a couple of days to get that sorted) so can view other peoples houses if i pass them. No news on the island, but i have achieved my 100% rating and can now build stuff.
  17. Been busy filling the museum with fish, fossils and bugs. Trying to get my first expansion on the museum sorted, before Nook the Crook demands even more money from me. Closing in on the 2nd mortgage to be cleared, only 10k from that. Then who knows, maybe i may add things to town like a bridge in a certain spot. Gets annoying where it is at the moment. Redd's dodgy.
  18. I only did it as a test to see if the lychee is a tree and not just a fruit, it is. So i got 4 lychees to give away. First come, first served. 1 is kept to grow me another tree, rest are fair game to anyone else.
  19. I was gifted a Lychee today, so i guess we have a new tree/fruit tree. Have planted it, may time-travel to get the tree quicker. So if anyone fancies a Lychee, my gates will be open 9pm tonight. Sod it, will time travel to see. Lovely tree indeed. 9pm tonight, look for Whiterun and i'm under the name "Darius"
  20. My gates will be open between 7pm and 9pm tonight for those wishing to visit, bring many fruits.
  21. @ReZourceman, i get the attitude from the customers i deal with 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Not surprising, i work in customer service as well on the phones. You get the odd nice person, but the rest are dicks and put me in a mood. Anyway My current phone has become damaged after the Bon Jovi concert on Wednesday, so at the moment i borrowed a phone so i can get mine fixed. I've been trying to unlock it for the best part of today. I'm told by the 02 store that it would cost £15 as long as the phone was in contract for 1 year or more. Which it is/was, as i've got the original sim card from the person who's phone it is (sim still works, it's his contract sim) They say it can be debited from the PAYG sim card and could take a day or so to unlock. Which is fine i thought. Paid for the item, and come home a few hours later. What the fail to tell me at the time, and a nice woman on the phone said this to me. That the sim has to be in the phone and being used for 12 months or more before i can unlock the phone. They can do it right away on iPhones, but HTC's need this term satisfied. Thanks 02, last time i ever use you, you complete tits. I'm not a happy bunny right about now, and the only solution i have left is an early upgrade to get a phone which works. Insurance claims the phone i have is "wear and tear" and won't pay out. Which is fine. I've written a complaint to 02 about the store, i even got the store clerks name on the reciept so they know whom to blame. Which means i gotta pay out even more money for a brand new phone (or see if anyone has an old Orange phone (company, not color)
  22. I went to the Cardiff Streetpass event today, and nabbed a few fruits. In 2 or so days time, i'll also have cherries, pears and apples to share as well as peaches.
  23. I need to change that picture, i look like i'm on dope
  24. Got an error code trying to visit Ville's place, but managed to visit another friends place earlier today. It's either because of where i am which is causing the error, but by moving i had no problems. @Nintendo Fan, i didn't get the error when he left and i kept my shiny apple. Cheers again, soon will have an orchard of apples. Have returned the favor, hope to visit soon.
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