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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Ah, ok. Silly how it doesn't even show you're online though.
  2. Can't seem to find your game. Good old Nintendo and their fantastic online setups.
  3. I'm online at the mo if anyone's up for a few games. *edit* Just got a score of 256 on the keepy uppy mini-game.
  4. Will be a shame if this doesn't do well, it's so much fun when playing with others! Single player though... not so much. Yeah, took a quick look at the SP mode earlier and couldn't believe how bad it was. Shouldn't think anyone would get this game with the intention of only playing it solo, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it. BTW, anyone else come across this?
  5. New Trailer!:
  6. It's still possible to play as Miis, right? This game seems so low on content, I wouldn't be surprised if they left that out too!
  7. Yeah, this should finally confirm the release dates for Yakuza 5 and The Tomorrow Children (would be rad if that was a surprise "download it right now" game actually). Other than that I'd love to see some more of Rime, Dreams and the new Everybody's Golf title. What is it you're looking forward to specifically, more on stuff that's already been announced or the surprises?
  8. Hehehe! You know it.
  9. Classic Mega64.
  10. I should probably update my diary before I forget what I've played! First up in October was Uncharted: Drake's Fortune from the remastered collection on PS4. Really enjoyed this game, it definitely shows its age (despite being jazzed up for current gen) but that just added to its charm. Also very funny in places, something which I value immensely in video games, so it was a very enjoyable experience for me indeed. Then I played Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer on 3DS. Was expecting to enjoy this seeing as it focuses on one of my favourite aspects of the AC series, and sure enough I did enjoy it. They've added some great features to the design process and it's just so streamlined compared to how it works in the mainline AC games. I really do hope we'll be seeing a lot of this stuff in the next full AC title. Next was a replay of Konami Krazy Racers, but this time on the Wii U VC! Loved this game back in 2001, it's a great take on the SMK formula. And it still plays/sounds great today. It's just a shame it now also reminds me of how crappy Konami have become. Meanwhile I was back to the Uncharted collection for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Was so up for playing this game after the first one, and having heard so much praise for it, but it ended up being a huge disappointment. While there's no doubt it's a stunning game (like, jaw droppingly beautiful ) I became so frustrated with the gameplay that it was a struggle to even finish the game! My thoughts on this one can be found over in the main thread. After that disappointment, it was suggested that I should take a break before jumping into Uncharted 3, so I did just that and played through Super Time Force Ultra on PS4. This was a PS+ title last month that I only played very briefly and was not at all impressed with at the time. Just found it really confusing and a bit meh... Old me was a stupid idiot. This game is awesome! So glad I went back to it and took the time to work it out, as once you do it's incredibly good fun. Being able to rewind time and spawn in additional characters at different intervals is an absolute genius gameplay mechanic. Meaning you can go back and save your earlier self from death, or team up with multiple instances of your gameplay to create ridiculously powerful combo attacks! Add to this some really funny dialogue and loads of humorous references and you've got a brilliant game indeed. The exclusive PS characters were cool too: So that's everything that's been going on console gaming-wise, but I've also become hooked on a new iOS title too, and that title is... Soda Dungeon. Essentially it's just the turn based battle element from an old school RPG but it's so Goddamn addictive it's unreal! I really don't understand why, but it just is. Anyway, link is in the list below, so check it out as it's a free download and also very unobtrusive as far as ads are concerned. :awesome:
  11. Ah yeah, that makes sense. Well, I look forward to seeing these stats during my playthrough of Uncharted 3.
  12. What, even though one of them is actually meant to be a Gavure Idol? Anyway, check out this thread on Neogaf: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1127261 The cutscenes have also been messed with. They're just petite, funnily enough like a lot of Japanese women are.
  13. Well I decided to make a start on Uncharted 3 tonight and have already had more fun in just the first hour than probably the whole of Uncharted 2! What a fantastic opening! :awesome: Had me grinning like a nutter the entire time.
  14. This. They can start by selling Goemon to Good-Feel so the series can be reunited with Etsunobu Ebisu. Never going to happen. Does not compute. Speaking of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, It'd be great if they could at least finally get that out on the VC, so I wouldn't have to dig out my N64 whenever I feel like playing it. Also, more people (those with good taste ) need to experience that game.
  15. As some of you might be aware I recently replayed Konami Krazy Racers on the Wii U VC, and as is always the case whenever I play an old Konami game these days, I start thinking about all of those classic games and characters that have now become neglected, especially my favourites, TwinBee and Goemon. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Goemon/Mystical Ninja is without doubt my absolute favourite Konami franchise though, so I decided to try and find out what (if anything) is currently going on with it, and to my surprise (and disgust) I discovered that the 2 most recent uses of the Goemon IP have been for a bloody Pachinko slot machine! But it gets worse, when I checked out footage of said slot machine, I was shocked to discover that the video elements of it feature new and improved character models, new music (including remixes of classic tunes from the console games) and a general level of polish that makes it look like it could be from a current generation home console game! They didn't just slap old assets on to this thing, they've completely reworked stuff and put actual effort into it. Don't know whether to laugh or cry, but it's beyond depressing to see this kind of energy being used on something I love but for something so trivial. I mean just look at this: And listen to this: Goddammit! Why, Konami!? Wish I could go back in time and not learn about any of this, was actually happier just thinking Goemon was completely dead. Anyway, we all know the Konami of old is long dead, and the recent shenanigans with MGSV/Kojima and the cancellation of P.T. have done nothing but worsen the situation, but Konami still insist that they haven't abandoned the traditional gaming space, even though they don't appear to have any new projects on the go. I don't recall anything being announced at E3 or TGS, and now that MGSV and the latest PES are out, there appears to be nothing on the horizon from them at all! So what do people think, are Konami lying, delusional, or is it something else? Will we see more video games from them, or is it truly the end?
  16. What about Joy Mech Fight?
  17. How many hours gameplay time to finish the story?Still unsure if I should get this now, or save it for later.
  18. I hope so. BTW, what were your reasons for preferring Uncharted 1? Yeah, I was drooling like crazy at the Uncharted 4 footage from E3, but now I'm a bit concerned that despite looking and sounding fantastic, it could end up being not that much fun to play. I did try to make as much use of all the different weapon types, but even so, the amount of bullets required to kill some of the enemies was just bonkers. Really does just feel like a way to artificially lengthen the gameplay. The problem I have with the cover system is that it can be kind of flaky, I even managed to get killed a few times by regular gunfire while in cover behind solid rock. It's cool how they force you to move about by chucking in grenades and the destructible cover, but when you're surrounded by a shit load of practically bulletproof and trigger-happy enemies, moving around isn't exactly what you want to be doing.
  19. Just had a go on this too, great fun! Wasn't expecting much from this really but have been pleasantly surprised. I did experience some connection issues and lag initially, but then it ran perfectly for the entire dungeon. Was rocking the Tingle outfit. It's funny how that one prevents damage from falling down pits, it's like they know people are going to want to throw Tingle on purpose. I do hope the thing where if 1 player drops out and the entire session is abandoned is just for the demo though, that could be really annoying if it happened after making quite a bit of progress. Anyway, definitely wanting to pick this game up at launch now.
  20. Well, the credits have rolled on Uncharted 2. And yeah, looks like I am indeed the second person on the whole of the internet to prefer Uncharted 1. And it's not even close. I actually struggled to even finish Uncharted 2. There is so much I dislike about how this game plays I'm not even sure where to begin. But no doubt the most annoying aspect was how confusing and vague some of the routes were. I know this is a game that obviously takes pride in its realistic environments and so they don't want to spoil that look by making ledges and stuff too prominent. But I lost count of the amount of times when I had absolutely no idea where the hell I was supposed to be going/jumping to next. Seriously, If I had a quid for every time Drake tumbled to his death in hilarious ragdoll fashion, I'd be a millionaire! And then there's the combat. Oh man, infuriating. It wasn't too bad right at the start of the game, but it didn't take long for the enemies to deploy seemingly indestructible body armour! Towards the end of the game it would take ages to kill even one of them. And that's playing on easy! Dread to think what it must be like on higher difficulties. I also didn't think the game was as humorous as the first one. It still made me laugh here and there, but the lack of Sully really hurts the comedy value of Uncharted 2. Hope he's around more in the next game. Kind of want to replay the first game instead of starting Uncharted 3 though, not a good sign.
  21. Downloaded it last night, have really enjoyed replaying this game. While I don't think it's anywhere near Super Circuit in terms of quality and especially quantity (literally only takes an hour or 2 to complete), it's still probably the best SMK knockoff out there. Worth getting though. It's a fun game and the soundtrack is amazing. Plus... (wishful thinking here ) could help send a message to KONAMI that we want more from their classic franchises.
  22. 19 and 17 according to this:
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