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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. I finally started playing this the other day, my jaw has been on the floor ever since. Was cracking up at the part where you...
  2. Spaaaaaaace Channel 5! Rabbids Go Home The best has got to be the GTA series though, especially Vice City, that soundtrack is !
  3. Hehehe! Yeah, I spotted that too. Pretty sure it was intentional. He was probably getting bored being so far in the lead, and just decided to mess about. Anyway, it will almost certainly be the post-highlight moment in the next vid.
  4. Good games everyone. Think this one mixed things up quite a bit again. : peace:
  5. I'm guessing these aren't the final version, although it would be pretty cool if they did have a transparent base. Also a shame Capcom decided to redesign the cats for MH Stories, as I would've much preferred an amiibo using the original style. Oh well, still hoping we'll be getting a Judd amiibo at some point.
  6. Interesting how that second diorama uses the 3DS screen. Wonder if what's being displayed there will be made available by the amiibo, or if it's just a YouTube vid or something.
  7. I was really interested in this game (especially after the awesome Transformers: Devastation) but unfortunately it's looking like this one might not be very good...
  8. The IN! list: ■ = always IN! The Mole Kounan punio75 Brian58 BowserBasher Bullet Will RedShell Wii nekunando S.C.G Pestneb Nicktendo Reserves: Phube - - -
  9. This week's theme:
  10. Oh man, my stomach hurts! That was superb. @BowserBasher, please can you Miiverse the Group 2 races again, for the highlights? : peace:
  11. The IN! list: ■ = always IN! The Mole - Baby Mario Kounan - Baby Luigi punio75 - Baby Peach Brian58 - Baby Daisy BowserBasher - Baby Rosalina Bullet Will - Baby Mario RedShell - Baby Luigi Wii - Baby Peach nekunando - Baby Daisy Nicktendo - Baby Rosalina Pestneb - Baby Mario Phube - Baby Luigi Reserves: Glen-i - Baby Peach Dcubed - Baby Daisy Ugh first aid - Baby Rosalina S.C.G - Baby Mario welsh_gamer - Baby Luigi ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? -
  12. "I'm Using Motion Controls" is funny though. Intentionally messing up the theme... not so much. Anyway, just 1 player needed now for group 2! The IN! list: ■ = always IN! The Mole - Baby Mario Kounan - Baby Luigi punio75 - Baby Peach Brian58 - Baby Daisy BowserBasher - Baby Rosalina Bullet Will - Baby Mario RedShell - Baby Luigi Wii - Baby Peach nekunando - Baby Daisy Nicktendo - Baby Rosalina Pestneb - Baby Mario Phube - Baby Luigi Reserves: Glen-i - Baby Peach Dcubed - Baby Daisy S.C.G - Baby Rosalina welsh_gamer - Baby Mario ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - And group 2 is on! 8 places left.
  13. Oooooooookay.
  14. @Dcubed about this week too? If you guys could also finally convince @Ugh first aid to join, then we would only need 1 more player for there to be 2 groups. The IN! list: ■ = always IN! The Mole - Baby Mario Kounan - Baby Luigi punio75 - Baby Peach Brian58 - Baby Daisy BowserBasher - Baby Rosalina Bullet Will - Baby Mario RedShell - Baby Luigi Wii - Baby Peach nekunando - Baby Daisy Nicktendo - Baby Rosalina Pestneb - Baby Mario Phube - Baby Luigi Reserves: Glen-i - Baby Peach ? - Baby Daisy ? - Baby Rosalina ? - Baby Mario
  15. Yeah, but it's not in the Japanese version, that's what I meant.Or rather it is, but it just looks different. What, more than 135? More than the legendary Big Beaver!? Surely not. But yeah, QR when it retires please. I think you could be on to something there, because once you do start breeding there are always Jr. horses in the list on Growth Mode, and it seems the only way to remove those from the list is to select them as your next horse.Pretty annoying if they are indeed preventing more of the special types from appearing... Hmm...
  16. That's strange, have you tried using the Game Freak QR codes? I guess there's an element of luck to the breeding aspect of the game too. There's quite a few that I've never even seen in my game yet! I always seem to just get the regular horse, the fire one or the cat one. Thinking I might have to try and get hold of some different horse type QR codes, in order to get those ones appearing in my game. Anyway, I've now completed all of the puzzles, so can finally start buying/making use of the items from the store. Should help with some of the more difficult G1 races.
  17. This week's theme:
  18. And here she is: I get the feeling 3 stars is the max, but currently breeding that one with another 3 star horse, so will see what the result of that pairing is. Anyway, got 13 trophies so far (8 to go) and am halfway through the puzzles (getting a lot of duplicate pieces now though) so still quite a bit to do.
  19. Yeah, that G1 track is ridiculously awesome! The entire soundtrack for this game is just legendary! I particularly love these tracks: So good. :awesome: Hehehe! Thanks.Although I do not approve of the naming for the second horse. Here are some more of mine (excuse the names, I can't help myself ): Currently racing a 3 star horse that is very good indeed! Will post the QR once it retires. Anyway, I'm so happy this game eventually got released over here. This is a prime example of why quirky Japanese game design simply cannot be allowed to die. Game of the year so far for me.
  20. I absolutely loved it: And like Vileplume2000 has already said, the single player is great too. Going to assume the online will be pretty dead now (although it may also get a boost from this sale) but either way, £7.99 is a sweet price for Resi Revelations.
  21. Same.I was gutted that there was no Wii U version of MH4, and I'm not exactly thrilled to see the same situation with Generations. But it looks like Capcom is determined to keep the game on handheld at the moment.
  22. Well, MH4 is a great game, but it's also a very big game. Playing through MH4 now and then going into MHG so soon after could be a bit too much MH. Not to mention what it will do to your hands. Yeah, MH is generally not a comfortable experience on 3DS. If I was you I'd probably just wait for MHG. Actually, I'm still not even sure if I'll be up for playing it in July, and that's with a substantial break since playing MH4!
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