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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Well for a start Ashley Cole and Sol Campbell would be playing each game had Ashley not been injured and Sol had an emotional breakdown [Although i'm sure many could argue that Senderos deserves to keep his place]. I totally disagree with you about if we get to the final we should also play for the pride of England. It is a club competition, if the players were playing a final of a competition for their country's pride, it would be the World Cup.
  2. Update DS-x2 have the first screens of Final Fantasy V[GBA] and Final Fantasy VI[GBA] V - http://ds-x2.com/index.php?id=5042 VI - http://ds-x2.com/index.php?id=5043 For people waiting for FFIV[GBA] to come to Europe, it is getting a release on June 2nd.
  3. So you think its so important to play an English player for 10 minutes just for the sake of it although the only thing on our mind is winning the game, so we make decisons based on that regardless of what nationality the players are. And anyway Walcott will be given a chance when Wenger thinks the time is right.
  4. Why do your ears 'pop' in an aeroplane?
  5. I'm sick of this argument about it being a disgrace that Arsenal have no English players in their regular team recently. Since when has a player's nationalitiy determined whether they're a good player or not? When signing players Wenger goes for players because of the football they play, not what country they are. And anyway its not like we haven't given English players a chance. We got Pennant,Bentley and Upson, but neither were good enough for our team's standard and therefore didn't make it. Its not our fault if English youngsters aren't as good as other youngsters Wenger knows of right now.
  6. Isn't there like another 3/4 series planned too?
  7. Wasn't it always at 10pm? Anyway great news, something else to look forward to in the busy month of may.
  8. http://everythingandnothing.org.uk/vg/worldtotals.php Very very interesting. Nice to see Nintendo holding onto the top 11 spots! Mario Party 5 sold 2 million worldwide...wtf...and Nintendogs has sold ... ....5.42 million :shock: I thought Ocarina of Time would of sold a lot more tbh, heck Final Fantasy XII sold more in a week than OOT ever in Japan (it was nearly 2 million).
  9. Phoenix Wright music is so sweet, I want mp3s bad.
  10. This is a quote from someone on the Gamesradar forums and I completely agree with his point.
  11. The way we played in the first leg was one of the best perfomances I've seen in a long time.
  12. Heh, what makes me love certain RPGs more than others are their story. Story is important in RPGS and some Adventures.
  13. YESSS SEMI FINALS HERE WE COME (for the 1st time!) I got back at 4am this morning, then went to sleep and woke up at 2:30pm today. Ahahaha I feel all confused and messed up with time, but I loved last night. 8 consecutive clean sheets in the champions league :shock: Also bare in mind we played 6 hours of football against Real Madrid and Juventus, and didn't concede one goal. Superb. But my word is Turin a shit hole, depressing ugly place, and the stadium was so tacky. The seats were flat with no back rest and were quite dirty. Some Juve fans set fire to their seats at the end too. Generally Juventus are such a scabby club. Didn't stop me from having a great time though
  14. Tis a shame because he sounded so excited about Rev.
  15. OMFG thats crazy, I would say coincidance like I would for most things, but I just can't...
  16. Hm but if what makes future Zelda games different is the way you control, then they wouldn't say Twilgiht Princess is the last as we know it as it features the control scheme when used on Rev. I'm starting to think possbily he means...future Zeldas will be...first person?
  17. I'm sure it is, I've played it quite a bit with a friend and although I find it enjoyable its not really my sort of game. Something I don't like about third person shooters... then again I'm looking forward to Gears of War. Odd.
  18. What does everyone think he meant when Miyamato said 'Twilight Princess will be the last Zelda game as we know it'? I think it leads to a good possibility that Zelda Rev will be a MMORPG.
  19. Not really, Oblivion is the only title I want thats been released in the last couple of months, but then thats just me. I'll probably get Oblivion when my exams are over in June as I don't have much money right now and I'm already playing a lot of big games such as Shenmue II and Majora's Mask. I can't justify spending £40 or more on a game that I'd like but don't REALLY WANT THAT MUCH, such as GRAW,FNR3 etc. I try and just buy games I know I am going to really like are absolutely love recently, rather than buying games for the sake that they look good and are out.
  20. so....excited... Gotta get up at 4am however:shakehead Therefore early night for me.
  21. Even if they are pretty much exactly the same game I'm still buying both, just for the feeling to have them.
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