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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. They're really starting to copy Nintendo aren't they Making a Virtual Console too.
  2. I still doubt that'll help them much in Japan. Is anyone else here looking forward to N3?
  3. http://www.avault.com/news/displaynews.asp?story=4122006-16155 never saw that one coming! Er...I've always thought a monthly pay for all the big MMOs like world of Warcraft is demanding, but who the hell is going to pay monthly for this? The console hasn't been confirmed yet but its most likely for 360/PC
  4. Yeah and we all trust 'insider' don't we! ...........
  5. Wow...just wow. That part on the roof was so beautiful and incredible, it was really moving. When I saw Lan Di I actually went all weird inside, such a strange feeling having oh not seen him since that very first cutscene at the beginning of the whole Adventure. The fight with Dou Nui was hard, I kept beating him but messing up on the interactive cutscene after That last part of Disc 3 has left such an impact on me. Outstanding.
  6. Shame. i'm sure they'll be back though.
  7. Mario Party 4 is the only MP I have, I've had some great multiplayer times with it in the past, everyone loves the a pressing games. Its one of the only games I've got my sister to play before, along with Donkey Konga.
  8. Ok this is odd. When I load up Counter Strike Source theres the menu and 'loading' and then it just closes itself and I get an error, saying "memory could not be read." Eh?
  9. Lazy performance, we no longer have the 4th place position in our hands. Bleehghhh
  10. Stocka


    My PC was going crazy at the time and I got in a massive panic, not only that but I was in a rush as I was going somewhere. lol
  11. And remember the other BIG similarity with Majora's Mask
  12. True[and I really like AC's music] It lacks something though. What I find really interesting is the fact that you don't use weapons, but 'objects around you.'
  13. Well people are saying that the Wi-Fi news from the Shonen Jump scan might be referring to just local wireless play rather than actually online play. We shall see though.
  14. Two noobish questions 1. How does dust form and why? 2. What does RRP stand for? [i know it means standard retail price or something...]
  15. Stocka


    Yeah, although my first 3 times I tried it was going to restore than ! the PC turned itself off [like it has been doing for a while, blue screen of death etc.]
  16. Oooh the excitement. Sadness sounds VERY interesting. Any chances of seeing 'Orb' too?
  17. Stocka


    :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
  18. Okay, I've had lots of trouble with spyware and stuff today [don't have time to go in to details] and so I need to do a System Restore. HOWEVER when I go onto Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools the 'System Restore' option doesn't have the correct logo next to it, and in properties it says 'this is not a valid shortcut' ..When I click it nothing happens HELP!
  19. Yeah, but once they all started going you knew they'd be back.
  20. Raine is the sex. I'd like to of been Genis there And yeah I'd love a ToSII, with in game graphics like the cutscenes in tos like I said earlier in this thread. That would be superb! I'd find it more impressive graphically than realistic looking next gen games .
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