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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Theres no way Nintendo would put it on all their official sites as a joke. I can see it now, the GBA successor is called.... .... . .... The Nintendo Pu
  2. It is beginning to grow actually. Anyone else agree that video is great?
  3. CRAZY :shock: I don't know what to say
  4. Bah my french oral is on the morning of the 9th. Not that bad though really, as it could of been on the 10th and that would be hell as i'd have to be revising the nigh before woooooooooooooooo can't waitio
  5. It was a bit dull but now its ace. Boxing is going superb, my career plans are a lot more clearer and I've nearly finished school for good! [Well, A Levels next year] And a lovely long summer awaits. Arsenal have got to the champions league final(which i'm going to! ) and E3 is just around the corner!!! My love life isn't that busy right now but I'm not too worried yet, theres quite a few girls that I'm confident with. But yeah, my boxing and training going well always puts me in a fantastic mood.
  6. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG WE'RE GOING TO THE FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHAMPIONS LEAGUE :shock: We're the famous arsenal and we're going to Paris....PARISSSSSSS PARISSS!!!!! Mum will be pissed, 2 days off school just before my GCSEs:heh: Jens...what can I say. Rest of the team...did you ever actually turn on? Ah well we're through and thats what matters. i'm shocked.
  7. lol its the same camera, I must of just badly sized it down.
  9. Dammit I need a jacket like Ryo's I have an ace idea.
  10. Is football a wonderful thing? Yes. Is fifa a wonderful thing? No. Sorted
  11. I heard that the demo is for America only. Bloody hope not Apparently theres going to be demos on the marketplace all through E3! Lets just hope it includes Europe.
  12. It simply has to be made. It would be a crime for it not to.
  13. Oops just realised I spelt the title must instead of most. Could a mod of this board please edit it?
  14. I love the Africany music in Thorntail Hollow :awesome:
  15. Q4 Europe no doubt..if ever. ..Nah being positive its bound to get released what with Rev being backwards compatible.
  16. The only way I'd get myself a PS3 would be for sequels of my favourite games other than Zelda were to come out exclusively on it. [shenmue III + Skies of Arcadia II]
  17. Don't be an ass m_fergy, this is a forum based on the REVOLUTION, so there is a board for discussion of it. This is a board called OTHER CONSOLES for consoles other than the Rev [duh] Jesus christ.
  18. The number of famitsu readers that voted for it.
  19. Glad to see so many agree that Starfox Adventures is underrated. I think its an awesome adventure, and the graphics and music are top class too.
  20. They won't reveal any biggies in the lineup anyway, they'll keep them for a suprise at E3. I'm looking at you Shenmue III AND Skies of Arcadia II! Oh and go easy on the caps, I edited the title because theres no need for them.
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