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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. For those that have done GCSEs, which exam would you say you found the most difficult? I know everyone finds different things easier/harder than others but I'm asking because I'm just generally interested.
  2. Very nice art there! Ganondorf won't look exactly like he does in that picture though as its not official TP art and afterall Link looks nothing like how he does in the game.
  3. First photos of E3 booths getting set up. If only we could open those crates
  4. I'm going tommorow ...excitement but..also sadness. There's going to be like a party in the stadium I hear.
  5. Been revising for my French oral a bit, learnt the roleplays all perfectly fine except for one thing that is probably obvious but I couldn't think of how to say it. "Ask what time you should meet" If someone could tell me how to say it, please do as it would save me lots of time.
  6. ahahahaha. I hope Fabregas has won young player of the year award...
  7. My grandma's dog when he was a puppy.
  8. Stocka


    Added new pics to the first page, that bottom one with the umbrella is rather odd.
  9. I don't even need a reason to lock this [locked]
  10. Nintendo of Japan spokesperson says they are not done with Cube yet Japanese gaming publication Nintendo Dream talk to Nintendo of Japan spokesperson Mitsuaki Hagishima about life left in the GameCube. The summary excerpt reads… http://gonintendo.com/?p=2439 So there's more to look forward to other than Zelda and Baten Kaitos II? Superb. Hmm whats everyones predictions? I hope for PAPER MARIO 3!!!
  11. That really was a great game, really fast paced with tons of chances at each end. Reyes pleasantly suprised me at the end, that second goal was a quality finish, hopefully that'll give him the confidence boost he needs.
  12. Stocka


    I hate that logo
  13. Yeah, but I have 3 exams on the first two days and then I have an 11 day gap till my next lot, so its not all so bad.
  14. Stocka


    Updated first page with those strange screens Nibris have released.
  15. Thanks and everything but please use the main thread for the game http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5946 I can understand you probably didn't see it as it was on the 2nd page, but in that case lets keep it up bumped whenever new info or screens are released. [locked]
  16. I'm sure Lite will be out in Europe June/July for the summer. As hyped as I am about E3 I can't look forward to the Nintendo conference yet as my GCSE French oral exam is that morning and don't want it to come around too soon But once i've done that the rest of the day I'll be so hyped for the evening
  17. Lets hope the team play better tonight than that dreaful performance in the second half on monday.
  18. Okay many people here are doing their GCSEs very soon (like me) so I thought it would be a good idea for us to have a place to gather and help each other out, request help and generally discuss the whole situation. But please, for those of you doing SATs/A Levels/Uni exams please don't discuss them in here, but rather somewhere else (preferably a seperate thread) So to start us off, has anyone else got their language orals next week? My french oral is on tuesday morning at 9am, which is lucky as had it been wednesday morning I wouldn't be able to revise the night before because of the Nintendo conference I wouldn't say I'm too nervous for it (yet) as the moch went fine, I just know I'll need to revise quite a bit on Monday as there's so much I've forgotten.
  19. Agree with Jordan, this guy is a Will Smith clone. Congratulations
  20. I love Castaway, found it very emotional not only at the wilson part but also at the end where he's at the crossroads and doesn't know which direction to take for his life. I must get that on DVD to sit on my shelf alongside my other favourites
  21. I've always liked Nintendo Phoenix To emphasise Nintendo rising from the ashes.
  22. There's no way thats a Rev screen. Surely...
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