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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. If it wasn't for the Revolution I could see the population of gamers decreasing dramatically. Because of it though, it will most likely increase, and with all the new possiblities gaming can only grow.
  2. It was a long time ago. Trust me they said it, or at least something along the lines.
  3. Isn't the PS3 conference 3am[uK time] tonight? As its aleady the 15th in Japan.
  4. Nintendo said that this secret feature is more revolutionary than the controller.
  5. The FNR3 demo isn't live compatible.
  6. To add to the flaming of Sony I heard that one of the developers of Heavenly Sword said he 'absolutely hates' developing for the PS3 and is thinking of quiting. In fact I've heard many reports from developers how Xbox 360 is so much easier to develop for than PS3. Also about being able to download PS2 games, that will either be impossible to do well on PS3 or impossible to do at all.
  7. Well Fight Night Round 3 is in the list and that was released the same day Gamespot have given The Outfit a 'fair' 6.7. Judging from what I played sounds about right. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/theoutfit/review.html?sid=6145879
  8. Top 10 Xbox Live games this week: 1. Halo 2 2. Call of Duty 2 3. EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 4. Perfect Dark Zero 5. Dead or Alive 4 6. Project Gotham Racing 3 7. Need for Speed Most Wanted 8. The Outfit Demo 9. Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 10. Madden NFL 06 I personally got very bored of the demo after less than 10 minutes, but each to their own. I'll try and get this top 10 list for each week posted up in this thread weekly if you want
  9. Umm...no.. Untold Legends 2(PSP) This is PS3 all right.
  10. iriver H320 20GB Love it, although i've heard its been discontinued in favour of this: Don't know why
  11. 3rd secret revealed at GDC... ...Games shown and playable at E3 Makes sense, but it probably won't happen.
  12. Damm I'm hungry now, those hats look so tasty. Have a good birthday
  13. BEHOLD THE MIGHTY POWER OF TEH PS3 :laughing: Bu...bu..teh cELL! ..lmao TCHBO
  14. I'm not saying its terrible, but it lacks that Zelda magic completely. I'd rather that isn't the final one but we'll have to wait and see.
  15. Yeah, I think theres a decent chance something might actually happen. The Rev's final secret revealed at GDC and then games revealed and playable at E3....It would make sense wouldn't it
  16. Ah okay, bit obvious really Looks like I'll be using the play & charge kit I bought the other day for the first time:)
  17. 2 new videos up at IGN http://media.cube.ign.com/media/772/772298/vids_1.html I've decided however that I'm not going to watch any more gameplay footage of the game, as I enjoy games more when I haven't seen too much of them, especially RPGs.
  18. So I was playing like normal and the 4 lights of the xbox guide button on the controller were flashing ....?
  19. Just to let everyone know I have updated the first post with lots of general information about Xbox 360, mainly for people who are interested in buying the console but don't know much about it. I have included a link to the GFAQs release list, as it covers releases for Japan, US and Europe and is pretty accurate.
  20. Theres no need for a seperate thread for this. Please post it in the official Xbox 360 thread. [locked]
  21. Completed PDZ last night(agent) Last boss was unbelieveable easy
  22. As much as I want GRAW I just don't have the money for it and there are so many other things I plan to buy I can't see me getting it any time soon. After not playing for around a month I finally got around to playing and completing Perfect Dark Zero this evening. I hated most of the missions but I loved mission 12 on the bridge, that was immense! The graphics on that mission are beautiful too, with all that detail and lighting on the mountains and cliffs around you. But bloody hell was that last boss easy. I know it was on agent difficulty but still...it was easier than most of the stuff in the early missions. Next week I'm getting a new internet line so the problems I have with my Xbox Live now will be gone (NAT settings stopping me from playing with friends) so I'll finally be able to play with some of you lot PS: Does anyone know when the Kameo Co-Op is coming?
  23. Its a great idea but to make it better the characters could be less pixelated and the whole thing generally a higher resolution. 6/10 Also, perhaps it would look better with a black rather than white, if you could find the blue version of the Nintendo logo with the black background.
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