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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Well they are interested in Revolution actually
  2. More like miss out any question to do with Revolution. I submitted a question asking him what he meant when he said "Twilight Princess will be the last Zelda game as we know it"
  3. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/694/694274p1.html Wow didn't expect that! Am I right in saying this is the first 360 game to of got an AAA rating from IGN? Also Burnout Revenge got an impressive 8.9 http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/693/693926p1.html And 8.8 from Gamespot http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/driving/burnoutrevenge/review.html?sid=6145478
  4. Yeah, its true, I mean they shouldn't of really messed with the Metroid franchise either, making Metroid Pinball. I'm not saying it is a bad game as I haven't played it and i'm sure it is good fun but I think games like this ruin the respect and reputation of such big franchises. If Nintendo was to go and make Zelda Football I'd be sickened.
  5. Same here. With all the praising it seems to be getting here though I'm kind of tempted to get it, as I always wanted it a lot in the first place. So everyone, is it worth it without the multiplayer? How does it compare to the big three?(SoAL,ToS,BK) I'm interested in getting it so let me know..
  6. So looks like The Outfit demo wasn't released this weekend like planned, and GRAW demo was planned for thursday... Hopefully we'll see both on the marketplace this week I really want to try out Advanced Warfighter
  7. I saw Kingdom of Heaven last night. I love these kind of films so I was bound to like it, but it didn't live up to my expectations and it lacks something. Quite a big something. Also I can't remember Orlando Bloom smiling once throughout the whole film, I think hes a dull actor personally. The film wasn't bad, it was enjoyable and I recommend watching if you like films like Troy, Gladiator etc. but it lacked magic and emotion. The part at the children's birthday party really freaked me out. I personally find Hotfd more epic than Hero. Perhaps its because Hero is quite short.
  8. Definately buy it, don't be put off the battle system is class. And yeah theres lots of twists, I don't know how to compare the stories of the 3 really but its unique, get it And yeah its pretty long, around 40-50 hours I think
  9. Sounding sweet isn't it And some places claim its a confirmed launch title.
  10. Too damm right I and many others have doubts over how the film will turn out but whatever happens I CAN'T WAIT to see it. Ever since I finished watching Rocky V I've always dreamed for another one some day. I hope there's more amazing inspirational music! Afterall the series have inspired my life more than any other. December :awesome:
  11. This is a pointless thread. If new GC games are announced or theres new information on them they will be discussed in their own threads. Sarka do the right thing and lock this.
  12. I'm in my final GCSE year and I have found most coursework okay, but the most irritating have been English and Graphics. I remember waking up on the sunday morning knowing I had to do a 2000 word Shakespear essay with the deadline being the monday. What a horrible feeling that is. Once its done though it makes you feel so relieved to of got it out the way.
  13. Heh I'd much rather buy a table tennis game on Revolution thank you very much.
  14. Hell yes Fantastia is incredible. I remember I use to watch it over and over when I was young, and when the scary bit came on near the end of it I always use to get really scared and couldn't look lol :wink: I love that tune so much with the mushrooms dancing... du, du-du ..du du du du du du-du
  15. Its here! .... http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/693/693369p1.html .. lmao
  16. If its Shenmue III I'm going to explode. I doubt it will be though.
  17. The Lion King without a shadow of a doubt. And not only that but its in my top 5 favourite films ever overall. Very emotional an unique. The music is class. Heck the music is some of the most beautifull music there is. Circle of Life, I just can't wait to be King, He Lives in You, We Are One(LK2), Be prepared....they're all great. The 2nd(Simba's Pride) is good also but not as great. Has anyone seen the Lion King theatre production in london? I saw it last July, technically fantastic but it just didn't have the magic of the film. And I think The Emperor's New Groove is SO overrated. Has to be my least enjoyed Disney film I've watched.
  18. http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/news_010306_correction.html What a great way to start a new mag I mean fair enough if they were just trying to create hype if they were an unofficial magazi...but they are the OFFICIAL Nintendo Magazine ffs, and claim to have 'exclusive info'.
  19. :shock: oh my this is the most amazed I've been by water effects yet next gen. Take a look at the water in Far Cry Instincts Predator on the 360 compared to PC ! http://www.eurogamer.net/tv_video.php?playlist_id=118&s=l Holy shit that looks just like the real thing.
  20. Thats like a whole year old! I remember watching that...like last spring.
  21. Do the right thing and from now on buy all your games from http://www.gameplay.co.uk Cheaper.Faster.Easier. When you pre order games there you often get the day before release too. Since I used them once I've never used anyone else.
  22. Obviously it can depend on circumstances but generally for me: Summer>Winter>Autumn>Spring I LOVE summer for so many reasons. Sun, massive holiday from school/work, beaches, my birthday, usually go abroad, sunny evenings, etc. I could go on for ages. Without it winter would be hell but because of christmas its usually an exciting time of year. Snow meh, I like it but only for a couple of days. Only thing I really hate about spring(especially this one,GCSEs) is revising,exams etc. but once i am no longer at school I'll appreciate spring a lot more. Autumn is pretty dull what with going back to school and christmas quite a way away but at least theres stuff to look forward to.
  23. I have an iRiver H320 20GB so this isn't a request for a recommendation for a primary mp3 player but I am considering buying an mp3 watch for when I go running and does anyone here have any recommendations?
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