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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I heard the english voices on the Xbox version feel rushed and are generally poor... Of course.
  2. Moore and Phillips make a nice couple up front don't they. Great finishes. Thank god we got our three points today, good sign that Adebayor scored on his debut too. And it just shows how much better Newcastle are playing without Souness there. He must of been putting them under a lot of pressure.
  3. Wow! Is all I have to say for my first impressions, just like the original. Its incredible how HUGE the area is, the whole atmosphere feels so new and exciting. Oh yes, the music is class too. At first I was worried I wouldn't get on with the japanese voice acting and english subtitles, but now i'm so used to it and in a way it feels perfect. It really does feel like you are in a totally different country and culture because of this. Its really unique...and i'm so excited about what lies ahead :awesome:
  4. I think the recent models have been pretty good, but as nice as these look, the problem is with more and more models its irritating to realise quickly whether someone is T or CT when playing. I'm sure some of you will know what I mean. Oh and I've moved this to Tech/PC talk as thats the place for discussion of PC games.
  5. Certainly have, came today. Going to start it later after dinner tonight
  6. Ineresting art, looks promising. Most likely legit. Its great to see that many small developers are creating games for Revolution, and I can see that being the case a lot once its out.
  7. Sol Campbell has lost it since the time he had out after his father died. He wasn't focused at all last night and cost us the first two goals, especially the first. Although we have been poor a lot this season I think we've generally been a bit unlucky recently with so many defenders out. Boy have we missed Ashley Cole, and since Toure's been gone in the African Nations we've lost 4 games straight. Its one thing Cole being out, but having the perfect replacement getting injured as well[Clichy] was a real kick in the teeth. Lauren looks like he could be out for a month or so, and he is easily our most consistent player. Eboue being at African Nations hasn't helped either. I'm not saying that we can blame all our poor results recently on this as we've only done it to ourselves but you have to admit we've been a bit unlucky. And wow, all the big teams lost points this week. Arsenal, Man Utd, Tottenham all lost and Chelsea and Liverpool drawing. Very unusual but its good to have a change (although I don't enjoy us losing obviously).
  8. A few ok looking games in a month isn't exactly madness.
  9. Woo I finally got it on eBay(Shenmue II), ended up getting it for £31.71, used (but good condition) and buy it now. I'm worried though, are those scratches on the second disc case or is it seal. Looks more like the first to me. Ah well its not too bad..
  10. Well I'm trying to get it exactly these last few days (SII Dreamcast) and its going for over £35...second hand. I am trying to get it for no more than £30, but it doesn't look very likely. Earlier I had a bid for £30 and I got outbid by someone by around £42. Crazy.
  11. If you want Shenmue II get it on Dreamcast.
  12. Argh how annoying, I'm currently playing through both Perfect Dark Zero and Halo:CE, and the aiming is totally different.Like most of you know On PD0 up is up and down is down, and on Halo up is down and down up(I'm sure you already know...but for those who don't). Its so hard to adapt to PD0 after Halo.
  13. Video footage! http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ngc/gk4j/movie/index.html I haven't seen yet as its taking a while to download...
  14. McBacon! Is that you?! Long time no see old friend. You amazed us all at CE with your fantastic game collection. Shame you never came on to join here but looks like you got round to it
  15. Good luck getting it Pedro. You don't need me to explain how much I love it surely? It would take me too long:heh: Anyone here without Skies of Arcadia buy it ASAP!
  16. June in Japan doesn't seem impossible... ...and more titles than PS3? Third Party is looking promising, even if its only early days.
  17. I believe we will! Oh wait.... I got the word believe mixed up with the word hope.
  18. I don't mind waiting till after summer for it, as long as it means it will be an even better game. I predict late september.
  19. I think RPGs are getting released in Europe a lot more often recently, they are starting to realise how much we appreciation them. Baten Kaitos II bloody get a European release though, I doubt they'd release the first but not the second.
  20. http://gonintendo.com/?p=660 Intriguing, must be something pretty big, BigTac says there's likely to be stuff talked about/revealed at D.I.C.E. ...Ow shite, I leave to go on holiday that morning.
  21. Yar:hmm: I have always wanted it but never got round to getting it. I look forward to getting it though, will probably get both around the summer.
  22. Check it out now!!!!! Thanks to our wonderful admin Ashley for making it for me
  23. I hate all the moaning about Sunshine, I think its fantastic. It might not be as revolutionary as SM64 but I think its some of the most fun I've ever had playing videogames. I love the freedom.
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