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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Had my first crossfit class after my son was born - so 7 weeks with next to little exercise and then bam! The class consisted of deadlift and three small workouts. The deadlifting was 7-7-6-5-4 and got up to 114 (could probably have taken a bit more but stopped there). I think that's quite alright after such a break. The workout was evil cardio with kettlebells. It was a perfect start for me as it wasn't heavy and mainly attacked the lungs. I hope to be able to go twice a week in the future and then do some running every week as well.
  2. New trailer for PS4-version Can't remember if it makes sense to bring this trailer to a Nintendo-forum. But here you are anyways.
  3. Yeah, I died there as well... Is it possible, once you have completed the game, to replay certain levels, or do you have to go through all the others to play specific levels? I'd like to try each level out some more but can't be bothered to play through all of them again and again to reach it.
  4. I read that it's still a bit slow despite being only 8 episodes, is that true? I'm trying to convince my wife that we should watch it but a bit afraid that she'll dislike it. None of us enjoyed JJ.
  5. Website got updated as well with the following: So basically a "new" story and some more Z-moves. I surely hope they bring more new to the table than this. I think I'll just wait for Pokémon Switch instead.
  6. So you just get an empty box to put on your shelf? Great...
  7. Where do you guys go since you are afraid of spoilers? In every forum I attend, there is a sort of code and spoiling GoT would violate everything. It's just bad and nobody wins doing it.
  8. This is true, just got it for that price. I'm not a massive Sonic fan so this price is far better for trying out this game.
  9. Well, f*ck me sideways, I thought we had 8 episodes this season and 7 next! Damnation! Otherwise, completely agree with your observations.
  10. Finished reading Injustice: Complete Year One and quite liked it, will definitely continue reading that series but I'll wait for the complete edition before picking them up. One thing, though. The art style differed quite a lot between the issues and some of them were not appealing to me - too cartoony in some way. Also some of the characters suddenly wore other outfits or had different hairstyles or even colours which was a bit weird overall. Oh, forgot, there was also one issue with continuity at some point. Recently I also read Final Crisis. That was a mess, utterly confusing. Had to read the story on Wikipedia half-way through because it made no sense at all. It's a shame, really, because the overall plot and story was actually interesting.
  11. That is not even inspired by Smash, it's a direct clone. Funny they can get away with that but hey, may pick it up if it's decent. Hopefully they get more characters in time because 9 are too few.
  12. New game mode revealed:
  13. Is it also coming to Europe?
  14. On Wii U, I think you were able to use Wiimotes or something. That's not possible on Switch?
  15. Severed has been released today on Switch eShop, €14.99 / £13.49. Quite the surprise. In other news, Axiom Verge is out on October 17th.
  16. ^True, there is another Stark but he died so long ago that he's forgotten.
  17. What a season so far!
  18. Have any of you seen Casual? I just finished the third season and I still think this is a very good show. The humour is quite alright but more importantly, the characters are likeable to a large extend, and the pacing is nice.
  19. For the first time in 9 years, I guess, I just went through a period of 4 weeks without any other exercising than walking up the stairs for five stories once or twice a day. See, I got a son on July 7th and was admitted to the hospital afterwards because he wasn't quite well. So I had neither the energy nor the time for exercising, unfortunately. Now we are home, and he is well, so I went for a run yesterday. Did 3.3 km in 14,5 minutes, not bad for a first run in ages. Now to figure out how to add a child into the life balance...
  20. Just finished Cave Story+ (second ending at least, don't wanna try to go through Hell at the moment!). Really, really good game but geez, the price is steep! That's about the only negative point I have, though. Also some save points are a little too far behind the hard points - I hate doing the same stuff over and over so that frustrated me. My playthrough took just about 7.5 hours and was my first time.
  21. MindFreak


    There is finally a release date now. November 17th in Europe.
  22. I love dead baby jokes. They are objectively funny. Like, what's the difference between a pizza and a baby? The pizza wasn't alive when it was put in the oven. I usually don't get offended by that kind of stuff. However, if people are wrong about something, I tend to get a bit upset and may use a harsher tone of voice when explaining that they are wrong. It's not that I'm angry, I just want them to understand.
  23. I finished Oceanhorn the other day. I had a very, very average experience with it all in all, the puzzles were boring and samey and the combat lackluster but I liked exploring the world and finding stuff. I had a few weird experiences where I fell down a place I couldn't get out of or where I could swim in one direction but not back again and other errors in the game. However, did I miss something along the way? I had NO CLUE how to defeat the final boss so I looked it up and saw that you had to use a specific item at a specific time. Was that ever explained? Overall, I think I'd recommend the game to children not very experienced with adventure-games. I think they would enjoy it more than someone like me - a Zelda veteran. I also bought Snake Pass at a discount the other day. Looking forward to trying that out. But first! BotW Master Trials!
  24. Managed a 82 kg full squat clean today. I've done some power cleans that are heavier previously but this is my heaviest full squat clean ever. The form was quite good but apparently I have a bad habit of stopping a bit in my movement just above the knees when doing full cleans which is a bit weird. Effectively, I could just as well do hang cleans instead.
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