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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. 0401-9926-5412
  2. You know full well that the handles would get covered up much more than a Joycon, stop being obtuse. You might as well just use a normal Pro Controller for all the difference those colours would make.
  3. @Dcubed will do it, thanks to his ethernet connection. He'll be in as well.
  4. Weird timing that, I remember talking about how good Skyward Sword's dungeon design is in the BOTW thread. Especially Sky Keep, that's an inspired dungeon. The only time I enjoyed a sliding panel puzzle.
  5. Creepy, reminds me of when I played through EarthBound last year. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse
  6. ...Ah... Now, I assure you, I've got a very good explanation for this. And it'll no doubt clear everything up. That must have happened...
  7. That's a hilarious post to find on a fresh page where the context is all on the previous page. @Hero\-of\-Time, missed opportunity there. Nothing against Spaceballs, but this is what came to mind.
  8. As someone who posts artwork on DeviantArt, I can assure you from first-hand experience that they've unleashed the apocalypse.
  9. Yes, I'm sure it looks sleek when you're holding it, with your hands covering the handles. Slick.
  10. I'm not exactly sure why they didn't go the whole hog, and make it half pink, half Green. The grey in the middle of that just makes it look like a mess.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't one of the more common complaints about WiiU's third party support was that it mostly consisted of ports? Because if so, this is reaching dangerously close to a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation. When has that ever been said?
  12. YES! Put me on that "Always in" shiz!
  13. No problem, happy to help!
  14. It looks like you're pressing L + R on both joycons, which registers it as one controller. Have you tried pressing SL + SR on a single joycon instead?
  15. Have you tried selecting "Change Grip/order" on the controller menu on the home screen?
  16. Damn, you're right... It seems in the two weeks since I stumbled across that, someone at Google was doing their job. Now I look silly. That'll teach me for not making sure of something before posting. I'd apologise, but what for? Not providing you with naughty pictures?
  17. I think this video assassinated my childhood. I mean, hearing one of them telling him to shoot someone "Between the eyes" is a turning point in my life. Well, other than googling "Dragonite" on Google Images and expecting the first 5 pictures to be safe. Don't, trust me.
  18. The next bunch of Mega Stones are being distributed through Mystery Gift. This time, Pidgeotite and Steelixite, which were given to Contest entrants a while back, are being given out. Alongside those, Heracronite and Houndoominite are also available, these are new to Sun and Moon, so get on that. The code is AZUL.
  19. My god, that's a mental price! Methinks I'll be double dipping on that.
  20. What!? That's one of my favourite things about this game! I think I'm going to have to kick you, like, really super hard. I'd be up for some online games over the weekend as well.
  21. Hey, don't diss the markers. That's my favourite style of drawing on Art Academy. He does look completely different compared to everyone else. It's really jarring, having a comic book style in a Fire Emblem game. If it was a superhero game, it would fit in better.
  22. I'm glad someone mentioned that. It truly is disgusting. Poor Eliwood. Some of the artwork in this game is really nice, and then 5 minutes later, you could find something that cancels out all that nice. Guess it can't be helped when all sorts of different people do art for loads of characters. No consistency.
  23. There are times where you can just have the worst luck in a battle. 56YG-WWWW-WWW6-S88C Anyway, anyone want a Shiny Psyduck? I've got a bloody third one now and there's not much point to me keeping it.
  24. Ehhh... I'm up to 200cc Banana Cup and I've not lost a single GP. The only times I didn't get a 3-Star ranking was Mirror Triforce Cup (Got hit with 2 Blue Shells and a Lightning Bolt on the second-to-last corner, Still came 2nd in that race) and 200cc Special Cup (Inward Drift vehicles struggle on Rainbow Road) 2 items make this whole thing absolute cake, Nothing short of a Lightning Bolt even remotely worries me. The AI is just as aggressive as the WiiU version, the players have just been given a massive advantage, because CPU's don't hoard items. It's a shame really, all the nice new features this game has are soured because of that one aspect.
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