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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. On 21/12/2018 at 11:10 PM, BowserBasher said:

    Hope to get a new Apple Watch as I’m still using my series 0. 

    I knew you'd do some kind of Fresh Gif, @S.C.G

    Wait... YOU'RE NOT S.C.G!

    Also, thanks @Animal for teaching me that the Beast's name is Dazz. Good to know.

    Anyway, I literally know nothing about my upcoming gifts. Except that @Dcubed has probably got me another gift along the impeccable quality of "Imagine: Girl Band" on the DS.

    • Haha 2
    • Weird 1

  2. For me, Smash Bros saved a pretty crappy year for me. But then again, any Smash saves any year for me really.

    Apart from that, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate was my main game. Wouldn't nearly have played it as much if it wasn't for N-Europe Peeps, but still.

    I've only dipped my toe into Monster Boy, but it's already looking great, I'm looking forward to digging into that soon.

    Biggest disappointment for me was easily Pokémon Let's Go. Everything I dislike about Pokémon games these days without any of the redeeming qualities that would otherwise allow me to overlook it. It all came together to become an unbalanced mess that even this 19 year long Pokémon fan won't pony up for.

    • Thanks 2

  3. 14 hours ago, markderoos said:

    99.83% after 

      end game spoiler (Hide contents)

    beating galeem x dharkon and both seperate. All zones have a star next to them and no spirit to be found. What I saw in my save file overview is that I saved 73 fighters. Is that because Kirby doesn’t hve to be saved or did I miss one maybe? There’s no way to find out what I missed and that makes it really frustrating 😓



    Kirby doesn't count. It's a spirit you're missing.

    If you've done all the sub areas. Then there's only 3 places it could possibly be.

    You're gonna have to check the Light Realm, the Dark Realm and the final area. You can use the Right stick to look around the map, so just give everything a comb over, you'll find it eventually.


    • Thanks 1

  4. On 21/12/2018 at 8:20 AM, MindFreak said:

    It could very well be that a sequal would not have Mario characters in it. That probably wouldn't really provide a new experience. A Zelda + Rabbids would be fun to see, perhaps a Fire Emblem + Rabbids? Or well.. StarFox + Rabbids! Or.. even F-Zero + Rabbids!

    You think Ubisoft are gonna wanna touch StarFox ever again?

    And F-Zero is a way to make it bomb harder than Starling!

  5. There we go. Classic 9.9 done. Did it with Pikachu of all characters. My 8th attempt in total. WiiU 9.0 laughs in the face of the difficulty of Ultimate.

    I attempted it with Fox before hand which only served to remind me how much I suck with Fox. I used 2 continues! That's a new low for me.

    I recently noticed that you can stop Fox's Side B dead by blocking, which plonks him right in front of you for a free hit.

    I can't see Fox being that good in the near future. That's what he gets for ruining Melee's balance.

    Anyway, still gonna try to 9.9 as many characters as possible. Not Fox though, he ain't got a hope in hell.

    • Like 2

  6. 10 hours ago, markderoos said:

    I’ve finished World of Light with a percentage of 99,something% Have no idea what I’ve missed... 🤔


    I bet it's the 2 alternative endings you're missing. They count towards percentage.

    If you want more of a blatant hint...


    Fight either Galeem or Darkhon by themselves in the last area. Don't fight them at the same time and get the true ending.

    There's one for beating each of them on their own.


    Anyway, I've started tackling Classic 9.9. Struggling a bit. Although, to be fair, the 4 characters I attempted it with (Mario, DK, Link and Samus) have some pretty difficult routes. I was close with Link but got caught in Ganon's Death Tornado right at the edge of the screen and got killed at 50%... Was not happy about that. Especially since Ganon was almost dead.

    @GenericAperson I've not actually got any 4 star spirits trained up... Mostly because I'm aiming to get every spirit to LV 99. I'm at my 3 stars now.

    I also keep swapping spirits to match the series a character is from. I can't help myself! It just feels right.

    There's a great 3 star Nightmare (from Metroid) one that steals health whenever you land a physical hit. Works well with Ridley.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 9 hours ago, Mokong said:

    Of the 74 playable characters in the game do the 3 types of Mii Fighters count individually or just a one?

    Individual, definitely. They all have different movesets and playstyles.

    They're even separate characters to unlock in WoL.

    On a related note, it really bugs me that the Miis don't get a classic route. I mean, how hard can it be to put together 6 fights revolving around Fists, Swords and Guns? And then have it end with a powered up fight against fellow customisable avatars, Robin and Corrin.

    6 hours ago, GenericAperson said:


      World of Light progress (Hide contents)

    Well, I've managed to beat Master Hand and Galeem... and finally unlocked my main Ike. Immediately switched over to it but the area I'm in is a quiz like structure and it's quizzing me on some games I've never played. I guess for the Chrom's sister one but I really don't know which of the four options helped Alucard defeat Dracula in Castlevania...



    You're not punished for getting it wrong and seeing as there's a challenge for winning every fight, you might as well just beat them all up.


  8. Well, it's that time of year. Time for the meaningless award ceremony! And there's two more I came up with! First up is...

    The Perfect Attendance Award

    This goes to the awesome person who managed an attendance rating of 100% throughout the entire year. That's all 140 GP's! Even if the sword of everlasting disconnection (trademarked) did it's best to smite them down.

    @S.C.G is the sole winner of this one. And I've gone all out with your reward. I used an actual template to make a certificate from scratch this year. Is there no expense I won't burden!?


    That took me 10 minutes. You're welcome.

    Honourable mentions go to @RedShell, @viceview51 and @martinist who all got higher than 90% attendance.

    Next up is...

    The Blue Shell Award


    This one goes to the person who got the most 2nd place GP placings. Because dealing with that particular winged monster is just not worth the stress...
    Congratulations to @RedShell for a decisive victory in this aspect. Like, it wasn't even close.
    That said, @martinist and @Glen-i clinched 2nd and 3rd most, respectively.

    The PWMNBD Award


    The PWMNBD (Person Who Made No Bloody Difference) celebrates the person who is most likely to enter a League night and make no difference to their average what-so-ever. Such stability is commendable, even if it doesn't help them win...

    @BowserBasher is the winner of this one. 10 separate occasions where he pulled this off.

    @S.C.G and @viceview51 both got 6.

    The Ultimate Rivalry Award


    This one goes to the two people who had the smallest point difference at the end of the year.
    This year's mortal enemies are @Vileplume2000 and @Dcubed with a 0.1 point difference. I mean, there's only one way that could have been any closer! Very stylish!

    And finally, there's...

    The Taskmaster Award


    This award goes to the person who completed the most Random Tasks. No matter how stupid they might have gotten. Seriously, your eagerness to follow instruction is bordering on worrisome.

    @RedShell wins this one. And now I know who to go to when I need something done.
    @martinist and @viceview51 did particularly well on this one as well.

    But now...


    Although, if you remember the results of the first half, 1st and 2nd probably won't be that surprising...

    3rd Place



    Total Points: 4,226

    Average: 32.5

    2nd Place



    Total Points: 5,426

    Average: 39.6

    1st Place



    Total Points: 4,619

    Average: 41.6


    What, you want me to say something again? I just did so in the last post! Give me a break!

    And that wraps up the 2018 League. I like to think it was a successful experiment. And I hope you enjoyed the new twist on the familiar.

    Massive thanks to @BowserBasher for being the room host on the majority of the nights and for once again dealing with my shenanigans. And definitely for improvising when I couldn't keep the updates going. As well as providing me with any results screenshots I need.
    Let's face it, he's one of the columns keeping this League from collapsing in on itself. And I couldn't do this without his support.

    I also want to give thanks to @RedShell for providing me with a not crap logo for this year, as well as providing some secondary support to help me out. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask if you'd able to provide a logo for 2019. Whenever you're able to, of course.

    And of course, thanks to everyone who took part. Especially those of you who qualified in at least one of the leagues. You guys rock!

    I will once again run the League for 2019. Random Tasks won't feature in the first half for sure, but we'll have to see if it makes a return.

    The 2019 League will begin on the 24th of January. I will open a new thread about a week before hand. I hope to see you there.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3

  9. 1 hour ago, Ronnie said:


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    I never even considered the game would have bad and good endings. The two bad endings were terrifying lol.



    I'm glad someone bought this up. I had to double take when I went back to see the "Dharkon wins" ending and saw a brief shot of Mario collapsing dead.
    What the hell, Sakurai!? That's not the kind of morbid end you involve bloody Mario in!

    "You screwed up! Now you've killed Mr. Video Game. Way to go!"

    I'm glad they went there though. Just for the sheer mood swing.


  10. Well here we are. End of the year. And here are the results of the 2nd half League. But first...




    Note: Obviously this doesn't include the points from Random Rush. Otherwise @S.C.G would be first with 91 points!

    But who won? How exciting! I can't wait to find out! You know, if I didn't already know because I update the League table.
    Sorry, no pastel drawings this time, don't have a lot of time at the moment.

    3rd Place



    He's 3rd, he's Scottish and he doesn't understand the concept of capitalization, but damn it if he isn't great at Mario Kart. Which is all that really matters anyway.
    @martinist got an average of 34.6 and a total of 2,247 points. He was a comfortable 2 points ahead of 4th place. He's also one of the 3 people who managed to get 10 GP wins!

    @martinist is the person most likely to talk about Mario Kart in the General Chit Chat thread. He must love the game soooooo much!

    2nd Place



    He was leading until this week, but an unfortunate performance in some races left @RedShell with an average of 40.8 but with a dizzying total of 2,897 points. His top 3 placings were consistently unmatched in this league! I mean, it was flat out weird when he didn't place there.
    Creepily enough, he got the same Top 3 percentage as 1st place.

    @RedShell is the person most likely to earn a disapproving GIF off of me.

    1st Place



    Honestly didn't think I'd pull it off this time. But I did, so there! My average was 41.2 and I had a total of 2,103 points. I also had the most GP wins (24)
    @Dcubed claims I rigged the numbers, but what does he know? He came in 8th!

    I'm the person most likely to come up with incredibly stupid ideas that you all secretly love, but would never actually admit. It's the only explanation!

    So here's the final results.




    There's still the full year results to come up. As well as the most important part, the awards that have no actual effect on the results! That will have to wait until later this afternoon though.

    • Thanks 6