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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Barring something going terribly wrong with this game, I think this'll be the one where I jump back into the series
  2. If you really saw it for £229 at Simply Games your friend should've grabbed it :p £245 now and I don't know anywhere that it's cheaper. Now is not a time to expect a discount on a current gen console unfortunately.
  3. I imagine there's in game statistics that will answer that for you. AC usually has that kind of stuff.
  4. They throw around the phrase "Netflix Original Series" a bit too liberally
  5. Sorry to hear that Rummy, how're you doing? And how'd she take it? It's funny how for a couple of weeks our relationship was very similar, then you took the leap, asked if she'd be your girlfriend, fastforward a few months, been through a bunch of things, eventually had to finish it. But me, I'm still in pretty much the same place as I was when I started, never took that step still having fun, still looking at myself in the mirror after she leaves wondering what the hell I'm doing. Maybe I don't care. Maybe even nearly 3 years after my big split I'm still not ready for something serious. Maybe I never will be. Don't think I can survive another loss like that if it didn't pan out years down the line.
  6. That doesn't really make much sense... can't see how an issue like that could just resolve itself after a short time. Even if you have a dynamic IP it should only be reassigned after a lengthy fixed period or when the router restarts. You do have an extraordinarily long list of ip addresses... you've posted from 62 IPs in 60 days, are you using tor or another proxy? I would look into the cause on your end.
  7. I don't think Pokemon Go needs to raise your excitement for Sun/Moon. It's probably made more money and put the Nintendo and Pokemon names back in more minds and more homes and more parents' wallets than any instalment in the main series has since Red/Blue. It put Nintendo's market value up nearly $8bn, in the first week. It is the single most talked about video game I have experienced in my life, which I have spent every conscious moment of as a gamer. Everyone in my office has tried it. I can spot people playing it every single time I go outside. The initial buzz will die of soon but... It has already succeeded.
  8. Been to Hong Kong a few times, it's ace so warm and humid though! I used to go from shop to shop just to stand under their air-con for a bit.
  9. Even Rotherham?
  10. @Rummy I can't seem to link to it because their site's playing up for me, but I reckon you can add it to your basket from here: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Search/searchTerm/seagate+2tb.htm It's the only £59.99 option on that page, worth saying I've never seen it at any other price. It's a revised model from the one I got (probably the same one that @Fierce_LiNk bought though?) but I it will work the same, just an aesthetic change. Edit: same price on amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Seagate-Expansion-Portable-External-Drive/dp/B00TKFEE5S/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1468412581&sr=8-2
  11. @Rummy I can't seem to link to it because their site's playing up for me, but I reckon you can add it to your basket from here: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Search/searchTerm/seagate+2tb.htm It's the only £59.99 option on that page, worth saying I've never seen it at any other price. It's a revised model from the one I got (probably the same one that @Fierce_LiNk bought though?) but I it will work the same, just an aesthetic change. Edit: same price on amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Seagate-Expansion-Portable-External-Drive/dp/B00TKFEE5S/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1468412581&sr=8-2
  12. Ah I didn't realise that. The 2tb drive I used was a samsung drive that comes in a seagate enclosure. The benefit of this is you can put the old 500GB drive back in it, reformat it and you have a 500GB usb 3 drive spare. Also it only costs £59 on argos. I'm not sure the speed difference from a hybrid drive will be worth it. If you install/download a few games you can fill up space realy quick. Even if it takes a couple of years to fill that space, do you really want to change drive again down the line? Personally I would go for the more futureproof option of more space.
  13. Ah I didn't realise that. The 2tb drive I used was a samsung drive that comes in a seagate enclosure. The benefit of this is you can put the old 500GB drive back in it, reformat it and you have a 500GB usb 3 drive spare. Also it only costs £59 on argos. I'm not sure the speed difference from a hybrid drive will be worth it. If you install/download a few games you can fill up space realy quick. Even if it takes a couple of years to fill that space, do you really want to change drive again down the line? Personally I would go for the more futureproof option of more space.
  14. Where are you finding a 1TB SSHD cheaper than a 2TB standard drive? I've heard the beep a few times for over a year, it's not a worry.
  15. Where are you finding a 1TB SSHD cheaper than a 2TB standard drive? I've heard the beep a few times for over a year, it's not a worry.
  16. I'm sure we've mentioned this before but the answer to that issue is always, always to message less.
  17. I'm sure we've mentioned this before but the answer to that issue is always, always to message less.
  18. Sorry but this is stupid. Just because the app can access your emails doesn't mean it's passing that information to the developers. Guess what, if you punch in your google account information on Outlook it can read all your Gmail emails too. Does that mean someone at Microsoft is reading them? No.
  19. Sorry but this is stupid. Just because the app can access your emails doesn't mean it's passing that information to the developers. Guess what, if you punch in your google account information on Outlook it can read all your Gmail emails too. Does that mean someone at Microsoft is reading them? No.
  20. Since we're talking hols, I've booked my place on a holiday with some friends in the south of France First holiday I've been on in 3 years!
  21. Since we're talking hols, I've booked my place on a holiday with some friends in the south of France First holiday I've been on in 3 years!
  22. Funny to hear people talking about this today at work, non-gamers around me talking about a Nintendo product. That hasn't really happened since the Wii came out.
  23. Funny to hear people talking about this today at work, non-gamers around me talking about a Nintendo product. That hasn't really happened since the Wii came out.
  24. There's a Boots logo on the back of that printout @Eddage
  25. There's a Boots logo on the back of that printout @Eddage
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