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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Only just got home but I'll be on soon. Edit: this is one of the best Destiny videos ever.
  2. I'll be on from 6.30 onwards.
  3. I'll be on too, I'd really like at least one Trials helmet.
  4. I bought Steins;Gate too. No idea why as I have so many other things I need to play first x_x
  5. Looks pretty decent, has a Black Mirror kinda vibe. Official name seems to be "Humans" though so not sure about the dramatic tracking in your thread title :p Interesting to see Jen from the IT Crowd in a much more serious role.
  6. It won't all tie in, as far as I can tell Supergirl is in a universe of its own, as is Gotham. Arrow and Flash are closely intertwined with each other as is the other new CW show. You should check them all out, and Daredevil if you're a Marvel fan and haven't caught that yet.
  7. I might not be on till about 8 Edit: still not home, closer to 8.30 sorry @Daft
  8. @Daft sorry I spoke too soon for PoE, forgot it's gym day, probably won't be free til 7.30. Happy to do something afterwards if we fly through the raid.
  9. I'll join you for HM Crota @Daft, wouldn't mind the slightly higher chance at a better helmet. I'll join for PoE, too.
  10. Damn, we were at it for hours and you just take my checkpoint and finish it off... well, got the cipher at least, just couldn't do the mines as well. What was the tactic? Edit: Drift told me. Ffs... I even suggested to Deathjam that I grab my Titan at one point, and he pointed out the high numbers Black Hammer was giving, but I didn't get round to trying it. Edit 2: Just realised you didn't say "Deathjam, Drift and I" but you were telling him. So @Deathjam I'm up for trying again, sounds easy, the tactic is WoL and 3x Black Hammer for max damage/stun lock and a couple Gjal for good luck.
  11. I'm up for it this evening, @DriftKaiser you free? Not to make you waste all your effort like, but here's all the info
  12. (Edited) This is all over the net so I can't really blame you for posting it as you did, and my adding a tag was probably fairly redundant, so apologies. Kind of a shame for them to put something like this in the headlines but maybe it's unavoidable. The more popular and well received a show is, the more sites will use spoilers for clicks.
  13. I can appreciate your opinion on PS+, even though I've had a subscription for years. Personally I don't think the games are worth it any more and wouldn't be paying for it if I didn't "have to" for Destiny and Bloodborne. I'm really annoyed that they made it "pay to play" after their stance on PS3 which their fans always lauded over compared to Xbox Live Gold, then sheepishly ignored when things changed. In an ideal world there'd be plenty of PC gamers on here, fewer console exclusives, and I could move to Steam Big Picture with a Steam controller.
  14. Wow, was it really two years ago that this was announced? Really excited for what's coming, hope it's not too far away! Here's some spiel around the new name: ~Senior Producer, Sara Jansson
  15. Yeah we know, you told us already.
  16. Why have you forsaken us Dannyboy Hope you had a great b'day Not to be confused with a bidet.
  17. Skolas is back on Solar Burn :/ still haven't actually beaten PoE 35 yet. 34 is the Hive boss. Nightfall is the new one again with Void Burn, Solar burn and Grounded.
  18. Sorry guys, after several complaints from the Wii fans, it's been determined that this game is too grey and call of duty for this forum, so we've had to close the thread. #jk #bantz #lockeditbyaccident
  19. Don't dance during crucible :p
  20. If he's on PS3 then there will still be matchmaking PvE and PvP, plus it's a solid fun shooter with fantastic controls and different classes. Definitely worth a fiver at least!
  21. Also from what I've heard memory limitations cause very annoying delays when you open your inventory.
  22. Ah man, to experience Uncharted 2 for the first time.... Epic game. It's like being inside a huge, awesome blockbuster action movie that just keeps going and going.
  23. Recovering from an all-day stag do on Saturday, I basically spent all of yesterday on Iron Banner, got all the armour and class items, but I'm still up for getting each character to rank 5 for the extra etheric light :p I'd like another go on PoE 34 if anyone's up for it, too. And Trials. Hm, may not have time for all these things. @Zell, you gonna be on this evening?
  24. As long as you don't lose more than 5 in a row you're only getting something like 20% less rep overall, not a big deal tbh. Edit: Xur has exotic chest armour engrams.
  25. Well what I meant was you can leave the area (completely, to a new named area) and come back and the mobs should respawn.
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