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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I have not been playing for two weeks, I've probably clocked in about 4-5 hours play so far. I mostly go towards a crappy objective and explore whatever I come across along the way. But it's all... find a lab/warehouse, shoot twenty enemies, use a dozen stimpacks (there's seemingly very little advantages to be had for low-armour based characters this time around, but it's how I prefer to play). Hack a computer, find a crappy gun, realise that's all there was in there and leave. Occasionally die and find for some reason that the game did not autosave on any of your last four missions, level-ups or fast-travels (even though it sometimes autosaves just because you looked at your inventory). Compared to opening Fallout 3 with Megaton, this is pretty weak stuff.... I will definitely just go straight to Diamond City now and focus on the main story for a while, see if that saves it. Dialogue options are the massive disappointment I thought they would be, prior to release.
  2. I have tried to like this game but I am finding it very boring....
  3. @Eddage @DriftKaiser @Deathjam @Agent Gibbs can you raid tomorrow? If so, with @MilaGi and @Sheikah that's a team of six right there.
  4. The thing is they shouldn't spoil the Hammerbro in PvE just because it's OP, but you know they will. Instead they could just buff GG.
  5. Yeah, Quen was the first thing I concentrated on improving, it was a must-have in the previous games and I remembered for this one.
  6. It needs a hook! It needs... rewards! It needs to be short and sweet.
  7. Yeah basically that ^ My only issue is with Captain Cold. I do not like him as a character. He's being acted waaaay too hammy (intentionally, clearly). Needs dialling back a bit.
  8. Got a 320 warlock helmet, 317 hunter helmet and 317 ghost from Iron Banner
  9. You are challenged to find and photograph things.
  10. There must be a way to utilise an existing app for BISH!
  11. There's just one service/subscription which you use to log in to either device.
  12. Must be more than just achievements, I'm assuming it's remembered the level you're up to, scores etc.. Maybe because it's a Windows Game too, it automatically saves to the cloud for cross platform play? If a deal comes up over Christmas for a bundle with Tomb Raider and Halo, I wonder if I'll be able to resist...
  13. / nando / the unmentionable has digivolved to @nekunando
  14. I never eat eggs, was not a big fan. Literally don't know what I'm doing with them except the couple of times I've fried them for someone else. That said, I recently stopped being fussy about a lot of foods and when I was visiting home a couple of weeks ago, my Mum offered to make me eggs and bacon. I channeled my inner Ron Swanson and said sure. She just microwaved them in a plastic cup... surely it can't be much easier/cheaper than that?
  15. The important question is, does a normal sized slice of bread fit all the way in or do you have to turn it around half way? Either we have giant bread in this country or there's a conspiracy out there to make all reasonably priced toasters too small.
  16. I'm not talking about bothering anybody else... I'm just suggesting that some people forget about the actual enjoyment of the game in favour of the grind/statistics. If you believe that everybody always does what's best for themselves without thinking it through, you're being a bit naive. The kid next door is stomping on his toy trucks. He doesn't even know they have wheels. In five minutes he's going to complain that the toy is broken, throw it away and then make his mum buy him another one. That isn't aimed at the individuals in this thread, as in this instance it's not like anyone's actually ruining Fallout. I'm just defending myself now as I'm somehow being accused of being the un-fun one whilst defending the notion of having fun.
  17. I know you're trying to spin it back around, "as long as you're having fun it's okay", but I think you're off the mark a bit. I see a lot of people in a rush to be at the highest light level and have the best raid gear and forgetting to have fun along the way. Cheats are frequently fun, like spawning yourself a tank and going on a godmode spree on GTA. But it's a shame if they're used as a shortcut to ticking off the "game complete" box and putting it back on your shelf.
  18. Okay, well... let us know when you've decided :p
  19. I'll be Iron Bananaing until I get two more characters to rank five, shouldn't take long on the last day. My Hunter's rank five package was underwhelming... 310 ghost.
  20. It's weird, I was engaged by this, I wanted to know what happened, I was invested into the characters so I semi-binged it 'til it was finished. And when it was finished I'm not really sure if I liked it or not. A lot of potential was squandered and a lot of scenes felt really, really bizarre. Like they needed a dozen more takes before they nailed it but they were out of time or something. The action was lacking across the board especially the jumps, which were just awkward cuts....
  21. 6 episodes in now. It's a good show, engaging, solid characters that are well acted. Tenant is very menacing. The action and stunts etc. are really holding it back though, in my opinion. Kinda surprising me after Daredevil, there's so little co-ordination in fights and they're not getting across Jessica's strength in the slightest.
  22. If you go on youtube you can just watch a video of someone completing the game, much quicker
  23. I feel you Animal. I've been pretty depressed for a while, it's very difficult to avoid slipping into bad habits. Just remember to start back up with fairly realistic goals, rather than going all out just because you're in the mood at the time, because that will burn you out. Small or steady progress is better than none
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