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Everything posted by soag

  1. jealous the line up is mostly awesome if you ignore the pop rock shit
  2. Yea its exclusive to tescos (at least thats what it says in tescos) Don't care if its good to not I just had to have it :p
  3. that walking dead has started back on FX
  4. I agree with nightwolf its orgasmic!
  5. I DETEST PUBLIC SPEAKING!!!! The fact that I have a stammer only makes it worse, I always start to panic and can almost feel the sweat pouring down my head. So if you ever want me to give a speech at a public function I shall have to decline
  6. LG 255LG Blu-Ray Player The Rock Horror Picture Show Blu Ray Batman Returns Blu Ray Jurassic Park Trilogy Blu Ray The Walking Dead Blu Ray
  7. Its sad that she has died, but she knew what she was doing and the risks, I guess I just find it hard to feel sorry for someone who knew that what they were doing will kill them. Like my auntie is on deaths door and has been told if she does not stop drinking and smoking she will die, I'm sad that she will die soon yes but I have no remorse as its her own fault and she is just throwing her life away. Drugs are for mugs
  8. Nope did not hurt one bit
  9. you smell.... of birthday cake! Happy day of your birth
  10. It really was an awful wig! Kanes wig looks alright, but takers just looks silly
  11. Never Let Me Go. Very disappointed in this as the novel is my favourite book of all time, and their was just too much important scenes left out of this and it just failed to grab my attention like the book did .
  12. heard a few songs and I love her voice! Need to give the album a proper listen
  13. after the 2nd sitting of my epic mr stay puft tattoo!
  14. Don't worry I wouldn't vote for myself either
  15. you could of at least had a most missed member award, which of course I would of won :p
  16. I am really annoyed I did not win anything, I DEMAND a recount :p
  17. Just finished The Walking Dead: Rise Of The Governor, great read that moved me to the point to tears at bits. Really must start getting the graphic novels now to read the rest of Brain Blake adventures as the Governor.
  18. Happy day of your birth!
  19. Nope did not hurt me at all really, she used a numbing cream but that only lasted for the first 45 minutes after that I felt everything but it was only like a cat prodding me with its claws. If you think its amazing now just wait until its finished I think that would be overkill :P, plus the logo is getting worked into the stay puft tattoo on the next sitting lol
  20. Yea I know where the rip button is, i have updated lol. It goes to rip but then a wee no sign comes up aka a o with a line through it and it stops ripping. I would plug in my mp3 player but it died on me like 2 weeks ago lol
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