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C-E Veterans
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Everything posted by soag

  1. I enjoyed the film. It had faults and problems. Mostly editing and the god awful lex. But mostly I really enjoyed it.
  2. I was in workfrom 6.45 to 19.15 so it was kinda crap.
  3. I have just started doing couch to 5 k. I'm two days into it so still early on.... but oh my god my legs... jesus christ!
  4. Say something original and witty or gtfo.
  5. Cheap ray bans for sale.
  6. Some would same I'm the Ill behaved yes.
  7. Things are good . Nearly through a very difficult period of my life. But it's made me better and stronger. I'm goat v2.0
  8. I dunno about my love life at the mo. Cos I'm in the middle of a big change in my life my love life has been put on hold for some years. But at this stage I want to be in a relationship again but I doubt very much that anybody will be interesed because I'm in the middle of said change.
  9. That's it let the goat flow through you
  10. So what has the goat been doing over the years....
  11. I am a legend among legends. People used to hide in terror when I had mod powers and ruled these boards with a iron fist! soag was and always will be one of the n-e elite. Bow to me and worship the goat.
  12. Soag is back now w00t
  13. thanks Moppy
  14. So I went to dublin to see Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip and had some drunk and fun times....
  15. disney store
  16. I remember you and you don't owe me anything woohoo
  17. It's my favourite Batman film
  18. Just bought a loaf of bread, oh yea gonna make me some toast with pineapple jam
  19. I loved this show, watched it all in 2 days when it first come on netflix, episode 3 had me in tears :'(
  20. Good direct, SMW3D looks awesome and sonic lost world OMG I'm so getting that
  21. I love christmas soooooo much! But lets get Halloween over first (which is almost as awesome), kinda feel sorry or Halloween as it's like the forgotten holiday lol x
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