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C-E Veterans
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Everything posted by soag

  1. Testing Does not seem to work on mobile.. Unless I'm doing it wrong hmm
  2. I've been gone a long time, but anyways I can't for the life of me workout how to upload or share pics on this new look forum.. Help plz
  3. Tickets to go and see the empire strikes back in the cinema on Wednesday night. So excited to be going back to the cinema... It's been way too long!
  4. Lmao... I'll edit that 😂 My phones autocorrect is just used to me going on rants about bigots it seems..
  5. Everyone on this forum is the sexiest member of the forum. We are all sexy mofos.
  6. Today's run was a struggle. Even though it was only a 36 minute run compared to yesterdays 60 minutes. I think I was still a bit tired from yesterday. But I still managed to clock up 6.62km in those 36 minutes. So I call that a win :).
  7. Seems too much like hard work 😲
  8. Typical glory hunting old posters,coming back for the fame and glory... Maybe have a best comeback award.. I put my name forward for that category 😂
  9. He's probably off living in his palace laughing at all us plebs.
  10. Howdy. My name is Georgia I'm 36 years old Joined the old boards back on the 02/02/02 I have a nearly 11 year old daughter I'm extremely left wing in my beliefs I'm a massive Disney fan I've lost count of how many tattoos I have... Number must be in the high 30's I have autism I have not eaten meat since March 2017 I live in Belfast, Northern Ireland I'm a fan of all sorts of music but mostly rock/punk/metal I got engaged in November last year when my partner proposed to me in Disney World I used to be a mod around these parts I have a very obsessive personality (part of having autism) Oh yea I'm also trans (mtf). Had GRS in 2017. One of the best thing I've ever done. After years of living in a depresed mood, I try to have a postivie outlook on life and always greet people with a smile. I love you all.
  11. The votes don't lie... We lived in a democracy back then...
  12. Life is good and so are all of you. Never forget that ♥. But for me today, finished watching mysteries unsolved on Netflix, which was great, and now I'm trying to work out and solve all these mysterious cases..
  13. Paper mario looks ace.. Already knew that anyway... The other game revealed at the end.. It's a hard no from me.
  14. Agreed. I was never a fan of mega threads, the odd one or two is grand but their just seems to be a mega thread for everything in the past few years. (before I disappeared anyway) Some of the best posts are random dumb topics IMO.
  15. So I was skimming through all my old posts and came across a poll I created back in September 2005. Thought I'd repost the results, a wee trip down memory lane if you will. Kinda like when they replay an old awards show on the telly...
  16. So how can we make forums cool and hip again? Answers please people!!
  17. Happy to help ♥
  18. I've been reading back through some of my old posts... Honestly old me was a bit of a ass... Don't know how you all put up with me.
  19. Its not what it stood for lol. It originally stood for son of a gun.. But it then been joked about over the years into goat related things.. Things like.. Sitting on a goat, squatting on a goat, system of a goat and so on.
  20. I miss going on MSN messenger and just talking crap all night same as forums. Social media has pretty much killed all need for forums sadly. I belong to some pretty awesome Facebook groups which have such a great tight community posting daily it's almost like being on a forum back in the old days.
  21. Thanks. I think it's great going especially as I have two messed up knees. Currently wearing a support brace on my left knee when running as it blew out on my a few weeks back. Feels great now thanks to the brace :).
  22. Name changes are the worst. I've lost count how many times back in the day, I'd be wondering where *insert name here* went only to find out a few months later they now went under a new name. soag as a name sucks so much... But that's the path I've stuck too... I'll always be shitting on a goat...
  23. I started running when on furlough over Easter first aiming to beat 5k. I then cleared the 5k app, then the 10k app... I'm now aiming to complete 21k. At the start I was weighing at 14 stone.. I now weigh in at 12st 12lbs..the hard work is paying off. Below is a pic of today's run...could of got a bit further but I was going at a slower pace so not to burn myself out. https://photos.app.goo.gl/DpH22Z4r8oMk2ub88
  24. Ebooks are great but I just like the feel of a real book. But sometimes I just can't find a book in physio form or it's much cheaper in ebook format then I go for the ebook.
  25. I was a idiot for years and didn't join. Was like meh can't afford it... Really wish I joined sooner as I would of had about 30k instead of 10k...but better late than never
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