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C-E Veterans
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Everything posted by soag

  1. Bloody right it was I played that game to death, my first playthrough of it is to this day one of my favourite gaming memories.
  2. How can you forget about Hybrid Heaven, you should be ashamed of yourself
  3. I don't expect Taker at Mania and I hope he doesn't do it. As much of a legend as he is and his Mania matches of the past few years have been nothing but amazing, he needs to call it a day. He needs to put his health and family first. Anyways 20 is a good number to go out on. He needs to retire in peace
  4. Hybrid Heaven HD come on someone make it happen!
  5. I had never heard of this game, but saw it on sale so give it a try and bloody hell its awesome
  6. soag


    I am finding this game really hard and I am not even very far in the game lol. Just about to go to buckingham palace, I just suck at this. I don't even rush in all guns blazing either, I sit back and take my time or try to run for my life :/
  7. Someone said it was George, they lied to me
  8. I win the hedgehog thing as there is a film called George the hedgehog http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_the_Hedgehog_(film) George The Pony
  9. At the minute everything and everybody is winding me off, thats the joy of not enough sleep and working nightshift, which winds me up as well :P #tiredness
  10. This looks must awesome
  11. I work 8 hour shifts and get 2 breaks, 1 for half an hour and 1 for 45 minutes
  12. don't tempt me lol :P
  13. so looking forward to this
  14. added it myself after my daughter lol was going to go for the ghostbuster logo but the space was too small or rays occult books but thought I'd get my daughters name in it
  15. yes I do, still waiting to go back to my home planet, bastards left me behind
  16. my tattoo is finally finished
  17. you better had!!!!
  18. where is your red shell? anyways.. after 3rd sitting for my tattoo, its slowly getting their, but still so much to do
  19. not a great mania but when it was good it was very good, Rock vs Cena was fantastic, it really lived up to all the hype.
  20. OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE SHIT!!! why did they just not stop at 2
  21. My local game still has a count up clock up for mario party and the screen is just blank
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