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Everything posted by soag

  1. £3 pounds from A Wear
  2. If that was real it would be the best game ever! Does not look repetivie at all!
  3. I think its about time to be fair, he is no harm to anyone and its not liked he killed anyone, just robbed a train (i dont think anyone was killed anyway). Im happy that he is getting released
  4. happy birthday hope you have a great one
  5. It looks nothing like the book, but the style of the film looks fantastic . Just hope they have not butchered another classic novel
  6. Me and Bexy waiting on the bus My little Ivy having some tummy time
  8. hahaha I MUST GET THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Where would one buy such an item i wonder lol.

  9. SLEEP NEED SLEEP!!! LOL had a few sleepless nights but so far tonight seems ok, the trick seems to be to over feed her on breast milk lol. *touches wood * She really is awesome
  10. I got two goldfish about 3 days ago, they are called beano and dandy and they are awesome, swimming around that little tank of theirs. Really relaxes me during the sleepless nights thanks to a little miss Ivy lol.
  11. Got Bexy and baby home from the hospital safely today, so its been a great day and it means no more running to the hospital every day for me .
  12. Thanks again for all the lovely messages . Mummy and baby are both home today yays . Bexy is off to bed for a hard earned rest, she really has worked hard the past few days making sure our little miracle got here safely. I love my wee family .
  13. LOL quite a few people have said that about the watch on the other forum I post at, I don't think its that big.
  14. Thank you alL very much . I spent as much of the day with her as I could and she gets prettier everytime I look at her! She is feeding well, so Bex and Ivy should be coming home tomorrow . Bexy is doing very well and you can not tell she just had a baby as she is hardly in any pain and is doing and looking extremely well . I love my new wee family Not a chance, I'm getting her a drum kit for her first birthday she will be forced to be a mini metal head lol. Thats the plan lol, when we move next week i'm getting a games room for all my nintendo consoles so she will not have any excuse for missing out on the classics . I know its quite scary how just a few days ago this new baby was inside Bex's tummy! It really is a miracle!
  15. The fact that I became a dad.... ... pretty fucking fantastic :D
  16. Thanks everyone Yes amber like the traffic like but we named her after the Morrissey song "At Amber" Bex and Ivy video
  17. Today 18th of July 2009 Ivy Amber Atkinson was born at 5.42 pm weighing in at 8.5 pounds! She is a beautiful healthy baby and both her and Bexy are doing extremely well . Bex is still in hospital til Monday, but we are both over the moon with love and joy. so freaking happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. JEREMY KYLE IS A FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!111 Best daytime tv trash currently on the tube .
  19. I HATE HATE HATE SUSAN BOYLE!!!! She is just way to overrated but no suprise that she went through. Diversity are awesome though and are my pick to win the final if it wasnt for that miss Boyle idiot, she really isnt all there. I voted for Darth Jackson lol.
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. So far not that good, my backs killing me and my heads spinning, damn hangover .
  22. Sad to see Newcastle go down, but all the blame can only be pointed to one man. *cough* Ashley*Cough*
  23. I'm so excited about this game, have been since the day it was anoounced! Really gutted about the Sony exclusive deal though .
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