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Everything posted by soag

  1. High School Musical 3 Complete and utter shite like the first 2. 0/10
  2. It's fantastic isnt it . 18 quid from New Look, I just had to have it .
  3. Yea we love teh name Ivy it's not common but its a lovely name which is exactly what we want . That is the dream .
  4. Maybe she was and the poor wee thing left it in the womb .
  5. All the people that can't see the baby is blind as Mr. Magoo I can see her clear as day . She looks perfectly healthy to, has all 4 chambers in her heart etc. Now i'm off to buy a baseball bat to beat off all the wannabe boyfriends .
  6. This kick ass TMNT Hoodie
  7. Hello all, Well yesterday me and Bexy went for our 20 week scan yesterday and it was the most wonderful day ever . They now think she is around 21 wk and 5 days gone due to the size of the baby which the scanner lady says is looking really big . We did decide to find out the sex of the little one as we could not wait to the big day it self and we got what we wanted.... IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!1 So we are both over the moon :D. Say hello to Ivy Louise Jennifer Atkinson All being well in July I'm going to have my own little princess .
  8. Damn right he is!!!!!!!!!! And a brilliant chap at that he stood with us for about 20 mins in the freezing cold signing autograph's, posing for pics and talking to the small crowd of us that waited for him. While the other members of the band just went straight into their bus. Did manage to get Glen Tipptons autograph as well though .
  9. This is quite awesome advertising .
  10. this story IMO is just sick and wrong on so many levels, at that age all I wanted to do was play with lego. I'm going to be a dad at 25 and I think thats too young.
  11. This morning well at around 1am was pretty sweet, we sat outside in the car park drink Dave Mustaine's own personal beer (thanks to the megadeth roadie), when we meet prob the nicest guy in heavy metal... ...Rob Fucking Halford!!!
  12. I love denim , skirt, jeans or whatever it's all good Me and my buddy Maxx before we headed out to Megadeth and Judas Priest. Now for what can be described as the GREATEST picture EVERRRRRR!!!!!! to be posted here on N-Europe And that, my friends, is a guaran-DAMN-Teed!!! Me and Maxx and the FREAKING LEGEND that is ROB "FUCKING" HALFORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. No not been out dressed up as of yet, as I don't want to make a scene and we dont think any clubs are suitable. We are looking for clubs though. Those pics were taken outside my old house.
  14. Thats an awesome line up so far . So looking forward to tomorrow as I'm seeing Testament, Megadeth and Judas Priest it's going to be the best gig ever .
  15. Thats cos Rokhed was how can I put it nicely ermm a freak that will do lol. He did it for fetish reasons I do it cos I like womens clothes. Ok the side ponytail is not that good but if you look at other pics like these ones here.. ... Not to sound vain but I think I can pull it off quite well.
  16. woohoo new greenday , hopefully its back to the old style before amercian idiot, though I did enjoy that album it was no way near as good as Dookie. I hate that Chris Cornell song why did he do this to us .
  17. Sorry I took it wrong, I thought it was common knowledge on here though as I have posted pics a fw times before. Tits is my own moobs and things called chicken fillets (not the food). Yea I know, not to fond of it myself was going for an 80's look but afterwards thought hmm it is quite chavvy .
  18. LOL I know we were trying something new for a change, not the best look I do agree. I agree about the Rokhed syndrome but I dont think i'm an attention seeking whore like he was, if I get a pic took of me when I'm dressed in my everyday clothes or in my girly clothes I post it on here. Don't worry you will never find me posting pics of me getting spit roasted or anything like that dont worry as I'm not into that for a start and even if I was I would not post it on a forum like this. Ah the good old spotty Jaysevenwicked how I miss you lol, to be honest you look miles better now
  19. No not really as the other main forum I post on is ok, but I took what Wesley said to be quite homophobic which is silly as I'm not gay in any way shape of form, I just like to wear bits of fabric that was designed for girls. If I understood him wrong then I'm sorry.
  20. LOL it's not the usual style I go for but the missus decided we should crimp it and put it in a side ponytail for a totally 80's look .
  21. Just announced by blink 182 on their myspace... Best news I've had in a long time .
  22. soag


    hope the snow clears up as i have work tomorrow night and i dont fancy going to work on the scooter if its snowing .
  23. why uncomfortable it's only clothes??? pieces of fabric.. this place is full of homophobes it's unreal
  24. Now that Roch is gone I can be everyones favourite crossdresser lol. Even though I'm nothing like him
  25. I would never have belived she was born a boy!
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