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Everything posted by soag

  1. Thanks , i was most pleased with the find.
  2. Goldfrapp - Seventh Tree - £3 Bowling For Soup - The Great Burrito Extortion Case - £8 Korn - Follow The Leader - £2 Tarten Skirt - £5 Shoes - £2 Shoes - £2
  3. At the end of the day I think everyone in the world has a little irish in them, hence why we are the greatest country in the world .
  4. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=W-hM0BD6oxg&NR=1
  5. I know . Even worse is that they are remaking the karate kid . As much as I love Jackie Chan he is no Mr Miyagi!
  6. He seems like a great guy and I hope he can fix all the fuck ups Mr Bush has made in the past 8 years. I have faith in him .
  7. For the baby...
  8. The man was a legend R.I.P.
  9. Congrats dude .
  10. 3 NIL COME ON :D. Excellent result.
  11. For the little one when he/she pops out .
  12. Watched it the other day and I have to say old gladitors is miles better, wtf is Wolf doing he just stands there the entire show, as much as wolf rules he is getting wasted. Ian Wright is the worst host ever .
  13. Yea I know the list really does need some chopping but thats what we both got after we sat down with a baby name book and wrote down all the ones we liked. We have clear faves that the baby will most prob be called, like Ivy is by far our fave girls name on the list .
  14. I'm not allowed to call it Indianna George Lucas Lando Atkinson . Thanks again everyone, we need to really sort out the name list in the next few months and water it down to 1 or 2 names per sex.
  15. I love the name Atari I think its uber cool just think Atari Atkinson isnt that not the best name ever . We both love the Zelda games and both are in love with the name Link it;s one of our top names at the mo. There is quite a few links about link link in hairspray, link in calfonia man and as said above in prison break. Ivy is our fave girl name at the mo .
  16. You are all wrong it stand for sitting on a goat Thanks all we are both really chuffed here in the atkinson household As for names we have like a thousand for boys and girls here. Boys Names. For a boy the middle name is going to be George thats 100% as its a family name, but for a first name we like these... Boys Link Dexter Foley Lucas Ford Obie Indy Ellis Cole Cohen Rocky Elwood Layne Buddy Sonny Atari Raphael Woody Jett Kitt Amos Hunter Miles Milo Gabriel Joss Knox Maddox Parker Leland Hector Girls Ivy Mona Zelda Tess Blossom Violet Penny Bridget Missy Misty Harriet Amilyn Carys Alma Camryn Dolly Ellen Meg Lita Miranda Polly Skyler Roise Minnie Velvet Enid Pebbles Matilda Moxie Cammy Ariel Bettie Betsy Kitty Amity April Tobey Bella Dottie Lottie Scarlet Lola Luella Gwen I know its a hell of a lot of names, but we just wrote down all the ones we liked .
  17. Foag I like the sound of that .
  18. Thanks we are both very very excited here . Here's pics of our little baby, it's 12 weeks and 3 days old at the mo .
  19. ... well all going well I will be on the 17th of July :yay: .
  20. soag

    Doctor Who

    Well he gets the missus's vote as in her words "oh I'll have a bit of him" He looks ok, never heard of him so I dont know if he can act or not, but I'm sure they would not cast someone rubbish and fuck up their biggest show going at the mo. He has huge shoes to fill so good luck to him he is going to need it.
  21. Bully Scholarship Edition Megadeth - Anthology: Set The World Afire \m/ High School Musical Soundtrack (This is for the missus I swear)
  22. Verne Troyer or Coolio to win. My heart went out to Verne when he was trying to get in with his suitcase, poor little guy lol.
  23. It's very sad news indeed, I cant even imagine what they must be going through .
  24. Join the club I'm sick and tired of coke
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