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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. You can have mine if you want? £2 postage of course.. but might be worth contacting Nintendo UK direct (see Nintendo.co.uk) and they might send you one free. Just say it wasn't in the box and see what they say- as far as I know they have like 5000 unopened e.mails at the moment since the Wii launch and very few are making it through to Nintendo Germany. Give it a couple of days and get back to me, if you get no response from them.
  2. Do you know anything about EA's employment practisce? Have you heard of their 80 hour weeks? Have you heard about how you only get to go home early on a Saturday if you've been good. It destroys families. No wonder why people won't work for them- I sure as hell wouldn't even if Criterion offered me a job. Not to mention the fact that they fired a couple of hundred people.. then gave Tiger Woods a raise to keep his name on the box of the game. Fuck this and SSX and the Godfather and.. well not Spore. Get Pangya instead is my advice.
  3. Y A W N . You get the attention when you say something, and not before. So stop hype mongering you PR shits.
  4. They could come around your house and smash it up. PEOPLE WILL STILL DO IT. Argument over.
  5. Updates come on discs eg. for Nintendo WiFi as and when it is finished.
  6. There is a famous quote, the only reason why Norah Jones got the number one selling record in 200X is because her fans do not know how to download. The DS is so huge with non gamers who aren't aware of piracy- Nintendo don't need to worry about a marginal group of less than 2% who know how.. and possibly even less who want to rip games. Never hurt PS2 did it.. this has to go public for things to move on, contrary to popular belief the system does not spin anticlockwise.
  7. That's your alt isn't it Solitaire? You just logged off as well!
  8. I'd like a picture of your face please.
  9. Same here, I walked for 30 minutes out of town to a business park, went to a store that was listed on Nindie.co.uk as my nearest independant Nintendo retailer. Have you got any Wiis? - Yes, I think we've got one left.. do you want a nunchuck with that? They bought me down a unit, Wii Play and some accesories.
  10. WarioWare: Smooth movies, a Nintendo published title. On the back of the box it says 50hz/60hz HDTV/EDTV compatible I suggest you check out the back of your Zelda box.. and ask yourself why some Nintendo titles have this but others do not.
  11. Anyone with the faintest whifter of determination could have scored one on launch week if they worked hard enough. I didn't have a pre-order. Laziness plus a little bad luck means you don't have one now.. mostly laziness. My buddy just got his from GameStation.co.uk because he's lazy.
  12. I am a lot like Karl but he gets paid to do it.
  13. Biting is my fetish actually... that and Anne Widdecombe
  14. Enjoi are good, you should check out their DVD 'bag of suck' it's suprisingly sucky. Never been a fan of their clothes- kinda pricey in the UK because it's all imported. I like their enjoy beef one which has a cow cut up on it. In fact I just picked up it up for £18 because I've always wanted it.
  15. Coming soon to an ad break near you: PS3 is for normal people, 360 is for casual gamers!
  16. Mine is from Tesco.
  17. Fuck off, the hoody is the greatest contribution to fashion and the most popular fashion item of the last 20 years. It is so fucking hypocritical to ban them in places that sell them for one. (Bluewater that's you!) Conversely I think it's stupid to wear them inside anyway.. all you have to do is ask nicely and I always take mine off if it's cold outside. People are just fucking scared of asking which is stupid inside their own damned shop. I resent the labelling of anti social behaviour under the term 'hoodies' everyone uses chav.. thugs or whatever.. there is nothing politically sensitive about this. So use it. I expect Anne has a very cleverly editted show that raises her public image to the level of Jamie Oliver. I don't watch ITV anyway, it's shit.
  18. Midna's mask was the embodiment King of Hyrule. When it was completed it was a near match, including crown and beard of the King from Wind Waker. When the mask was completed, Midna turned into the spider beast.. and cracked his/her way into the castle through the golden mesh. I think when the mask was cracked by Ganon the King of Hyrule's spirit was destroyed.. it was symbolising the end of his reign- in his palms. It's about as vague as I can make it.
  19. I'm shocked to say the least- Valve isn't interested in PS3. Nintendo will get dev kits out to them if they haven't got one already. I don't see this as confirmed though. I wouldn't pay £40 for a 3 year old game with a new control scheme anyway.
  20. This is my second Zelda game. I clocked in at 62 hours, I explore a lot though. I also idle a lot- I don't know if the clock still ticks after the Wiimote has been disconnected, could be 10-15 hours it was just sitting there doing nothing. Either way I was satisfied, the references to Shadow of the Colossus in boss fights, Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX with music and a bunch of other games I can barely remember now was very cool- the game has moved on a lot since then. I got stuck twice in the game where you were meant to hold down the A button instead of tapping it- while I don't take kindly to being spoon fed the game it would have been nice had Midna just said hold it. How to improve the game? Make it harder- remove the maps and compass from the dungeons.. increase bosses. Orchestrated music and different music for individual bosses.
  21. The thread on GAF said the TV is wrong, someone else had this problem. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=138013
  22. Well I'm not here to argue- but PAL Zelda does not support 480p. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5217513&postcount=6321 So you're component cables at present, can't improve the quality of Zelda. You were all so bothered about getting official component cables you wanted to believe that they improved. Don't try and argue with GAF's members- they get banned if they are wrong.
  23. He owns an XBOX. I put two and two together. Yes, everyone who owns an XBOX is a chav and thus a racist.
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