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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. Solitaire. .
  2. Solitaire's got a bite.. that new bait worked out a treat!
  3. This game had better be £20 because it stinks worse than buffalo diahrroea.
  4. I don't think it was oxygen poisoning.. it's typically brain swelling. Many people die on ecstasy because their brain swells too much. You need to get the salts in you so the body can quickly transfer it to the bladder and expel it. GCSE science- they should have signed legal disclaimers- which should have been sorted a lawyer who is responsible for checking this shit out. Only in America.
  5. Talkiing about a single person from any racial background is very difficult to be racist about. When you start talking about ethnic minorities and how they should get out of our country, stop causing trouble, give back our jobs (which apparently nobody wants to do) and stop stealing our benefits then you are racist. You can have an opinion on immigration, but at least read a newspaper before saying something.. because this idea that "they're coming and stealing our jobs" is false. There is a market for these jobs because English people are too lazy to do them. We have lots of Polish people in my town who are working on the army barracks in Colchester. I am good friends with a few of them, the kids are studying at a colllege while the parents work hard all day- they send every penny home to their families in Poland. What is wrong with this hey It's totally legal. It slipped out? Do you know how insulting that word is? It's equivalent to me calling you a filthy piece of shit scumbag who doesn't deserve to live in my community. Get the fuck off this forum. Yeah it means something like that, just for example of course.
  6. Is a sweet that is made from crushed up boiled animal bones and leftovers also known as gelatin. Not suitable for vegetarians. Good luck.
  7. That's the spirit Goron. I suppose we should get rid off all the asian doctors and scientists who are keeping the health service running too? Idiot.
  8. I'll give you 20p and the rest of my waggon wheel. Jammy one.
  9. I blame Nintendo. Gang culture is about having a sense of family and community when you don't have it elsewhere. In socially deprived areas family life at home is not so good. People have a natural instinct to search for it elsewhere.. perhaps at the same time it becomes more primitive and the gangs resort to violence and tribal behaviour.
  10. Just got pasted this on MSN ** http://www.petitiononline.com/wii60pal/petition.html Sign it. Send it to at least 2 people- telling them to do the same again. ** You should do the same- tell everyone, viral is the future.
  11. Why put wireless remotes at the TV?
  12. That's where the money is though.. this is why high streets never charge more for a console. Because once you get a customer first time they lick your arse when you buy the console. They think, oh good service in there, i'll go back. Just browse the 360 boxes for a while and I guarantee someone will be there telling you what deals they have and how fantastic it is. GAME are charging £5 on top of the estimated retail for all Wii accesories except points cards at the moment. They are taking their profits and then taking some more.. bang out of order.
  13. £8 well spent.. not Black Wii will come when a black XBOX 360 or white PS3 comes.. just like the pink PSP came when the pink DS lite was announced. It is for attention later in the console lifecycle to compliment price drops and bundles. SPRAY THE STAND TOO.
  14. + streaming + already less than great WiFi signal because it is not mine + Daily Motion servers + Wii Opera = Messy business.
  15. This thread is so bastardised that the arguments are just going to confuse people. New thread is in order to be honest.
  16. How bizare, I was going to find a random episode of South Park while I eat my breakfast and it was like fail. I put two and two together and assumed. Perhaps it was their server/banned me.
  17. avatar.
  18. Make Solitaire a mod okay? He's so efficient. It would be funny for a while just to see this place under his leadership.
  19. 2 player with cats via mind control confirmed. There's your punchline.
  20. AllUC.org streams everything from South Park to Adam and Joe Go Tokyo. I just get a white screen now, I imagine all the others have been blocked too.
  21. Well Nintendo, as cartman would say- you can suck my balls. Say goodbye to those 500 points you would have had come July, because I'm not paying for a crippled web browser- if I want to watch old BBC shows paid for my on licence fee- such as Doctor Who then I will. Bye bye monies, bare pirates would have paid just to watch cartoons and shows on their TV. I don't want to get into the technicalities of whether you think these sites are wrong, or illegal.. or whether you think I should just buy the DVD. It is a question of freedom- something that is a right online, and Nintendo has no right to censor what I want to see on Wii.
  22. Blocks AllUC.org for me.
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