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Everything posted by Space

  1. Anyone else get this weird slightly transparent circle on screen in-game? In the middle close to the bottom. I tried to ignore it but will pay closer attention whether it's showing up instead of the mini map. Played a couple of Ultimate Team matches in handheld mode and it plays and looks good. So far feels pretty much identical to FIFA 17 so I'm not getting the usual new FIFA vibe. Early days though. Still no announcement on the friends issue by the look of it. Surely they've got to comment on Monday.
  2. Wondering the same.
  3. Watched episode 1. Enjoyed it but wish they hadn't changed anything about the Klingons, their old hairy look was fine and made them feel more distinct compared to other races, they're getting a bit too similar to Jem'Hadar and Cardassians. Same thing bothered me in the films when they changed how the Romulans looked. It felt like such an arbitrary change for no real reason.
  4. If this had been known before launch day I think a lot of people would have cancelled their pre-order out of principle and gone with PS4/XB1 instead. At the very least EA should have been saying the feature isn't going to be ready but will be coming in an update soon rather than keeping it secret.
  5. My copy has arrived from Amazon alas I am out at work today. Not being able to play a friend seems monumentally stupid, it is an essential feature. Surely one that would be patched soon by EA. I have not played Splatoon 2 but imagined you'd be able to invite a friend via the Switch mobile app. Is the app supported at all with FIFA?
  6. Latest update apparently you can now see how many people are in or waiting for a raid. Also for those who have it, Plus accessory can now spin Pokestops on gyms.
  7. I still don't have any legendary ones yet, guess you'd need quite a few people to team up with? Finding that in a quiet area a 2 hour window means the chances of teaming up with strangers is incredibly slim. Just caught my 3rd unique Unown and got a badge though! A few Kangaskhans too, glad I didn't fly to Australia just to catch one of these before.
  8. Super excited for a Switch Pokémon game. I never took the plunge and got the 3DS so I am still playing Pokémon Go. While the location aspect is great it will be great to have a game to play at home. Until it arrives, if anyone else has kids I recommend PokéPark Wii on Wii U virtual console - an enjoyable game they can easily wander around and play. You'll just need to read the speech bubbles if they can't read yet.
  9. The new forums are looking great guys, brilliant that you were able to migrate everything over too. A lot more modern but still retains the N-Europe feel.
  10. I am a bit concerned about it not running on the Frostbite engine... means we will probably be getting a last-gen version closer to PS3/360 than PS4/XB1. I will probably get it regardless, but hope the gameplay is just as good.
  11. Orzly 15% off Amazon discount code: ORZ15NSW
  12. Did the test fire today. Online performance was great, no lag even when playing handheld far from the router. I didn't play the first Splatoon a huge amount, this seemed identical to me but that's what I expected really. Fun in short bursts but I'm not sure I'd buy the full game, but probably would if there's split-screen local multiplayer. Seemed a little too easy when battling someone to kill each other at the same time. Found it pretty challenging to be honest, my team lost every game!
  13. If londragon's post above doesn't work try setting up the wifi connection again... I had to do this on my printer yesterday, it was working fine locally but couldn't connect to the internet for no reason.
  14. Agreed, it is thought giving the attacker as little exposure as possible would be a good way for the media to handle things in events like this. I suspect it is just a matter of time though then it will be all over the Daily Mail. With other attacks such as Norway it is embarrassing how much coverage the attacker got, which is exactly what they want. One woman who died was on her way to collect her children from school. The attacker was previously known to MI5.
  15. Very sad this has happened yet again. Have walked around that part of Westminster quite a few times before, usually full of tourists and workers. More has to be done to protect pedestrians from vehicle attacks. In London more pavements need barriers at the roadside.
  16. Not possible currently, only photos can be copied to the SD card. I'd imagine we will see this and/or a cloud save option later this year. Pretty essential really as this is such a portable device compared to Wii U. Personally I'd be satisfied with fully automatic cloud saves and it would make the online service worth it for this alone.
  17. I'm interested to hear what they say. Need to contact them myself soon about my left neon with worse connectivity than my left grey.
  18. I just followed their instructions. 1) Alcohol wipe 2) Microfibre cloth 3) Dust stickers 4) Peel and press down 5) use the small card to push out any air. I repeated 1 & 2 a few times in the corners and skipped 3 as no dust left. The hardest part is getting it centred, there is approx 1mm gap around the edge.
  19. Watched last night. Enjoyed it, did feel like a wake-up call. I do genuinely think future generations will look back and think today's animal farming is barbaric. Hopefully Carnage will make most people who watch it contemplate their choices at least a little... it deserves a prime-time slot on BBC One. It is usually eating meat which is the subject people have unshakable opinions on. When it comes to diary I do wonder if meat eaters have the same strong beliefs. I expect the vast majority, including many vegetarians, are unaware of the unpleasant side of egg and milk production... it really is a very sad business. In the last couple of years have been trying to reduce my dairy intake. Not had cow milk for months and prefer the many alternatives (rice, coconut, almond, hazelnut, soya). One in particular I recommend you can get in supermarkets is Koko (coconut based, tastes milk-like, not overly coconutty) which I heard about when it won a Peta award. The main challenge for me is cheese as I love italian food, but I did actually like a vegan cheese I tried recently so I'm going to try harder when shopping in future. Vegan mayo is something I need to try. There is a site MyVeganSupermarket where you can find vegan alternatives and which supermarkets sell them. On the meat side, it is so hard to buy ethically reared produce, pretty much everything is factory farmed in terrible conditions and this always bothered me. One of the main reasons I have always been vegetarian.
  20. These days it is so easy to create a 4G hotspot using your phone, few would see the need to pay for an extra SIM card. Better to pay for one contract with a load of data.
  21. Wonder if they will label it free on Android... this caused a lot of problems on iOS with so many low reviews complaining about the in-app purchase. They should have just make it a paid app.
  22. Yesterday I fitted the Orzly tempered glass screen protector. I was reluctant to use one as I thought it would look bad, but it's quite frankly amazing - perfect fit and you don't notice it. The finish is superb with curved edges, couldn't recommend it more. Comes in a pack of 2 which is useful as I didn't get it centred on the first attempt. Only downside it took 2 weeks to arrive (G-Hub seller on Amazon). Also got the Stealth case / accessory pack on Amazon. This is a neoprene and does not fold out like most other cases so you have to slide it in. Very good fit, soft and not bulky so good for a pocket. Useful zipped pocket on the front for carts or headphones. Comes with a nice little set of in-ear ones and also a cart holder. Did also like the look of the official case but it was out of stock on Prime.
  23. AVAILABLE ON IPLAYER (UK only I believe) Was trending on Twitter last night, the reaction seemed highly positive. It's a mockumentary that is said to be non-preachy. A lot of good press this morning. Typically an emotive subject, comments please only after watching.
  24. Does anyone want to say if they prefer Bomberman 64 or Switch Bomberman for local multiplayer? Don't think I played the 64 one back in the day. Hopefully Nintendo clarify the VC transition approach soon so we know we're not wasting money by picking these up at this point.
  25. I've got the 2 grey joycons that came with my Switch and also bought the separate neon ones. It only seems to be the left red neon one which performs poorly when sitting a few meters away (typically it is pressing up on the stick that isn't picked up). I guess I should return this (and blue) in hope of a replacement performing better. You would think two left joycons would perform the same unless one is faulty.
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