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Everything posted by Hem

  1. Hmm. Can't really say i'm much of a metal fan, but Slayer's version is pretty special.
  2. I agree, but it's still not a patch compared to their first three albums.
  3. I'd rather be watching and writing about creative talent, then researching and compiling essays on mundane things such as politics and economics, but hey, maybe that's just me.
  4. Play and complete the greatest single player game of the 'next generation'? Oh wait...
  5. I have spent the majority of the day writing an essay on the electomagnetic spectrum. Funny how I thought picking a creative course at university would have me writing a physics/political/engineering essay!
  6. Gotta love a house that smells like dog.
  7. Your right thigh is ENORMOUS.
  8. Internet. Serious business.
  9. Usually stops growing at around 17 ^^
  10. Been listening to the seminal What's Going On tonight. Such a terrific album.
  11. Gonna be tough to find work along that degree path at the moment but good luck anyway. If you can use all that software to a good level you shouldn't have any problems though.
  12. Super Mario Galaxy Put is this way. The only game since the N64 era, bar perhaps Wind Waker to actually give me the urge to play when I wake in the morning.
  13. Only three days to go until Chrrristmas. What do you crazy cool cats have planned for tonight?
  14. I LOVE trance music. I'll say no more /exits thread.
  15. Dance LDO.
  16. Nice list Oxigen, personally i'd add La vita è bella to it, but I probably need to watch it a few more times to decide whether it really is 10/10 standard.
  17. True. Mario and Sonic is very good.
  18. Insightful.
  19. Am I the only one who disliked Pan's Labyrinth? And you're right Gaggle. Was looking at the next few days lineup on FilmFour, and it's exceptionally good considering it's a free channel (on freeview anyway). All in the next few days... City of God, 21 Grams, Road to Perdition and Y Tu Mama Tambien. Heck there's even some watchable guilty pleasures too; Hide and Seek, 24 Hour Party People, and Coach Carter.
  20. Oh come on Dante. I thought you had better taste than that trash.
  21. People still watch TV?
  22. You have to make a 'score' variable, assign the number of points you get in a line of code, then display the score on the stage as a piece of dynamic text linking to the score variable... If you look at this tutorial code, it will show you an example; http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/vertical_shooter.htm Good luck with your game.
  23. Lol, i've done that for the majority of 5 years. People are just lazy...
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