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Everything posted by Hem

  1. Wow that's cool. Totally missed it.
  2. How about... 8. Not constricting the liberty of human beings.
  3. Y tu mamá también Wow, amazing movie. I really like roadtrip aspect in films, such as what's present in this and The Motorcycle Diaries. Thought this film was powerful and enjoyed the script and the contrasting emotions throughout greatly. 9/10
  4. Happiness seems to be Loneliness And loneliness killed my world How could you guess, when you’re only thinking of yourself, and How you look to other girls?
  5. Def. improvement. Infact IMO 90% of people with long hair would look better with medium/short hair
  6. There's simply no way Crash (2004) deserves a 4/10. It does have its moments.
  7. Never get them... rarely wake before 12. Ahh, bliss.
  8. Did you witness the second coming but obviously have to keep it a secret?
  9. Offers nothing new, i'd scrap it.
  10. a mixture of grammar school folk/scottish (standard grades are easier than GCSE imo)
  11. guessing you don't mean tobacco?
  12. Gee man, where in Hertfordshire did you pick up that accent lol, especially the bit were you say 'here', you sound like The Queen lol
  13. How do you get that thing in the top left Caris?
  14. He's posted a pic in the past with shorter hair. Longer looks quite good on you Grunch.
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