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Everything posted by conzer16

  1. Congrats soag:)
  2. was at Oxegen music festival there over the weekend. rain, mud, beer and camping is such a great combination. today was recovery. tomorrow back to the grind stone!
  3. My favourite accent on a girl is a nice mild scottish one or a northern irish one. Love them. A kiwi accent too. Spent 6 months there in absolute heaven! Some folks on here have heard my accent...i couldnt possibly comment about my own!
  4. havent been on the boards for a while. lost to millwall in the po semi, I'm devastated. can't believe we've to spend another year in division 3.
  5. haha, yeah, been busy wih finals etc. thanks folks.
  6. Just finished my undergraduate degree. Conditional to results, I am now a graduate.
  7. i cant view pages 523 and 524 for some reason... wait...now i cant view 524 and 525 as this is apparently the 1st and only post on 523?? weird.....
  8. it's UK only for the free music, unfortunately. Heard about this a while back. Seems like another Last.fm kinda thing.
  9. Flink: Gland Slam show down next saturday! Woot!!
  10. Surprisingly i'm off work. It's the first St. Patrick's day I've not worked in about 9 years. Incredibly I think I'll go watch the parade and then get drunk.
  11. Me afore the Ireland - England game at Croke Park 2 weeks ago
  12. I posted a thread about the €/£ exchange rate a few weeks back. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23440 Sterling is nowhere near finished yet. Currencies fluctuate for fuck sake! The Bank of England retain their right to set interest rates (something which eurozone countries foregoed to join the EMU). By retaining this crucial monetary policy instrument, sterling (if properly manged) will be okay in the long run. Short term the UK will probably have bleak currency outlooks, leading to quantitatinve easing and then large inflation. The UK would be foolish to join the eurozone at this or any of the recent exchange rates.
  13. ah okay! thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was user titles. My mistake!
  14. I definitely remember the custom user titles because i put it directly into my sig with a link to his post too, but it was removed.
  15. Does anybody remember when a member of staff mentioned that at 10,000 posts members could have custom titles? I just noticed that some members have breached that 10,000 post barrier and don't have (or possibly haven't requested) a custom title. I had it in my sig in upside-down reverse text but it was removed. Apparently I have too many lines of text. Can't for the life of me remember who said it. Possibly Shorty. kthxbye
  16. I always make a few quid off the Euromillions and the regular National Loattery. Like a tenner or €20. Never won big and I don't thinkI know anyone who has done so either.
  17. 'grats soag
  18. First night I had off over xmas, went out for a few drinks and some musical entertainment. Enjoyed it i did. (P.S. I did not take the photo)
  19. Exchange rate hit €1 = £0.98 today
  20. I didnt start this thread with the idea that Engalnd would join the euro because of the near parity of the two currencies, really i started because it's the first time since the inception of the euro that it has become anywhere near as strong as the pound. I don't understand why people are needlessly bickering on this thread
  21. I have gotten one or two presents already through my family's Kris Kindle (Secret Santa). - Top Gun on DVD. My all time favourite movie - This tshirt (only in red) - AC/DC Black Ice - Guns n' Roses Chinese Democracy
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