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Everything posted by Konfucius

  1. I know I shouldn't be excited about this but I am.
  2. Get beaten up by a policeman. There's an app for that.
  3. No Sir, this donkey is not a lowered sports edition. You are just very heavy.
  4. Konfucius

    Crysis 3

    I use a GTX 560 Ti and it runs fine with DX11 and the high-res texture pack. Everything else maxed out of course. I don't think a new graphics card will last you long into the next console generation. With the next generation a new set of hardware shaders is probably right around the corner. Also the recent graphics cards have a strong emphasis on tesselation. I guess that's a by-product of research for the next console graphics chips. The second one was too much of a console game for me. There was significantly less stuff to destroy and the sandbox elements were also much smaller. I couldn't actually scout around a base because there was only one entrance corridor to the sandbox part and all the enemies had been scattered cleverly already. The only tactical variety I could find there was using stealth to insta-kill them from behind, just sneak by or attach C4.
  5. Konfucius

    Crysis 3

    I hope it stays closer to the original Crysis. I wasn't too fond of the second installment.
  6. Miyamoto is surprised how much better 3D is in the Louvre than on the 3DS.
  7. You do know that you are in the 'Other consoles" thread? On topic: the last few Bond games were quite disappointing for me so I don't hold high expectations. Although the idea of using several films seems promising.
  8. I remember reading that Arnie was originally cast as Kyle Reese in T1 but when they realized just how imposing he was, they convinced him to play the Terminator. Also I think Arnie should make many more action films. The way he acts (or doesn't) just make all his films awesome. Generally I prefer the Arnie and Stallone type of action hero over any of the "modern" ones.
  9. This trailer looks a bit as if someone said: "Now, what can we do to make the Total Recall remake look more like every other sci-fi film of the last few years?"
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. I'd actually play that game.
  12. They actually have a trailer to announce a trailer? That's almost as stupid as the announcements that there are going to be annoucements. I actually like the Sci-Fi style in the trailer. I actually hope it's pretty different to Total Recall so I can pretend it's just a similar film and enjoy it without constantly thinking Arnie was so much more awesome.
  13. Italian mafia art: human cemented half into he ground.
  14. ...99... 100. Yep all the smurfs are there.
  15. Little Boy: "Kneel before Zod!"
  16. After SOPA was stopped, suddenly the Internet's attention went to ACTA. I've read a bit into the stuff and it seems to me to be just as bad as SOPA if not worse. What especially bothers me is the fact that it was created by people no one elected apparently. Soon the EU will decided whether to ratify ACTA. A short summary, although decidedly against ACTA, is on avaaz.org along with the possibility to sign an online-petition against it. I find this part especially worrying: Along with the Telecommunications data retention law, I think the EU is seriously limiting the privacy of its people in order to make the entertainment industry lobby happy. What do you guys think?
  17. Unshaven Bond? A rare sight :P
  18. When police-dogs go rogue.
  19. Happy Birthday Sprout!
  20. Yes it's that one. I also enjoyed it quite a lot. I didn't find the story very engaging but the gameplay is great fun. Still the first Driver game remains my favourite.
  21. The polarbear supermarket just got a delivery of fresh meat.
  22. Bad Ass. With Danny Trejo as a senior citizen who beats up people or something. Amazing Also apparently the bus fight scene is inspired by a real fight between a guy called epic beard man and someone else.
  23. Happy Birthday!
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