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About Ashley

  • Birthday 02/07/1987

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Akbal hu Jalal
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  • Interests
    Mudkipz, Mr Mime and Jyyyyynx
  • Occupation
    Retailer and Editor in Chief of Mudkipz.com
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    I own dur Nintendo Mudkipz
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  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Jynx: A Squirtle to the Past
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    0428 7609 6162 6061
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Mario Kart Wii: 3179-8026-4586
    Endless Ocean:9098-9258-6313
    Pokemon Battle Revolution: 0001-5268-5560
    Super Smash Brothers Brawl:2535-5575-4240
    Mario Strikers Charged:0516-4416-8285

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  1. How about a compromise? The next Animal Crossing introduces the gig economy.
  2. When the next pandemic hits?
  3. Apparently Nintendo's share price dropped by nearly 5% since the announcement which made me laugh. Laugh at the shareholders and their ways rather than the situation itself.
  4. I was just clicking through and thought it said you can take several people? Oh well, I have no friends anyway
  5. I don't know with certainty but I'd say Amazon and ShopTo are pretty reliable. Game still technically exists too. Argos too but can't imagine they'd do preorders.
  6. I can't tell whether wrapping a 2 around the analogue sticks (the curve over the one on the left, the tail under the one on the right) would work or look naff.
  7. I wonder how quickly the trade in value for the Switch will plummet given its backwards compatible.
  8. OLED Is £300 so I would guess 350-375 kind of thing.
  9. So I shouldn't expect birthday presents from you next month then? 😔
  10. Maybe this is the secret to the Switch 2. The 2 means any sequels will have double the amount of characters. Pray for Sakurai.
  11. You never know. What you see there could be a little piece of metal you can swap out and the Joy-Cons will have them included!
  12. Maybe choose a better title? Why not just call it the unveiling, showcase or something like that.
  13. The colours being part of the console itself too makes me wonder what their plans are. Do you expect people to have mismatched consoles? 😱 Can't remember the presentation but the event had Snipperclips, Zelda, a video of Mario but not the game, 1-2 Switch and a few smaller titles. I'm sure I could dig out the write up but as it was the anniversary recently my phone reminded me. Also had people dressed as Luigi and Mario but I guess that won't happen this time as one of them is in prison.
  14. What was the timeline before? October for the initial, January for the reveal/events and launch in March? So if they do similar a launch in June?
  15. And Mario Kart 8 with the message "buy the new one you cheap bastards!"
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