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About Ashley

  • Birthday 02/07/1987

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Akbal hu Jalal
  • Location
  • Interests
    Mudkipz, Mr Mime and Jyyyyynx
  • Occupation
    Retailer and Editor in Chief of Mudkipz.com
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    I own dur Nintendo Mudkipz
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  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Jynx: A Squirtle to the Past
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  • Switch Friend Code
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  • Wii Console Number
    0428 7609 6162 6061
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Mario Kart Wii: 3179-8026-4586
    Endless Ocean:9098-9258-6313
    Pokemon Battle Revolution: 0001-5268-5560
    Super Smash Brothers Brawl:2535-5575-4240
    Mario Strikers Charged:0516-4416-8285

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  1. And you can tell it's American because the dates are the wrong way round.
  2. Yeah if it's a small place and they've not stipulated otherwise. I'd still play my cards close to my chest in case they really are struggling and suddenly think they can maybe get away with it. Good luck with the job hunt.
  3. There should be some clear terms attached to the redundancy notice and if there's not ask for them. Ultimately the redundancy pay is a way of helping you during a period of unemployment. If you find a job within your notice period and/or choose to leave early they can take that as a sign that you don't need the money. If they don't supply them then I'm sure they'll have no leg to stand on, but might be worth contacting Citizens Advice Bureau to be sure. Or even check trade union sites. They probably have general advice about redundancies and your rights.
  4. Be careful with the sequencing of this. Any redundancy payment may be withheld if you take another job at this stage. Be sure to check the terms of the redundancy as I've heard of people being caught out by stuff like this.
  5. Roses are red, garlic is white, Wario Land 4 is available on NSO now you little shite.
  6. "Why does it say I have three notifications?... Oh I see" Good to know it is possible, but alas I doubt it'll happen.
  7. Oh no I wasn't thinking of a NSO version of the original two games, but rather you take your gen 1/2 Pokémon from an existing Switch game (say Scarlet/Violet) and transfer them to the NSO stadiums. Again, Game Freak won't do that but was curious what issues may arise from it. Cheers!
  8. This is probably a question for @Glen-i and theoretical as I can't see GF ever wanting to do it; but how different are the generation 1/2 Pokémon now from when these games were released? If they found some technical solution to transfer generation 1/2 Pokémon from SV would they be able to or have the movesets changed so much that it just wouldn't really work? Presume the actual answer is a murkier "some yes, some no" but thought I'd give you a chance to be nerdy.
  9. Imagine having been on a forum for that long...
  10. What does smogon mean. Is it a portmanteau between... Smoking and Porygon?
  11. So the developers were American then?
  12. I'm sure it will be fine but looking at that thing, it doesn't look like it would be great to drag that along a table.
  13. Retired jester
  14. I hope they actually say "please note there will be mention of the Switch successor"
  15. You're already posting in a thread. To post a thread in a thread would be too meta.
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