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Everything posted by sagat

  1. I watched it. There was nothing new and it started off well but become predictable, boring and stale halfway through. I just managed to see it through to the end
  2. Due to time schedules and family life i rarely play games these days. I used to play like crazy during the SNES era. I prefer handheld gaming if at all anything
  3. Does any ever think about the future gaming? In all honesty i think the Wii U, PS4, 720 etc will be the last game consoles as in the future it will be all smartphones and tablets - you just have to look at the trend to come to this conclusion. For me the best gaming memories will be the 16bit era which i will forever cherish.
  4. I am disappointed with the eShop. No 16 bit gems so far (which was one of the main reasons i bought the 3DS for)
  5. sagat

    3DS XL

    Actually it does. I put on my Mario Kart and a message popped up saying that the data was corrupted. I had to format everything and now i have lost all my data and will be selling the game as a result.. bah!!!
  6. I put on the game yesterday and all of a sudden i see a message on the screen which was something like this "save data corrupted press A to reset" i feared for the worst and sure enough all my save data was wiped off. Has this happened to anyone recently? i can't be bothered to unlock all the characters and what have you i will sell this game as a result
  7. I am planning on selling my 3DS and have some eVoucher credits (bought from the shop) left over including a game. Is there anyway to back this up somehow without losing it all? i suspect i can back up the games but the remaining balance maybe lost
  8. I think this is a pointless exercise and might spell the end for the once glorious and glittering career of Cameron. The only reason i saw the first one at the time was because of 3D and nothing else (storyline was not important) i know some people watched it four times and over (no doubt help adding to its worldwide gross). 3D is a joke know so i won't even bother seeing Part 2 let alone all of them..lol. If we look at Jurassic Park, the first one was a massive hit and sadly Spielberg got greedy and decided to cash in by making three more which were not as good as the first (he is trying to rectify this by making the 4th for next year or so) The audiences will vote on their feet and the films will bomb!
  9. ^^ I agree with you. They should release their usual IP and the casual/exercise games and keep it going
  10. Will they be announcing this at E3? I hope it does have just the large screen and not the circle pads thingy
  11. Once the Wii U is released will Nintendo stop manufacturing and selling Wii's? I hope not because believe it or not, the console still has some life left and can still be flogged to the very end. Look at the PS2, new games are still sold in some parts of Europe and the console sells fairly well in Japan. If Nintendo gets her strategy right, she can keep selling Wii's as long or even longer than the PS2. This can be a small source of revenue.
  12. I don't think it was that terrible as some 'fans' make it to be. Sure they could have done more but they have a games developers conference and more games might be announced for it. I am not too worried as i believe the console will succeed in the long run
  13. Hi guys, i am thinking of buying the 3DS but i have been seeing reports of an updated 3DS with the shoulder buttons (or something like that) should i buy the 3DS know (seeing as it is affordable these days) or wait for the updated 3DS later in the year or whenever it launches?
  14. no bad just chilling these days and still check out the site when i can

  15. hey mate how you doing? just realised that you locked my first thread way back in 2006:)

  16. It saddens me to see the demise of Game. In the early/mid 90's i used to enjoy the services of Tandy until it closed down. It is fair to say that the atmosphere that existed in the 90's no longer exists today. Gaming in this generation feels different somehow. I miss the endless consoles in the 90's with the vast amount of choices you had. For example in 93, we had to choose between the@ SNES, Mega, CDi, Sega CD, 3D0 and a few others. These days you buy online and you have little choice
  17. This happened to be the last console and game my mum bought for us siblings in 96. (Ever since then we bought our own stuff:) My bros played the game to death i remember at the time how colorful and how much fun it was to play
  18. haha the original DS will become very 'collectable' in years to come
  19. Thanks everyone for your suggestions
  20. Just try man i might like it:)
  21. It was obviously inspired by Mario Kart which was a good thing:)
  22. I am not a fan of the genre - the last game i played was Medal of Honor demo on the PC way back in 1999 or so. I was wondering with these two massively over hyped games, are there any other war games out there that are good?
  23. Which systems will become collectibles in say 20yrs time? PS3, 360 or Wii? will any of these consoles have the same impacts as the collectible late 80's and 90's consoles?
  24. Thanks for this:)
  25. Goldeneye looks very dated today (cool back then though)
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