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Everything posted by BlueStar

  1. Nope http://www.snopes.com/language/acronyms/fuck.asp
  2. I wouldn't get too upset, Fox News employs Chuck Norris as a political pundit which kind of demonstrates their credibility.
  3. Done the first few levels and there's not many bits where you notice it, but you can see it when you go to the bookshelf in the hideout and on a lot on Wiki's face when you complete a level. Guess it's from having my Wii on orange standby mode for ages, but I deliberately stopped doing that. Grr. EDIT: Looks like it's not just me http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=26104355 http://www.monkeyjuggler.net/meanderings/ Note I'm using an RGB cable, not component. Edit 2: And here's a video of exactly what I'm seeing in Z&W but hardly, if at all, in any other games.
  4. Dammit, this game has made me realise my Wii has got the dreaded artefact problem, although it's the only game it's really noticeable on I've not had any problems before and a few months ago I disabled Connect24 and started unplugging it at the wall because I heard about overheating frying the graphics card. When there's a lot of the light blue sky background I get like little black flies flying really fast across some textures. Tried Mario Galaxy and it's very slight on that but if you look hard on certain levels you can see it a little on some textures. If this doesn't fix itself it'll be the second Wii I've needed replaced, only had one 360 as well and they're supposed to eb the unreliable ones!
  5. A little paper bag was feeling unwell, so he took himself off to the doctors. 'Doctor, I don't feel too good,' said the little paper bag. 'Hmm, you look OK to me,' said the Doctor, 'but I'll do a blood test and see what that shows,come back and see me in a couple of days.' The little paper bag felt no better when he got back for the results. 'What's wrong with me?' asked the little paper bag. 'I'm afraid you are HIV positive!' said the doctor. 'No, I can't be - I'm just a little paper bag!' said the little paper bag. 'Have you been having unprotected sex?' asked the doctor. 'No, I can't do things like that - I'm just a little paper bag!' 'Well have you been sharing needles with other intravenous drug users?' asked the doctor. 'NO, I can't do things like that - I'm just a little paper bag!' 'Perhaps you've been abroad recently and required a jab or a blood transfusion?' queried the doctor. 'No, I don't have a passport - I'm just a little paper bag!' 'Well', said the doctor, 'are you in a homosexual relationship?' 'NO! I told you I can't do things like that, I'm just a little paper bag!' 'Then there can be only one explanation.' said the doctor 'Your mother must have been a carrier'
  6. That said, the fans will give him time and the morale boost has been incredible, we were really, really in the shit yesterday and now the whole city is buzzing. Contrary to what the press would have you believe, we're not impatient for a trophy - we're the most patient fans in the world in some respects considering how long we've gone with out one. We just want to play some alright football, go into each game thinking we're gonna give it a shot, have a pint, have a laugh, have a sing.
  7. Can't say I'm too impressed, seems a bit like romantically living in the past rather than moving forward. Certainly a safe choice for Ashley though, the Sky Sports News mong squad will all be at this match tonight getting their Keegan shirts printed. Got to get behind the guy now, but I'm a bit disappointed after we were linked with the likes of Houlier and Deschamps.
  8. What makes me feel old is that as of two weeks ago there are people born in the 90s who can legally drink. The 90s!!!
  9. Yep, they can take everything they want from me. Having an open casket doesn't matter anyway, if you're being prepared to be viewed they fuck your shit up anyway. Your eyes shrink in your head so they're replaced with bits of plastic to keep your eyelids from sinking into your skull, they take out bits of your guts and pack you with material like a teddybear, drain your blood and replace it with pink formaldahide so you look nice and healthy etc etc. I agree it should be opt out rather than opt in to be honest, then if people still want to be pussies about it they can carry an "I'm a pussy" card rather than normal people having to carry a donor card.
  10. Wonder what Smith said to get sent off, must have been one hell of an insult because you can regularly lip-read the likes of Rooney and Terry calling the ref a fucking cheat or telling him to fuck off and they don't even get a yellow.
  11. Can only laugh like, especially as we should have been 1-Nowt up at half time! Ronaldo's fucking class like, shame he's such a cheat (the dive trying to get a pen and the even more hilarious one where he scuffed his shot then flung himself to the ground with no-one near him to get the free kick he scored his first from) Only positive from yesterday was hearing clearly on the telly the chant of "Fergie's right, your fans are shit" ringing out
  12. Wonder if they fitted together like a key in a lock.
  13. *Sigh* Looks it's going to be spud faced cockney Harry Redknapp. Like I said, if we were going to take a sideways step with an unremarkable British manager we might as well have held on to that bumbling oaf Sam.
  14. Easy to sit from afar and be a clever clogs when you support another team and you've not had to watch our mind-bending performances over the past 8 months He wasn't the choice of the current owners and so he had to at least look like he was making some progress. If we were losing games because he didn't have the players at his disposal yet, or we were still in the process of sorting the defence out, fine. But we were losing games because we were playing up to 7 players out of position, playing for a draw against the likes of Wigan and Reading, playing narrow through the middle against Derby, persisting in playing Alan Smith in the middle after he had nightmare after nightmare. If Sam didn't have the faith of the new owners, it's better to sack him now than do what we've done in the past - give him £50m, decide he's useless and then sack him. We weren't pissed off because we were mid-table - although we'd had an easy run in to the start of the season so our position flattered us a bit. i.e We've played Derby twice and had only picked up one point, while we still have to play Man U home and away. We weren't pissed off because we weren't playing exciting football (This idea of us preferring to lose 3-4 than win 1-0 is bollocks). We were pissed off because he was making basic, stupid tactical decisions which were losing us matches unavoidably time and time again while showing no sign of going in the right direction. That said, if we're taking a sideways step to another unremarkable British manager like Hughes, Redknapp or Moyes the upheaval will have been a complete waste and I'll be utterly pissed off. Even when Sam was at his most hair pullingly frustrating I said we should stick with him unless we have someone better in the wings.
  15. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article662037.ece LOL, what a gimp
  16. But it's not a homage to the good things about old games - Styliish pixel art, good characters, awesome graphics which worked within the limits of the system. This kind of look that we saw in stuff like Pitfighter and shoddy 3DO/CD-i/CD32 games with 2d photo graphics was crappy even at the time and it's best selling point was the novelty of using the new technology to cram photos into games - at the expense of gameplay and better looking original artwork.
  17. A few years ago, under Souness at Anfield, the scousers cheered him on to the pitch when he came on as sub and then ironically cheered his every touch. Bet he enjoyed his payback
  18. Poor game, poor controls I'm afraid. Not worth £15.
  19. Sorry, we should have tried to played really open and attacking football away at Chelsea and got tonked 6-0 like good little non-top-fourers rather than playing the way we did (playing well, for what it's worth) and nearly getting a point. Were you at the match or did you watch a stream?
  20. Thought I might as well join to knock you off top spot :P
  21. It won't look like a college library any more?
  22. Seeing as it's taken up half this thread, I think it's worth mentioning that I've just seen on Sky Sports News that Liverpool's new stadium plans are going to be significantly cut back, downgraded and downsized.
  23. The Daily Mail took some serious liberties in quoting him on global warming. Here's what he actually said http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid/2007/12/simon_caldwell_is_a_liar.php
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