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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. An always orphan mute who is forced to go through hell and back to save the world, taking special consideration for the well being of a princess, just to remain a homeless, unappreciated, dirt poor virgin in the friend zone at the end of the day? Sounds like an unspecified ring of hell to me.
  2. My thought as well. Mario's Bad 'Stash Day confirmed! and of course, Metroid: Rust
  3. I've been in touch with Nintendo over this whole malarkay. Apparently, you don't need both ratings to release your game in the whole of Europe, just Germany. So if they can't be arsed with two ratings, they can just ignore the germans. Or release it there at a later date. It is baffling that a succesful company can't find the grand sum of 600 € to make the game available to got knows how many customers. They don't even need to sell a hundred units to earn that money back!
  4. This game looks nice and "summery", perfect. However, I've heard that Nicalis aren't sure if they'll release it in Europe, due to the hassle with age certifications
  5. I'd say that an important mechanic could be editors. A Warioware title where you can create your own minigames would be cool. And then allow players to share their stuff online. Sort of Little Big Planet-style. Perhaps allow people to use their own hand-drawn sprites. Maybe a strategy game that shows that the tablet works every bit as well as a computer for that genre.
  6. This popped up at a swedish gaming site: https://www.smartrecruiters.com/Foundation9Entertainment/74783228-game-designer-vehicle-handling-and-perfomance-specialist-sumo-digital What do you guys think it might be? Seems to be a racing game featuring cars from an existing franchise. Outrun feels obvious, but I've heard suggestions of Project Gotham Racing/Metropolis Street Racer. Chances of this seeing a Wii U version?
  7. I didn't have the time to read through the whole article, but here's my thought: The Wii U isn't comparable to the Dreamcast in any way. Perhaps I'd go as far as to say it's comparable to the Sega Saturn, although I think that the Wii U has done better (Saturn sold ca 10 million units in 4 years, Wii U seems to have sold 5,5 million in 14 or so months). The Dreamcast bombed for a large number of reasons. Firstly was Segas prior track record. They had released two short lived addons to the Mega Drive, which had pissed off both consumers and developers. Then they released a console which was hard to develop for, which they also killed off prematurely in favor of... the Dreamcast. With the Wii U, EA have released a few titles and people whom actually mean something within that company remain friendly towards Nintendo. With the Dreamcast, EA stated clean and clear that they will not support Sega. And the Dreamcast doesen't have a cult status because it was Segas last console. Not mainly at least. No, in fact it was because Sega made sure to give that console a huge and varied game library. Sega released every conceivable type of racing game (from literal arcade games like Daytona USA to Need for Speed-clones like Metropolis Street Racer to a fully fledged Gran Turismo competitor with Sega GT), RPG's, platformers, several different fighting games, sports games (allegedly better than the contemporary EA equivelants), stealth 'em up, flying games and whatever the fork Shenmue was supposed to be. They created new IP's and at least planned to bring back most of their old IP's (Shinobi for the PS2 apparently started on DC and a fully 3D Streets of Rage was in the works). If Nintendo would get their thumb out and try to match this, noone would care about third parties abandoning it.
  8. Mostly I buy whatever games I feel worthy of its price. I bought Battlefield 4 for example, because I saw it for 20€ with a DLC pack included. I think that the main paradox with the Wii U is that, despite software not selling very well, stores seem extremely reluctant to drop any prices whatsoever. When I go to the local game store, I see Mass Effect 3 at full price, while the used game rack has at least ten copies laying there, also at very close to full price. They're behaving like it was an extremely sought-after game, while in fact they should make deals like "buy any new Wii U game, get any used game for free" or something like that. The problem however isn't just the drought, it's the lack of variety more than anything. While I am hyped to see new 3D Mario games, Mario Kart and Smash Bros, the major problem is the heavy focus on sidescrollers and minigame compilations.
  9. Not particularly interrested in this game yet. Although I am getting an urge to buy Sonic Lost Worlds for some reason. The trailer however looks absolutely gorgeous. Had this been a launch-title for the Wii U, noone would've doubted the console's power. Too bad this may be too little too late.
  10. Soul Calibur 2 Great fighter. Surprisingly extensive single-player mode, gorgeous graphics and you can fight as Link! Beach Spikers A beach volleyball game that's not about overly curvy women. It's actually a really good multiplayer game. Whenever me and mates play old games, I bring this up, they go like "what the hell is this". They give it a try, then they go "just one more round". If the summer would be officially sponsored by a game, this would be it. Or Crazy Taxi. Or nigh on any Sega game from this era. For those who loved Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, I suggest: Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Actually a stealth game, but gunplay is fairly similar and the levels are even more open. Kinda like a GE 2.0. One of my all-time favorite shooters, even though you're not supposed to play it like one. Timesplitters 2 & Timesplitters Future Perfect Can't decide which is better. The single player is kind of rubbish in both these games, unfortunately they were early adopters of the stupid corridor-level design, which kills all replayability. But the multiplayer is magnificent. Huge variety in guns, bots, insane modes and a friggin' level editor!
  11. Here at Cavelight, we are actually considering to take pursue Nintendo with the possibility of our game Velocity Stream actually being transformed in to the new F-Zero. What do you guys think of this idea? If you support this, please tag #FZeroVeloStream on Twitter.
  12. Amen to that. I remember the sheer variety of first party content we got on the N64 and GC. And how most games embraced 3D to a hundred percent, creating exciting worlds to explore. If Nintendo could find that again, I think the Wii U could be easily saved.
  13. That sounds reassuring. I hope that Nintendo come out and clarify this rather soon. Preferably with new announcements.
  14. Iwata states Nintendo need to appeal more to children Is this guy serious? Nintendo need to win over the core, SHARPISH!
  15. I'm not at liberty to say exactly, but let's just say it's leaps and bounds cheaper than a PS3 devkit, but still a pain in the ass for indie developers.
  16. We have the problem with all the software for the Wii U that actually requires the gamepad to perform certain tasks, that's a problem we'll never get around. People buy Wii U games for their Wii today, despite the color of the box being different and the logo on the boxart is different. What do you reckon would happen if people would be able to buy Wii U's without the tablet and would somehow have to know which games require it and which don't? Even if future non-tablet games would have their boxes in a further yet different colour and have stamps stating "this game does not require the tablet. If a game does not have this label, you are required to have a tablet", people would still buy the wrong games.
  17. F-Zero: Velocity Stream : peace: How about the ex-Free Radical guys at Crytek making an FPS equivelant of Smash Bros? Or a Zelda fighting game based off Soul Calibur game mechanics. Maybe Codemasters could make a game simply called "Excite", which takes the thoughts behind Excitebike 64 (not Excitetrucks) and brings them up to date, perhaps also including cars.
  18. I say "definitely not". Nintendo have provided a variety of gameplay experiences only because they want to sell systems. As a third-party publisher, they would only release games they KNOW will sell the most. In other words, sidescrollers, minigame compilations, trash with "wii" in the title etc (because those cost little to develop and sell by the containerload). Any hopes for F-Zero, Starfox, Waverace, 1080, Excitebike or perhaps even Metroid would be gone. Not to mention that there would probably not be too much of a point in recruiting second party developers to make brilliant stuff like Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes or Eternal Darkness. And of course, since Nintendo would probably release their games for multiple platforms, we wouldn't see the same polish as we do today. But on the other hand, releasing their games for a western format, like the XBONE would probably force Nintendo to look at what western developers are doing. Maybe we'd get a Zelda with voice-acting and non-toon graphics? But that would be the only pro.
  19. It's not that it's particularly hard to get a kit, all we have to do is to order it. The problem is the cost, which is currently out of reach for us. Espescially considering the mild success of the Wii U right now. But yes, I am quite pleased that Nintendolife have written about us and that we've received these generally positive comments. We do need all the buzz we can get before release.
  20. Rare were brilliant up until when Nintendo sold them off. Starfox Adventures was a really appreciated title on release and Grabbed by the Ghoulies was really decent. From what I've read in interviews, MS were ready to sign a deal with Nintendo to make all future Rare games both for Nintendo and Microsoft platforms. Apparently a whole load of key staff left Rare when Microsoft took over. And while it's true that Retro was formed by ex-Rare people, those guys left quite shortly after Goldeneye was finished (because they felt that they, a team of eight people, had made a game that had sold eight million copies and yet hadn't received any bonus whatsoever), so Rare still managed to churn out a load of great games without them. And the problem is that even if Microsofts involvement would've ruined Rares output anyhow, Nintendo have done nothing to allow for a replacement. Retro of course are great, but they're not particularly productive. Nintendo received I believe a few hundred million dollars for selling Rare. This money should be enough to make sure there'll never have to be a software drought on a Nintendo console again (or at least the following ten years). Either by financing the acquisition and expansion of several smaller developers, or developing AAA products (MS paid 375 million for Rare, GTA V, the most expensive game of all time, developed 13 years after Nintendo sold Rare cost "only" 265 million, don't make me adjust that to inflation). Instead Iwata wiped his nose with that money, or something like that, because the droughts of the last ten years have been ridiculous. We have seen no interresting new IP's, while many of our favorite ones have had a decade long sabatical.
  21. I must say that Iwata has led Nintendo from disaster to disaster since he took over. Selling Rare off was the biggest mistake in the history of Nintendo. They took a second party developer that was as productive as Nintendo themselves (compare the pure quantity of Rare vs first party Nintendo software for the N64 as an example. Then realise that Rare usually were on-par with Nintendo when it comes to quantity) and then gave them away to Microsoft. Thus Nintendo has consistently been experiencing a lack of mature titles, not to mention that Rare used to be complete masters of squeezing incredible graphics out of ageing Nintendo hardware, dare I say it more so than Nintendo themselves. As productive as those guys used to be, they could've solved Nintendos software droughts on their own. Overall, Hiroshi Yamauchi and Howard Lincoln built solid relationships with western developers, such as Rare, Retro and others. Reggie should have continued where Lincoln left off and avoided his predecessors misstakes (look at the Rockstar situation). Instead Iwata and Reggie turned Nintendo into the North Korea of gaming. How they pissed off their still large fanbase by releasing shovelware (every piece of software with 'wii' in the title, just look at how many of those there were) instead of delivering the Nintendo Experience. Oh, and to make matters worse, we must never forget: "I'm not a gamer" Iwata being a moron when it comes to which projects to greenlight has just made the perceived drought even worse than it is. The few first party games available and announced have generally focused on casuals or been to similar to each other (do we really need three minigame compilations and three 2D platformers announced within the first 6 months of the sonsoles release when the console's lacking in so many other genres?).
  22. For the Wii U to get some kind of software, which enables you to play certain 3DS games in HD on your TV, just by having your 3DS turned on, with that game running nearby. Would solve the Wii U software drought.
  23. Here's a new video showing off the game in splitscreen, with sound. Unfortunately, the video is already a bit out of date, as we've progressed leaps and bounds when it comes to graphics, gameplay... everything. We are planning on releasing a splitscreen-only demo online in March.
  24. It's great to see developers committed to actually make an effort for the Wii U version for once. I'm looking forward to seeing an official car list, because my one complaint right now is that focus is too much on old F1 and Le-mans type cars. I'm more in to "normal" cars.
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