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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. But that's the thing. People seem to have forgotten that Nintendo used to make proper AAA-games and lots of them. Starfox 64 was undoubtedly a AAA game in 1997. The voice acting worked really well, the cutscenes were epic, the graphics were among the best gamers had seen on any format at that point and there were loads of levels. Thus, it's not unreasonable to expect Nintendo to make AAA games now.
  2. Sure, Nintendo have improved, but let's look at what's already come out: 2D Mario Bros U Luigi U Dr. Luigi Donkey Kong Country Returns NES Remix 1 NES Remix 2 3D Mario Kart 8 Pikmin 3 Mario 3D World Game & Wario Nintendoland Wii Sports Club Wind Waker HD Uncategorised Wii Fit U (1D?) With so much 2D content already out, the Wii U has filled its quota of 2D for... well, as long as it takes Nintendo to win back the major third parties. And since blokes like lists, here are games Nintendo can make, which are going to sell well and shift systems, IF DONE RIGHT. Metroid Waverace 1080 Excitebike F-Zero Pilotwings A proper 3D Mario game (3D World is okay, but doesen't hold a candle against SM64) Pokémon Stadium
  3. Yes, true. And I'm stoaked to see it. But like many other fans, I have a mile long list of games I want to see. Games that will make the Wii U have a more complete library. Which would make more people buy the system. If you just look through the Wii U's lineup so far, you can't but think of what else Nintendo could have done with their resources. Imagine if they'd scrap NSMBU, Nintendoland and Game & Wario and put all that man power into making one ambitious game that shows the Wii U's graphical capabilities as well as concrete proof of how the gamepad can improve core games? Something with mass appeal, like Mass Effect or Uncharted? Which will leave core gamers drooling because it looks so good. What if, instead of making Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Retro would have made Wave Race or Excitebike or 1080 or Pilotwings or a new IP? What if Nintendo didn't make ANY 2D platformers for the Wii U and instead create Platformer Maker, where players are given tools to build levels that would fit in to any of their franchises? Amiibo supported, where you get extra building blocks, enemies and characters, PLUS you can upload your levels to your Amiibo and take it with you. And instead diverted their resources to other projects?
  4. Hogge

    Mario Kart 8

    Granted, he's not as god-awful as Donkey Kong, but the new voice is nowhere near as charming as the N64 voice:
  5. Am I the only one who thinks the Wii U is receiving an abundance of first and second party 2D style games? Despite the persistant software drought, which has been present since early last year, Nintendo and partners have persisted in announcing and releasing a bunch of games which frankly have zero potential to sell consoles. They kicked off the launch with New Mario Bros (out of all the games they could have promoted the at the time most powerful game console in the world) and made a big deal out of Rayman during E3 that same year. The following year kicked off with the announcement of Yarn Yoshi and Luigi U. Not to mention the surprise launch of Dr. Luigi. During E3 that same year, they showed off Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. During this years E3 they firstly showed off a new 2D Kirby, Mario & Donkey Kong, Mario Maker and during interviews they've stated that they're working on both a new 2D and 3D Metroid. Am I the only one who can see this? Can we not agree that Nintendo need to bring out a wider range of games, rather than saturating their machine with this 2D content? It's not like they've got this tremendously large pool of teams that have never worked on 3D games before, just look at the N64 line up. Yoshi's Story, Pokémon Puzzle League, Dr.Mario 64 and Kirby 64 and presto, that's the entire list of first party 2D style games for the N64. Do not take me wrong: I think that Yarn Yoshi is as charming and cool looking as the next person and Mario Maker is an awesome idea. But if they want to drive hardware sales, they need considerably more variety. Please share your thoughts.
  6. Yes please! Also, I never owned the original, thought of buying it for my 360 prior to the B2 release. But since they're both bundled, I don't have to
  7. I see no problem with the quality of the Amiibos. And they seem a lot larger than I thought they would be. However, I've heard they'll cost as much as Skylanders figures. Never bought any myself, so I googled them, and two figures cost 40€ here in Sweden. If that's the case, I find them pricey. I'd love to have a large collection of Nintendo characters and items on display in my shelf. But at that price, that would be ridiculously expensive. Espescially considering the gimmicky implementation so far. 5-10€ a pop is what I think they should sell them at. I bought two Mass Effect 3 figures for the same price as two single packed Skylanders toys. And those figures are huge, posable and really well-detailed.
  8. The robot fighter seems cool. The idea of building robots and battling with them is great. However, this is the one time I'll complain about graphics. Everything just looks so poorly detailed, that you don't really get a sense of scale. But if they put in the time, this could be great. The security camera game however... Concept sounds like...
  9. Hogge

    Mario Kart 8

    ...so by now I have 2300 coins and unlocked the mirror cup. And I still haven't got the Pipe Frame, which is the only thing I've cared about unlocking. Great game, where the only complaints are these types of nit-picks (Donkey Kongs voice sounds like he has... special needs, Yoshi too and I miss toads N64 voice), but man, are they annoying! Why couldn't Nintendo just give us a shop where we can buy the stuff we want for our coins? And allow players to unlock retro voice sets? Then this game would be perfect (except for there only being preset phrases to chat with, but even then I'd say that the game is so near perfect that it doesen't matter).
  10. I didn't actually notice that. That's an amazing little touch. I was quite indecisive in regards of the art style to begin with, but I've warmed up to it. The one thing that bugs me a bit is Links face. It seems kind of flat and undetailed. If you look at everything else, it's crammed full of tiny little touches, like the ropes on the arrow, the individual, not alligned planks on the bridge and the scales on the monsters legs. Links face just seems much, much more toony than anything else in that environment.
  11. I checked that gameplay and I think it looks way better than the trailer makes it out to be. The multiplayer makes me think it's sort of like Gears of War, only in a contemporary-ish setting. I do however agree that it seems quite irritating to go from third to first person.
  12. Am I the only one under the impression that this looks kinda high-tech?
  13. I wrote 2D content, not 2D platformers.
  14. Interresting. Considering how early it was shown last year, I expected it to be out this year. But the graphics are among the most charming I've seen in my life. And they've chosen to give Yoshi his real voice in this game, rather than the terrible travesty they chose for Mario Kart 8.
  15. This, for me was the low-point of this years presentation. The Wii U already has an abundance of side scrollers and is lacking terribly in other genres. They should've left this on the drawing board and made Waverace or F-Zero instead.
  16. I'm positively stoaked to see a new Starfox, even if it is really early and Nintendo aim to make an episodic release. I have a theory on how the look and shoot mechanics may work. It's from a Wii U game idea I had a few years back, which got an unofficial approval from Saab (the fighter jet manufacturer). You have a normal view on the TV-screen, while the Gamepad screen shows what you're aiming the pad at. The pad is used to designate targets in your surroundings, and to guide radar-guided missiles (if you've played any flight sims, you know that radar-missiles aren't usually fire and forget, you need to point the nose of your plane against the target until impact, or it'll miss).
  17. While this is really cool, I can't help but wonder: does the Wii U need even more 2D content? Isn't New Mario, New Luigi, Dr. Luigi, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Yarn Yoshi and Clay Kirby enough already? IMHO, this should've been part of NSMBU at the launch of the Wii U, just to justify the very existense of that game.
  18. First impression while looking at the intro animation was... "For f**ks sake!". After watching actual gameplay was "Seems like a clever, original game, not just a gimmick fest". By the time I watched the treehouse showing, I was sold. And am I the only one who gets a sort of Dreamcast vibe off this?
  19. Several elements in that trailer, including the monster, feel more like they belong in Twilight than in Hyrule. Also, that arrow seems more electronic/mechanical than magic. Perhaps Hyrule has advanced a bit from a technological perspective? Two doubts come to mind however. Firstly: the art style. It feels like they've just taken the look of Skyward Sword and given up on the whole oil-painting idea. Secondly, like what others here have pointed out: the game world didn't actually seem very open. Open game worlds, is what we saw in Red Dead Redemption: The trailer didn't really show any open-looking areas.
  20. Nintendo quite often make demands for their partners to improve their games prior to release. Apparently Metroid Prime was delayed not because of Retro Studios being incompetent, but because of Nintendo demanding dramatic changes to make gameplay more enjoyable. In the same manner, I recall Platinum Games saying that Nintendo are demanding in terms of what they want from gameplay. So I don't think this will turn out to be good. However, I'm a bit sceptical to Nintendo solely partnering with Japanese developers. They could need an exclusive, Western style FPS, as that's a really popular genre over here. Or a racing game.
  21. As has been said before, this must be due to the last few stressful years. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
  22. My only complaint is that another 2D type experience is the last thing the Wii U needs.
  23. So I read a Swedish gaming page today and they wrote about this. Seems like it's a level editor for the original SMB. Perhaps it'll contain filters, like NES Remix. Perhaps it'll support more Mario games than SMB. What do you think of this?
  24. Hogge

    Mario Kart 8

    I bought the game yesterday and I must say I'm impressed. I've seen none of the reported screen tearing and the different karts feel significantly different. Racing online is silky smooth, even playing against players in Japan works flawlessly. My only complaint is that you unlock stuff at random. I tried to unlock the Pipe Frame in Mario Kart 7 from the very day I bought it and I still haven't unlocked it. Why can't Nintendo add the option to unlock a specific component by beating X cup on Y difficulty? Or a shop, where you spend your coins on what you want?
  25. Zelda Calibur Nintendo-Namco collaboration. Rather than porting an existing Soul Calibur and include Link, Namco create a brand new game containing 20 different fighters from the Zelda univers, ranging from Link, Ganondorf, Zelda and other popular characters, to generic enemies, such as a dual-sword wielding Gerudo, Hylian soldier and a Stalfos. Actual Soul Calibur characters are to be made available as an extra piece of DLC.
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