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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. Is it just me, or does Donald look to be of waaay inferior quality.
  2. Really clever to sell it as well. Most people would either not realise that it was defective, or skipped buying it because of that defect.
  3. Ask for them. As I wrote in my previous post, GameStop didn't know that they had any. And I'll deffo look in MediaMarkt before work tomorrow.
  4. Went out yesterday to see Amiibos in person. To my surprise Game had only received ONE. Which got sold within twenty minutes of reaching the shelf. Gamestop on the other hand... Jesus! I had to ask the clerk, who had no clue what I was going on about. I had to take their catalogue and look it up. Then they rummaged through their storage and couldn't find it. It turned out that it was in a box behind the counter. And they had a grand total of five. And oh, right, both places priced them at 20€. So yeah... not very well done.
  5. I don't feel the game looked that bad. However, I hope that they've completely redesigned the main character. He's severely generic. Like a russian Duke Nukem.
  6. I like that they included Twili Midna, but is it just me, or is she significantly... augmented?
  7. Seems like a very solid version of the game. It'll be interresting to see what reviewers say. Regardless of which, I'm either buying the Wii U version, or no version at all.
  8. Great! Not only is true form Midna better looking, she makes more sense. I always felt that this is the way she should've looked in HW from the start.
  9. Being a bit more of a retro buff, I'm more in love with what they did on the N64. Like Mario Kart 64 Ocarina of Time
  10. I haven't read the whole thread, but am I the only one thinking this might be a phone of some sort?
  11. Personally, I find the new moon better looking. The old one just was just ugly in the wrong way.
  12. Really great. I would love to see Nintendo bring this and OoT 3D out for the Wii U. Personally, I just prefer to play on a bigger screen using a more comfortable controller.
  13. Regardless of which, it would send a message to other third parties that the Wii U is in fact viable if you handle your releases properly. Secondly, I don't think that devs will want to port the game to a format where noone will buy it. Even if they are doing it for free. Thirdly, I think that there will be some sort of scheme where as much of the crew will be able to live off making games. Whether this will happen via a post-release kickback (which is what they used in The Stanley Parable) or formal employment remains to be seen.
  14. I'm really curious what the western sales will be.
  15. Oh goodie. Now I just hope that Nintendo fans vote with their wallet, so the Wii U gets future releases from this developer as well.
  16. This is quite disappointing. I enjoyed the first two games and never got the third. It'd be interresting to see the first game with bumped graphics. Or better yet: all three games in HD on the Wii U. Such a shame, because this is yet another company that Nintendo had an intimate relationship with, and then ruined it. Does anyone know who owns the right to the RS games?
  17. To be honest, I find the GC controller too small nowadays. If that controller whould've had bigger versions of the N64 grips, THEN it would've been the all time best. It's quite understandable that the controller doesen't work with older games. But I still think that developers are allowed to make use of it in future releases. As is now, this will be the only means of playing a game with analogue triggers on the Wii U. So, hopefully Project CARS will support it. Because that is the only racing game coming to the Wii U, isn't it? Err... well, Velocity Stream is as well.
  18. Whoa! I didn't expect an answer like that from... anyone in the game industry.
  19. To me, the PS3 looks like someone slapped on a generic blur filter on the whole screen to hide EVERYTHING.
  20. I'm not a dual format owner per say. I own a Wii U and an Xbox 360. The only reason I care about CARS is that it's coming to the Wii U. And I'm not buying this for my 360. Why? I have Forza 4 and soon I'll be able to get Forza Horizon 2. Both games contain more and cooler cars, customization and god knows what else that CARS lacks. If I buy CARS, it will be on Wii U. And if it was a Wii U exclusive, I would buy it, guaranteed.
  21. I'm not sure whether game stores have bought too few copies, or Hyrule Warriors is quite successful, but it's sold out in both game stores in my town. Anyone know whether Gamestop or Game have a tendency of under-stocking Nintendo stuff?
  22. I just got this as part of the Mario Kart 8 campaign. I like it quite a bit, although throwing Pikmin using the touch screen is annoying.
  23. I find it an odd decision to make some 3DS games which can only be played on the new version. On one hand it's great that we'll get better looking handheld games, on the other it'll probably cause confusion among consumers. But this is great revision. Had Nintendo announced phonecall support, I would have bought it, so I would only have to own one portable machine.
  24. I gather you weren't a Nintendo fan back in the N64 days? If you look at the sheer variety, quality and (for the time) sophistication on the N64, you'll see that the Wii U is nowhere near that. What the N64 was lacking could be counted on one hand (RPGs, a Gran Turismo competitor and a stellar fighting game). Beyond that, the N64 had it all. Beyond the stuff that we expect from every Nintendo console, we got Wave Race (with for the time amazing physics), Pilotwings 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Starfox, Ridge Racer 64, Excitebike 64, not to mention a lot of great third party exclusives. I hope that Miyamotos opinion reflects what the rest of the company desires to do.
  25. Should we take this as Namco seeing potential in the Wii U? Or Nintendo using their deep pockets to get games? Anyways, this seems interresting. I had always found it more obvious to make a Zelda fighter based on Soul Calibur mechanics, but there you go.
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