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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. I completely agree Ashley. I loved him in Nintendo Directs, his contributions before becoming head honcho are great. And I still want him in Smash Bros. And not to beat the everlasting crap out of him. I want an Iwata Amiibo. But he did run the company into the ground. People are not running out and buying Wii U's. Third parties have abandoned it. As CEO of Nintendo, his job was to make sure this situation would never come. That is a fact that cannot be disputed. Being a game lover myself, I see little wrong with the hardware. When the Wii U launched, it was the most powerful console in the world and Nintendo had 18 months to capitalise on that. Long story made short: he didn't. Until Splatoon came out, ports of Need for Speed Underground and Watchdogs were the only proof the console was more powerful than a PS3 (a widespread rumor of the opposite plagued the Wii U for a long time) When third party support started to dwindle, he should've made sure that the first party lineup was broad and varied. Nintendo have more than enough different IP's to do so. He didn't.
  2. Agreed. I don't precisely think he micromanaged things to the point where he decides what Amiibos should unlock. And regardless of which, I like Amiibos. I do however think he was in charge of greenlighting games.
  3. Am I? To quote myself: First party wise there's an over abundance of sidescrollers and minigame compilations. Those two genres are literally half the content that first and second parties have churned out. Those are not genres that sell very many consoles (Oh, look guys, I just bought the most powerful console in the world. It has... Mario Bros... which just barelly looks better than the DS version... Don't you want one too?)
  4. Well, what are they? And the fact remains: do you think anyone'll buy a Wii U to play any of those games? The Art Academy series? They are indeed software. But not games.
  5. I stand corrected. But SM64 wasn't all that platform heavy, was it? I only recall a few tricky platforms that pissed me off. The rest was about exploring the worlds, solving not particularly tricky puzzles and defeating enemies.
  6. Let me fix that for you: Total: 51 Now, let's count. 2D Platformers: New Super Mario Bros. U New Super Luigi U (DLC) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Yoshi's Woolly World Mario Maker Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars Total: 7 Mini-game Collections amiibo tap: Nintendo's Greatest Bits Animal Crossing Plaza Nintendo Land Sing Party Game & Wario Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games Wii Party U Wii Fit U Wii Sports Club (I'll give you that) Mario Party 10 Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games NES Remix NES Remix 2 Total: 14 Not actual games: Art Academy: SketchPad Art Academy: Home Studio I count 21 games in two genres. And then I was generous for not considering Mario vs Donkey Kong or Wii Karaoke any of those two categories. Remove the Art Academy games for not actually being games and we end up with a total of 49 published games. Let's not forget that Project Guard is likely to either become a minigame compilation or be part of one. We end up with 48. So these two genres make up a whopping 44% of their lineup. So sorry, my numbers were ever so slightly out of date, since Pokken hadn't been announced when I made my research.
  7. Not all games need to target everyone. Mario 64 is if I'm not mistaken still the best selling 3D Mario game and I'm certain there are more people who are proficient with 3D cameras today than back then. I don't think you need more evidence than the fact that GTA V has sold 54 million units.
  8. Granted, that's a good point. However, the decision to focus on Wii was disastrous in the long run. Umm... no. First party wise there's an over abundance of sidescrollers and minigame compilations. Those two genres are literally half the content that first and second parties have churned out. Those are not genres that sell very many consoles (Oh, look guys, I just bought the most powerful console in the world. It has... Mario Bros... which just barelly looks better than the DS version... Don't you want one too?) Sorry, I haven't seen ANY kids playing the 3DS. They're playing on their phones. We have no idea what the Universal Studios will bring, but I can tell you that he could EASILY have made that deal in 2002, since Nintendo were a lot more popular back then.
  9. I don't think he's saying they're bad. What his point seems to be, which I agree with to 100% is that gimmicks aren't necessary when Nintendo release so few games in each franchise. Had Nintendo released 3D Marios and 3D Zeldas as often as Sega release 3D Sonics, and the 3D Marios gave an equally bad taste in the consumers' mouth, then the gimmicks would've been called for. As is now, the gimmicks just distract and divide players. You can vary the tone without fundamentally changing the art style entirely. I think you quite easily could tell the difference between the 3D GTA games. The genericness of GTA III, the pastels and kitch of Vice City and the constantly yellowed out style of San Andreas. The grey and orange autumn of GTA IV and the sun drenched open landscapes of GTAV.
  10. Haven't finished Pikmin 3 yet. My guess is it'll come out for the NX. That would indicate Nintendo are trying to give the console a better launch lineup than the Wii U. IMO, it's the last thing the Wii U needs right now.
  11. I think you're generalising the crap out of what he wrote. He didn't say that Nintendo don't make ANY innovations anymore. Let's face it, don't you think that after all the FLUDD-splashing, gravity manipulating and grid-worlding of the last two decades, it would be kind of refreshing to just play a good looking 3D platformer in the vein of SM64 again? Of course one embracing the advancements and conventions made since then. I think Darkjak's argument stands: they don't sell consoles. Isn't it logical? One franchise= One identity =One art style. It's not about stagnation, it's about not splitting your audience in to camps.
  12. Played more and I must say it's too bad more Wii U owners decided not to buy it. Shaping up to be one of the best games on the system IMO.
  13. Bought this game yesterday. Thus far it seems fine. I've noticed framerate stutter while driving, however I'd say it's no worse than GTAV on Xbox 360. I am however a bit disappointed in the vehicly physics.
  14. Love it on the PC, looking forward to the Wii U version.
  15. Personally, I have about ten games I want to make which would all use excellent use of the gamepad. I want the gamepad come back, albeit in a more sleek, ergonomic and functional form.
  16. Cool. Probably not going to buy it, but it's nice to see a new post-E3 announcement.
  17. This is a debate on first party titles and the other first parties only have one each. If we are to talk about ridiculousness, a vast majority of Indie games on the Wii U are sidescrollers in one shape or another. How many sidescrollers does the Wii U have if you count those? 20? 30? Third parties can release as many FPS games as they want (count the FPS games on other formats and you'll find they're not that many in proportion to the total ammount of games), their goal is to sell SOFTWARE. Third parties will sell whatever games on whatever formats they believe will earn them the best profit margin. Console manufacturers release software firstly to sell systems and second for profits from the software sales themselves. The "endless ammounts of shooters" on other systems don't mean that players aren't spoilt for choice in other genres. The other consoles have plenty of sports games, racing games, adventures, puzzle games etc etc. Let me reiterate: Nintendo has ZERO third party support (oh, sorry, Dance Central, "not another Lego game" and Project Treasure were announced this year). Nintendo need to act accordingly. An eight sidescroller won't sell any consoles, even if it's the best sidescroller in the history of everything. Or at least not as many as a new Metroid, Waverace or Gran Turismo competitor, even if said games were mediocre.
  18. I'm surprised at how many people say that first party titles don't matter. They very much do, otherwise they wouldn't exist! First party games are exclusives. Guaranteed, non-time limited exclusives. And that sells consoles! While third parties have abandoned the Wii U, Nintendo could've racked up at least twice the sales (and thus potentially keeping third parties), simply by diversifying their first party output. Seriously, how many consoles do you think their SEVENTH sidescrolling platformer will sell? Or their sixth minigame compilation? As opposed to let's say a new Metroid Prime game? Or a new Waverace? Or a competitor to Gran Turismo? Or a modern equivelant to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark? And the fact of the matter is, Nintendo haven't really made anything that's AAA by contemporary standards since the N64 days.
  19. Sad news indeed. The guy must've been very dedicated to his mission to continue working for as long as he did.
  20. Ugh... I personally dislike resort. Only one environment, time limits, dumbed down vehicle handling, Miis, unappealing visuals... Excitebike 64 was bliss! A natural evolution of the NES original. I'd definitely like to se a sequel to that!
  21. I would've agreed with you if it wasn't for the price of Amiibos. Really, there's already too many different ones out now for it to be viable to collect them all and get all the stuff. Had Nintendo sold them for a fraction of the price, I'd probably have a collection of about 10 by now. As is, I'll rather buy a discount game for that price.
  22. I hope that Nintendo will keep the auto-jump, rather than a jump button. Jumping mechanics IMO kill the immersion atless you're actually playing a platform game.
  23. We have now released a more gaming related video in the series. This time it's a buyers guide for the N64. Done Miami Vice style.
  24. The only thing I thought looked actually poor was that red flying saucer thing. That was straight up ugly.
  25. I believe that, at least for the Wii U, the games all feel the same. Had Nintendo made 46 completely varied games in every conceivable genre, mixing realistic with arcade, new franchises with old, staples with long-dormant franchises, people wouldn't complain so bad and the console would sell accordingly. As is now, Nintendo announced and released mostly games for casuals for the systems first year on the market. For the NX, Nintendo need to do the same as they did with the Wii: at the very unveiling of the system, they need to clearly state that we'll see most of our favorite franchises within 18 months of launch. Then they need to maintain a packed release schedule for the duration of the systems lifespan.
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