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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. I know it's unlikely. I mean, doing what I just wrote would make sense and be appealing to the mass market. And we just can't have that, can we?
  2. I think you're wrong. Nintendos reputation is down the toilet and the absolute last thing they should do is to scrap the Wii U version. Nintendo have to understand that the Wii U owners are the most likely early adopters of the NX and if Nintendo piss them off, the NX might do even worse than the WiiU. In fact, I think Nintendo should launch Zelda U for the Wii U as soon as it's finished, preferably before E3. Then they should take their time until March or even later to make a visually supperior version. I don't want it to be a Twilight Princess situation, where both versions are identical apart from maybe at best different resolutions and framerates.
  3. Only if it involves redoing most of the level design and changing the enemies to make the motion controls a pleasure, rather than a chore.
  4. Feels like a Lylat Wars equivalent to Goldeneye. Although SF0 cut down on the on-rails in favor of more All-Range missions and didn't have the cutscenes improved in the slightest, while Goldeneye became a linear mess with some quite cool cinematics. Hell, in SF0 they're using virtually identical dialogue to Lylat Wars, even though at times the Lylat Wars quotes don't even fit with the context it's put into.
  5. To make you use the gamepad, silly.
  6. I think Nintendo definitely can recapture their glory days, but only if they realise that games are intrinsically judged as a product of their time. For its time, Starfox 64 was a fantastic looking game. The voiced dialogues and epic feeling cutscenes would rarely be mimmicked on the console and frankly were better implemented in most CD-based games at the time. Starfox could seriously be considered the Star Wars of video games. The short missions were no problem, because the branching paths through the Lylat System gave the game longevity, in no small part due to how short other games were back in the day. Quite simply, SF64 was the right game at the right time. Starfox Zero though? Honestly, the cinematics aren't enough of an improvement. In fact, the story in particular feels like a step down from SF64. I feel that with the change of structure in the game, Platinum could've added much longer cutscenes to flesh out the world and the story more. Also, in SF64, there was much more chatter between the characters, which gave them more personality. Falco was much more into insulting his team mates, Kat was more obviously in to Falco, Slippy was more annoying and Peppy seemed quite more proud to see Fox become a better pilot. The missions in SFZ are way to few and the on-rails missions feel really, really short. Without dragging on for too long, I can tell you that I think SFZ feels like a launch title, experimenting with a brand new input device that the devloper is trying out in a commercial product for the first time, featuring graphics which would've been proof that the Wii U is more powerful than the PS3. A year before the announcement of the PS4 it would've been quite impressive. And before you say anything, let me tell you that I actually like Star Fox Zero. I just don't think it stacks up to other games being released nowadays. It just feels old, which is fine by me as I still buy N64 games and find them genuinely enjoyable. But I also play modern games and I know that games in fact are better now than back then.
  7. I finally did it yesterday. My advice is to fire bombs at him when he uses his tractor beam. I got this game on launch and I've managed to beat Andross. So far I have mixed feelings. For the most part, it's what I expected from a new Starfox game. The graphics are quite appealing to look at and I love that there were more all-range mode missions than in SF 64. Also, I'm quite happy that they allow players to disable the motion controls. The gameplay is for the most part really fun. I love that you now can play a single mission, rather than to be forced to play through the whole game all over just to experience your favorite level. The lockon feature, while pretty standard in virtually all modern flight sims, is quite infty and makes the Starwolf fights much less confusing than on the N64. But then we have the negatives. My main gripe is that the game at times attempts to force the player to use motion controls for absolutely no reason. Most obvious is the "target mode" levels, such as the Andross boss fight. The camera locks on to something, you can't look away, so if you want to shoot something, you HAVE TO look at the screen. Also, the Gyrowing and walker are a pain in the butt and I can't help but think that the Landmaster would've been so much more fun if the game featured twin stick controls. Or if the turret could automatically rotate in the direction of whatever you're locked on to. The story and cutscenes are somehow even worse than in SF 64 and some bosses are more a pain than entertaining. All in all, I think that this game would've had a much more positive reception if it was part of the Wii U launch lineup. In fact, had this been released instead of Wodnerful 101, I think the Wii U itself would've sold way better.
  8. I haven't decided. IMHO, I'll wait until E3. And base my choice on what'll be in the launch window. It's such a shame I no longer can trust Nintendo to deliver the goods anymore.
  9. DLC confirmed! One one
  10. All of your claims are absolutely true. BUT all of those games SEEMED better prior to release. So people preordered and people rushed to the store on the weeks following release. And of course, most people don't read game reviews, they buy what looks good and what everyone is talking about. They did their job of persuading people to buy the console. And by the time people found out they weren't good, their friends had it and there was plenty of third party stuff to play. Nintendos games were better, but you can't deny that NSMB U and Nintendoland basically looked like Wii games running at a higher resolution. Same goes for Game & Wario.
  11. Knack seemed a far bit more exciting than New Mario Bros U. Killzone is one of Sony's big hitters, it's a beloved franchise that Sony fans consider their equivelant of Halo. And don't forget about the games that Sony fans had to look forward to on launch. Drive club seemed like a completely passable stop-gap solution while waiting for Gran Turismo 7. The Order 1886 seemed to be amazing.
  12. Agreed. No "restructuring" in the world is going to enable Nintendo to output more games of the quality that's expected nowadays. Nintendo need to buy out studios, create new studios and generally employ more manpower. Yet again, launch will be key. If there are no games worth buying a whole new console for, the NX will be stillborn.
  13. Doesen't matter. Sony will walk up on stage this E3 and show off games that make use of it, I guarantee it. And they'll be able to say that those games are PS4 games. And then people will question why they should buy a new Nintendo console which is being surpassed by a three year old console (even though it isn't). ESPESCIALLY considering that the perpetual software drought on Nintendo's previous console. This is do or die, Nintendo must make a machine which is virtually infallible. New 3DS comes to mind Honestly though, I wouldn't be surprised if it'd be possible to upgrade your PS4 to a PS4K. After all, their VR headset will contain an extra processor to make it easier to render more demanding VR games.
  14. I think it's all down to the name, marketing and what software Nintendo launch for it. If they keep the Wii name... or the U... or the console is a smilar, flat, shiny box, then people might mistake it. If Nintendo only market the consoles gimmick and nothing else, people will think it's a peripheral again. Any Wii U port needs to have a considerable visual upgrade over the original. As in, considerable enough to be visible at a glance. Honestly, the NX will have to match the PS4K, regardless what performance that machine may have. Yet they shouldn't pull a Saturn and throw in a bunch of extra chips in panic because they were caught off guard. It's a brand new console, it must push graphics second to none. And Nintendo need to show games right off the bat that SHOW that it's visually second to none. This is NOT done by churning out another 2D sidescroller or a toony minigame compilation. I can't stress this enough: Nintendo will need a killer app. A game that has such mass appeal among everyone from Nintendo fans to dudebros, that people will want to find out when and how they can get their hands on it.
  15. Other M wasn't made by Nintendo and Mario Sunshine is a 15 year old game. It's not exactly like Nintendo's broke, nor is it as if they'd be breaking new ground here. If they're not confident, they can employ people who are good and have experience. Hell, they could hire people from Kojima Productions, considering Konami are probably scaring all the senior staff away. This whole "Nintendo don't have experience in X, thus they shouldn't do it" idea is complete BS. Voice acting is in every major title coming out nowadays, making every game without voice acting feel cheap and dated. If Nintendo are scared, they can gain experience from lesser important games. Like Federation Force. Or their next sidescroller.
  16. Nintendo definitely need to receive the essentials. They have to pay third parties to port those games if necessary. The sports games need to be there, as do the FPS games and so do basically all AAA games. And of course, Nintendo need to release the right exclusives. The ones that, when the system hits, show off all the power in a way that is easily comparable to other systems. And then continue by releasing both all the essentials, as well as a wide variety of other games. And regardless of how lucrative it may seem: don't launch with any 2D games or minigame compilations. Launch with games that look, feel and play like AAA instead!
  17. Wiie! Party like it's... whatever year the first Populous came out.
  18. *Sigh* Another sidescroller? Seriously, Nintendo?
  19. That's kinda how it is. Need for Speed Most Wanted U was a brilliant game, it had better framerate than PS360-versions, yet contained some visual polish that not even the PC version had. While no DLC was released for the game, at least one DLC pack came on the disc. Also, the poor sales of launch titles can't be blamed on lack of DLC or whatever, because honestly, how many people buy DLC? From the statistics I've read, a 30% attach rate for a DLC pack is considered quite a major success. The one thing one might be able to blame EA for is releasing everything late. Mass Effect 3 as a standalone game mere weeks before Mass Effect Trilogy hit? Need for Speed SIX MONTHS late? Not to mention that they didn't release Battlefield at all. So it's a mixed bag. Yes, EA made decisions that rightfully reduced the sales potential of their stuff. But one could still expect sales to have been considerably higher. Something is wrong if a high profile game sells less than 100 000 copies in this day and age.
  20. Well, I played it for the first time in 2010, so I'm sure I would've felt differently if I played it in the 80's.
  21. Well, personally I agree that I prefer the sound of Lylat Wars. Sorry, but Starfox sounds a bit too "kiddy", while Lylat Wars sounds like it really wants to be the gaming equivalent of Star Wars... which is what I viewed it as when I was a kid. But Starwing? Just no, that sounds like a dull "space combat sim", like Elite.
  22. Let's not forget about BS Zelda, where you had a narrator telling the backstory throughout your game experience. Well, let me put it like this: did you feel a lack of authenticity in the Lord of the Rings movies?
  23. If the NX would have great online exclusives, I would OCCASIONALLY pay to play online. Maybe a month or two a year. However, I can also tell you that if online wasn't free, I wouldn't have bought Splatoon.
  24. What if the areas looked like in Zelda U?
  25. I only ever play my portable consoles when I'm on the move. And not behind the wheel. Or working on something on my laptop. In other words, I do NOT play games that last 20+ hours on it. So yes, PLEASE give me a home console Pokemon. Without the top-down camera angle. Or Pokemons saying their own names. Seriously, I'll rather listen to the OG 8-bit screeches than the buggers saying their own names over and over again.
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