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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. It looks nice, but I agree it doesen'tseem comfortable. Also, I think a screen with a round aspect ratio would be really weird to develop games for. If it's a hybrid, then the screen size alone is enough to scare away most third parties.
  2. It may have been large in terms of how many games there were, but in terms of stuff that excites people to buy a brand new console... not so much. In fact, by the time the Wii U launched, they hadn't even showed as much as a screenshot of any games with console selling potential, apart from Pikmin 3. Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, Bayonetta, Xenoblade... we didn't KNOW of any of those until that first post-launch Nintendo Direct.
  3. Just checked... For some reason TANK TANK TANK and Mario 3D World have spiked in price as well.
  4. Only if Nintendo would completely ignore all the features that have become commonplace in the past 20 years. Frankly, all I want is an evolved version of Lylat Wars. As I've said before, gimmicks are good if you milk the crap out of your games with annual iterations. Nintendo need to behave like a console manufacturer and a world-class game developer, not like some inexperienced, strapped for cash indies.
  5. Still not too keen on the Metroid art style. And I'm also wondering why the game is being developed for the 3DS. Throw in a more "mature" art style and you have pretty much exactly what the Wii U needs right now. I've never bought a Paper Mario game before, but I do like the way this installment looks. Overall, a quite OK Nintendo Direct.
  6. Why? Nintendo have announced next to no new games since E3 2014. If the rumors of the NX are true, then both portable and home console oriented teams are working on NX games. The software drought has dragged on for so long now, that surely there'll be lots of NX games. What I'm worried about is yet again: are they able to release the RIGHT games? Will there be killer apps that will sell hardware? Ot will it be like the Wii U, with mostly games that are kinda nice if you already have the system?
  7. Hey guys. Lately I got the urge to buy Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for the Wii U. However, when I checked with Swedish online stores, the game is now more expensive than when it was new. Heck, used copies seem to cost more than a new copy did when the console launched. And this seems to be the case for a few other games as well. This got me thinking: one reason I've heard for Nintendo's sour relationship with third parties was their reprint policy. That publishers had to plan their print runs months in advance, making it impossible to print a few thousand discs on a whim. Are Nintendo still doing that very same thing? Or is there some other reason that publishers don't want to meet demand?
  8. Didn't count myself, my source is this: And sorry, I exaggerated a bit, the correct number was 22, 30-40 was the total ammount of games. Nope, no excuses, I just fucked up.
  9. I'm not going to question the official timeline, but that's not the conclusion you reach from playing the game. At the time, it seemed that Link got a pretty bad deal. And like I said, I'd like a reward that makes the game fun to continue playing after the end.
  10. That alone won't be enough. I believe that Sony and Microsoft each showed off 30-40 previously unannounced games during last years E3. If Nintendo want people to buy a new console, when the PS4 and XBONE have quite a few years left in them, they will have to surpass that.
  11. I sure hope it'll be more like E3 2014 than the two E3's prior to the release to the Wii U.
  12. Well, personally I agree with King V. I know it'd be a bit too much to ask, but I would've loved to explore Hyrule post-Ganondorf. People moving back to castle town and rebuilding, conversating with people about their hopes for the future and hearing them actually be thankful. Or at least Link getting SOMETHING out of it. Logically, Link is sent back to BEFORE Ganondorf was defeated. Meaning he has to see all the terrible things Ganondorf does. For all we know, Ganondorf tracks him down and kills him during the 7 years he originally was asleep. Maybe that's why we don't see a second Link when you play as an adult. As is now, Zelda pretty much goes "Thanks for being useful and risking your life to single handedly save the world. Nope, no ceremony, no reward, just piss off and go back to square one, have a completely average, dull life. Good luck with your PTSD"
  13. I'd say that the most important thing will be the launch lineup and what games that will have been announced and shown by the time the console launches. It's bad for software sales if the public is looking forward to so many different games that they don't buy what's already out. But it's GOOD for hardware.
  14. This may be a problem for the individual developer, but for Nintendo in the role of a console manufacturer and their consumer, it's not. The situation that's most desirable (yet again, for console manufacturer Nintendo and consumers) is that the NX receives so many amazing exclusives from all kinds of different genres that no player can possibly feel like they've bought everything they want for the system. Of course nigh-on impossible.
  15. Well, Battlefield is an obvious choice for me. Also, I don't want to miss out on the new Mass Effect trilogy. And as you say yourself: Fifa, Madden and the rest do sell a bucketload.
  16. I'd say that at least Donkey Kong probably did better than it would've on another format. Personally, my Wii U library consists of a surprising ammount of third party games. Assassins Creed, Deus Ex, Need for Speed, Barman Arkham... all exciting games I missed when they first came out.
  17. You seem to be accusing me of thinking every single game that Nintendo release is wrong. And that's not true. The games you mentioned in this post were correct. OF COURSE Nintendo should release new Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Splatoon, Mario Maker etc. There is NOTHING wrong with those. Those are all games that received plenty of hype from the media and from gamers. I'm talking about the other half of the Wii U's lineup. About the abundant 2D platformers and minigame compilations which did more harm than good in the eyes of the press. Which looked laughable when compared to what other companies were hyping at time. My claim remains. 2D are not console sellers. Very few people feel the urge to pay the price for a brand new console, only to play sidescrollers. They are drawn in by things they could not experience on previous hardware. By worlds that are immersive, by graphics that are clearly and obviously supperior to previous offerings. By gorgeous animations, immaculate attention to detail, amazing physics and endless horizons. Generally 2D games don't offer any of that. Oh, for god's sake man, I can say the same about you. YOU are fine with Nintendo's emphasis on 2D and minigame compilations and see no flaw with it. YOU sat through last years E3 and thought it was fine. YOU probably thought E3 2012 was good too. An unknown portion of the 10 million people who actually bought Wii U's agree with you. However 36 million PS4 owners, 18 million Xbox One owners and an unknown portion of the 10 million Wii U owners don't. So tell me, what do you think Nintendo should change to make the NX a solid competitor against the other consoles. They'd be fine if they'd use their IP's properly.
  18. I believe it was something like 0,5 million. But I'd say that's all down to the game not being very good. The vehicle handling was all wonky (a clear downgrade from the N64 version) and the developers skimped out on content. The 360/PS3 generation and the high development costs killed off a whole bunch of very capable developers. Nintendo could have gotten amazing discount prices for legendary developers which could've saved the Wii U. Beyond the ones mentioned previously in this thread, we have: Free Radical Design Imagine if Nintendo would've given them the Bond license. Perhaps the only guys able to pull off a true successor to Goldeneye. Bizarre Creations The Gran Turismo clone I've been yapping about? These would've been the guys to pull it off Pandemic Because the Wii U desperately needed a GTA-equivalent! Team Bondi Having created LA Noire, these guys knew how to exploit tech and make visually stunning games. Although their work ethics were pure murder. Not to mention, I think it would've been great if Nintendo bought out Yu Suzuki's company as well as grabbing hold of Playtonic before they even launched their Kickstarter!
  19. You know, I remember when Nintendo's art style was a bit more varied. When it could look like: This was considered mind blowingly realistic in 1996 Don't you imagine this is what Witcher would've looked like if it was released in the late 90's? Or even: The hipster's version of Modern Warfare.
  20. There's a difference between wrong and bad. I can definitely see that the Wii U's 2D outings are competent efforts. I can see why some people would be sad if they were never developed. But they couldn't boost the Wii U's sales. How so? I think they're both very similar, the main difference being that 3D World's control scheme isn't FUBAR. Seriously, both games have a top-down view, worlds very obviously built from tiles and are built around the technical limitations of older, inferior hardware instead of being what could be expected for the system. For those reasons, both games feel cheap and rushed. It's not different in any way whatsoever. Today, to an even bigger extent than 20 years ago, all the big hitters are 3D games. Sure, 2D games exist, but they're mostly developed by indies or for portable platforms. Naturally there are exceptions, like Little Big Planet and Mario Maker, but as mentioned before, they are exceptions. I mean, just look at which games receive the most hype. Because hyped games sell consoles. Ummm... no, I'm watching what games get hyped and what games sell. Check the top lists of the 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One. Like it or not, you won't find many top selling 2D games there.
  21. That wasn't the sole reason. But from what I heard, EA decided to boycot Sega because of the early discontinuation of the Saturn (they announced the console wasn't Segas future less than two years after release). Basically, EA felt they had invested a lot into getting Saturn dev kits and then invested even more to make their teams familiar with the new console and they didn't want to do that again. No EA meant no Fifa, no NHL and no Madden, which scared off a majority of consumers, even back then. Of course the Saturn suffered from the same problem as the Wii U: wrong games. Sure, Virtua Fighter and Sega Rally were great and all, but... While Sony got Final Fantasy VII, Sega decided not to release any RPG's in the west. When the N64 and PSOne received Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot, Sega answered with... well... a slightly enhanced version of Sonic 3D blast (IMO, the parallells to Mario 3D World are more than striking). When Sony received Gran Turismo, Sega released Sega Touring Cars. When everyone else was embracing 3D, Sega persisted in making way to many 2D games. Yet again, almost scary parallells to the Wii U. The final scary thing is that Sega did SO many things right with the Dreamcast. The lineup of exclusive games was sublime, the online was great and some developers claim that given time, we could've seen games with PS2 level visuals. But the sins of the Saturn were just too many and to severe for the majority of consumers to actually care.
  22. A classical explenation for why the Dreamcast failed was that Sega pulled the plug on the Saturn prematurely and neither developers nor customers felt they'd gotten a return on their investment. What's come out on the Wii U so far has been quite underwhelming and really, the one thing many fans have been looking forward to for a long time is Zelda U. Really, that game, as well as Smash, seem to be the only Nintendo games that have evolved as much as they should. Dual release is a fair compromise, but only if the NX version receives a considerable visual update. To be honest, I feel Zelda U should follow in the footsteps of GTAV or The Last of Us and get released on the U first and then receive a massive overhaul for NX at least a year later. Canning it for the Wii U altogether will be perceived as a quite rotten business practice. Many people I know were fed up after the Wii and decided to wait to purchase a U until good games were out. Virtually everyone I know who bought a Wii U feels that way about the NX. Really, Nintendo need to do their absolute darndest to not piss off the few fans they have even further.
  23. Nintendo need to release Zelda for the U, otherwise the NX will go the way of the Dreamcast. But you are right. I have for the longest time tried to convince people here that the best way to go for Nintendo is to EVOLVE their games rather than to tack on gimmicks.
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