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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. Hogge


    I'm thinking of doing that. Never supported a crowdfunding project before, but it's totes worth it.
  2. It'd be a decent list if the console had OK third party support. However then that's about half the stuff that will be released for that console, period, that's a problem. Without trying to be a troll or a douche, I must say that Nintendo made their bed and atless they plan to go 100% mobile, they must sleep in it. They alone must make sure that their console receives enough games of sufficiently high quality of different genres that cater to as many demographics as possible. Nintendo talking about 2015 alone does seem promising. Atless they're complete loons, that means that there's a whole bunch of games we haven't heard of that are coming out in a very short time span (they usually don't release anything after late November). But... yeah, you know my buts.
  3. I highly doubt it. I believe it was last spring that Miyamoto confirmed it wasn't in development, because he had no clue of how to make it different. So atless an idea suddenly hit him and Nintendo took a snap-decision to put it into development immediately, we won't see it.
  4. The question needs to be repeated: what game do you think Nintendo are bringing back from the dead? Feels almost as certain as them announcing another 2D platformer for the Wii U.
  5. Beyond the small-ish selection of cars, this seems great. When this releases, it'll be my first digital purchase for the Wii U (Apart from that Hyrule Warriors DLC).
  6. Five games over 15 months is about half as much as Nintendo put out for the Wii U themselves. And that they at all are restructuring the company to accomodate this is awful news.
  7. That may very well be true. Miyamoto may be great with concrete mechanics, but he seems quite clueless when it comes to "fluff". On the other hand, Splatoon seems to be quite good from that standpoint.
  8. My Wii U predictions are: Starfox U: To be released this year. Some sort of playable demo available immediately after the presentation. Another revived third party title: For the time being, I have no idea what this could be. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Silent Hills. Retro Studios game: Hopefully it won't be Metroid Prime. Perhaps a Wii U exclusive GTA game? Set in Vice City? PLEASE? Revived franchise: Another dormant Nintendo franchise gets revived for Wii U. Pilotwings? 1080? Excitebike? You tell me Another 2D platformer for Wii U: I don't want it, but Nintendo just seem unable to stop themselves. New IP: Nintendo show off yet another IP. Hopefully something equally ambitious and well received as Splatoon Remake: A remake of something. Some say Twilight Princess, I hope Mario 64, just because the difference would be so dramatic
  9. IMO, the roller seems insanely overpowered. I was shocked at how far I could run without getting more paint, I painted more with it and I killed more. The charger on the other hand really does need a zoom mode. But that doesen't change the fact that I think this is Nintendo's best new IP in 15 years.
  10. Played it and I think some things need to be ironed out before launch. The main thing I'm missing is a zoom ability. But beyond that, I love the art and music in this game.
  11. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask HD: Simply put, the 3DS remakes in HD with a few new shaders. Zom-bear U?
  12. Hogge


    More so, I think that Rare's biggest fans also remain Nintendo owners until this day. I'm discretely hyped for this. The graphics seem quite nice, the camera is in the right place and the character movement seems promising. However, the test level seems to be as tile based as Mario 3D World
  13. Cool. I'm really looking forward to this game
  14. Me and another mate at Cavelight Entertainment have decided to record a simple show in part for the fun of it, in part as a form of advertising. Obviously we're aware of the video quality, which we'll fix for future episode. But beyond that, what did you like and what didn't you like? What can we do better?
  15. I haven't played to much Other M, but what I played, I didn't enjoy particularly much. I'm not a 2D guy in the slightest. Hyrule Warriors on the other side, I just finished the other day after an intense week of playing. I find it fun and addictive, although the difficulty curve leaves a bit to desire. Also, I think that the combat system could've used a LOT more work. Firstly, the lock on system is so unreliable that I quit using it altogether. Also, I wish you could block (using a shield for example) instead of dodging. And the framerate seems to drop all the time. To put things simply: I wish they'd borrowed more from Zelda than they did.
  16. It sounded feasible until he started to talk about gloves and stuff. We have to remember that Nintendo have been talking about a third platform for some time, so this may not actually be a 3DS/Wii U replacement.
  17. I have sooo fond memories of Alex Kidd in Miracle World. I can still hear that theme song ringing in my head However, I find his rendition in 3D extremely creepy: *shrugs* However, an Alex Kidd stage playing his theme song would be soooo lovely. I've also thought a bit, and I'd say that Bayonetta would be great in smash. Her moves are perfect for it.
  18. I know, I don't think I've met anyone who agrees on this. But I played through the original, completed the game 100% and like with Mario 64, Ocarina of Time and other games I love, I decided to play the game again a year later and made it about half way through the first level or so before getting boored and deciding to play something else. And then I never picked it up again. Perfect Dark on the other hand is something I play until this day (although I mostly play the HD remake).
  19. My nominee is... An odd choice, I know, but hear me out. I recall a guy from Rare claiming he'd like to see Banjo in the game and that it's not impossible. And while Banjo Kazooie was a great game, I somehow felt it had very little replay value and was quite forgettable. Perfect Dark is however one of the top 3 games on that system IMO. She'd probably play like Solid Snake in Brawl, fighting with pistols, rocket launchers and other sci-fi gadgets. Plus it's a way for me to tell Nintendo what I expect from their systems. Yes, I want them to buy back that IP and hand it over to Retro. After all, Microsoft are doing jack shit with that IP right now.
  20. Konami seem to be kicking Kojima out, so with any look Nintendo will employ him. Then again, knowing Nintendo, they'll miss the opportunity completely. Like they did with Free Radical Design, Bizarre Creations, Factor 5 and god knows how many others...
  21. That could be a way to go. However, I don't think Virtual Console is that much of a console seller. My thoughts on what Nintendo need to do is: Marketing The console should be marketed as a lifestyle product. Nintendo made a catastrophic mistake when they had the "I'm not a gamer", campaign. They reaffirmed the notion that being a gamer is not cool. Which was fine at the time when the original DS was the least gamery gaming machine you could buy. Now they need to do the polar opposite. They need to have major celebrities (who actually play games) promoting them. The Rock, Iggy Azakea, Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez are all gamers. So I believe does Mark Wahlberg. Have these celebrities talk about their relation to games and proudly state "I am a gamer". Make consoles seem glamorous. Make the game console the desirable item for the whole family, make parents handing down mobile phones or tablets seem like white trash who give their kids the comic strips at the end of the daily news paper rather than buying them proper books. Look and feel Nintendo have always made high quality consoles. I had my DS in the army and it's survived things electronics shouldn't. The appearance of the console and controller should reflect that. It should look like a premium product, an object of desire rather than a toy you buy for your kids (*cough* purple Gamecube *cough*) or an anonymous tech item you dispose of after a few years. Make it look like a high end stereo system which you can proudly put in your living room for everyone to see. Games The main failure of the Wii U was the software lineup. Mr Iwata and Mr Miyamoto need to write a list divided into two columns. The first should contain Nintendo IP's, the second should contain what's available on other systems. Nintendo may cross out games that are also confirmed for the NX. Nintendo should then figure out which of their IP's can be equaled to what the competition has. Zelda, for example, I'd say could be equaled to Skyrim, Assassins Creed and Red Dead. Excitebike/truck could be equaled to Motorstorm and the Dirt games and if Nintendo are willing to go that route, to Gran Turismo. Once Nintendo have paired up all the franchises, there are a few things they MUST bring out regardless of what the opposition is doing, so they can guarantee that everyone gets the Nintendo Experience. Last step is... look at the games the competition has, that you have no equivelant of. Make your own equivelants, buy out third parties who have experience in the genre (preferably even ongoing projects) or support new startups. Heck, if necessary, start new studios. In other words: no more releasing four sidescrollers in a year. No more shitloads of minigame compilations. No more wondering if the console will ever get any games in such and such genre. A wide variety of games, each game having potential to SELL CONSOLES. Those were my three cents.
  22. Hogge

    Mario Kart 8

    She said herself she hadn't played in years. I'm under the impression that she plays a lot of "dudebro" type games, I believe she mentioned in some interview that she usually plays NBA-games. Regardless of which, I think that the likes of her and Vin Diesel (apparently a big Dungeons and Dragons geek) should be part of Nintendo's next marketing campaign. "I AM a gamer" is better advertisement than "I'm NOT a gamer". Make console gaming seem glamorous, something movie stars do. Make rappers rap about playing on their Wii U as natural as rapping about their Escalades and Kristal champagne. Make mobile games look like the white trash thing to do. THAT could save Nintendos console business.
  23. Honestly, I'd love to see most of the 3DS games shown here come out on the Wii U as well. An only slightly enhanced version of Fire Emblem would probably be magnificent.
  24. I also noticed the resemblance. Too bad this is nowhere near as good looking as Valkyria for the PSP.
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