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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. You're right and you're not. It most certainly is true that Nintendo don't owe anyone anything. They don't have to do anything that's bad out of a business perspective. However, they sold ten million Wii U's. That's pretty terrible when compared to the competition on one side. On the other: it's TEN MILLION PEOPLE. It's as if every man, woman, child, pensioner alive in Sweden, plus every person who's passed away during the past few years had one. I'd say it most certainly is worth Nintendo's investment to go out of their way to satisfy these ten million current customers. Treat them well and many of them will be early adopters of NX. They'll buy it, spread the word and inspire others to do the same. Make them feel they didn't get their moneys worth and well, the Wii U replacement may sell even worse than the U. Let's not kid ourselves. The Wii U has had a very small roster of games. Of course, making games of the quality that Nintendo seem to want to maintain does take a lot of resources and Nintendo have a limited ammount of teams. Building new teams that can build games to that quality does take time. What however is unacceptable is that the stuff that has come out hasn't exactly been what customers have been asking for. To make matters worse, the games have been to similar. Personally, I'd like to split the first party lineup thus far into three categories: 2D platformers New Mario Bros Luigi U Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze Yarn Yoshi Clay Kirby Mario Maker Minigame compilations Nintendoland Game & Wario Mario & Sonic (two of them!) Mario Party 10 NES Remix (TWO!) Wii Party U Wii Sports Club Animal Crossing Everything else 3D Mario Smash Bros Mario Kart Pikmin Wind Waker HD Zelda U Starfox Zero Captain Toad Bayonetta Xenoblade Splatoon Mario Maker Hyrule Warriors Mario Tennis Devil's Third So the first/second party lineup consists of fifteen games that are neither 2D Platformers or minigame compilation. And SIXTEEN games that are. I mean, a grand total of 31 first and second party exclusives isn't bad. That puts my N64 collection to shame, but putting more than half of the games in two quite impopular ganres is just mind boggling. Had Nintendo just spread these games out across more genres and franchises, noone would be complaining. An F-Zero, a Metroid, a 1080 or Wave Race, a Pilotwings, a more free-roaming 3D platformer (Mario 64 2, Donkey Kong 64 2, it doesen't really matter), an FPS to fill the void after Perfect Dark and Goldeneye (why not get the Turok license and give it to Retro?), an equivalent to Gran Turismo (They could've bought out Bizarre Creations when they went bust or employed Sumo who did the 360 version of Forza Horizon 2), a few new IP's, a few ancient ones (Ice Hockey would be cool as there are NO hockey games on the system). To sum things up: Nintendo don't owe anyone anything. It is however Iwata's personal DUTY to make sure that the consoles his companies are perceived as a package worth the investment. It is his DUTY to utilise Nintendos amazing brand name and IP's to make their machines seem irresistable. With the lacklustre lineup of the U, it would probably be a good idea for Iwata to thank those consumers who actually did "please understand". To reassure them that this new system will be different. Basically, with the transition from Wii U to the next system, he has to do what Sega failed in the transition from Saturn to Dreamcast.
  2. I loved the first two Shenmue games, so this is some exciting stuff. I'm however not so sure how I feel about the entire game taking place in the most primitive conceivable area in China. And that voice acting is horrendous! ... ......? I MUST BACK IT!
  3. To be honest, I think this game could be really cool. The lock-on system seems quite nifty and if you are able to fly in one direction and shoot in another could be really cool. The walker transformation was ripped from Starfox 2, so I wonder if there won't be more stuff like that.
  4. Yes... this is what you need to sell consoles... Sarcasm aside, this could be fun, but I can't imagine people wanting to pay full price for this.
  5. The mere presence of all the 2D platformers on Wii U supports this theory. The N64, to my recollection had TWO: Yoshi Story and Kirby: Whatever.
  6. MP: Hunters didn't need a deformed art style. Why does this?
  7. Last year Nintendo had Robot Chicken. This year they had the muppets. Enough said!
  8. Personally, I'm not sure about the art style yet. Some stuff looks great, some stuff looks like it belongs in Nintendoland.
  9. Very amateurish art style. Looks like a 2nd year student, 10 week project from my university.
  10. Wow, the Wii U lineup was super weak. Did they even announce one new game?
  11. I never aim to 100% anything anymore (except for Mass Effect for some reason). I still complete the single player campaigns and I unlock the stuff I find to be worth my time, but not everything. "Acheivements" don't mean squat to me. They're fun for the five seconds they're on-screen, but I don't actively seek them out.
  12. Sure, I'm in if I may
  13. *Insert insulting joke about Wind Waker fans here* Jokes aside, I didn't see this coming. And honestly, I don't see the point. My theory for all these announcements is that Nintendo took measures to fill the Wii U and 3DS lineups long after the infamous, ever longer and ever drier "launch window" and that's first now starting to show results. That the second half of this year, we'll actually see a properly good lineup (because let's face it: while last autumn was good by Wii U standards, it wasn't ACTUALLY very good). By that I mean perhaps two or perhaps even three fairly high quality games a month from here on out. The alternative is that this is just more evidence that Nintendo have no clue of what they're doing.
  14. Just got this game today. Seems like they rebalanced the game after the demo weekends. The roller isn't as ridiculously overpowered anymore. Easily the summeriest game I've stumbled across in a very long time. Really addictive. And the game has a hub-world! Two complaints though: This game REALLY needs more music! While the music that exists is great, it does get repetitive after a while. And the dialogue screens. Why can't there be a description when I highlight a new gun, instead of a LOOOONG dialogue with the shopkeeper once I unlock it?
  15. Me and a friend made a prediction video for this years E3: The entire first half is Nintendo
  16. Absolutely agree! But like I've said before, I think Nintendo should make a mashup of Excitebike 64 and Excitetruck. End result should be something like Motorstorm (only with hopefully less terrible vehicle physics). It seems this E3 is going to kick massive ass. Project Treasure has received a new trailer, the new Harvest Moon has been announced, first gameplay screenshots from Fast Racing Neo, Monster Hunter X and Chibi Robo 3DS announced, all in a very short timespan prior to E3. Do Nintendo have so much to show off that they had to turn these games down?
  17. The environbments are quite empty. However, the stuff that is there looks good. Problem is that judging by the video, the sword mechanics are quite basic. Honestly, however, I think this is just what the Wii U needs. Not to mention: isn't this the first (and thus far only) new game that's been announced for the Wii U? Not counting indie stuff, of course.
  18. You're right in what you're writing. However, we're talking about the crowdfunding situation and not potential sales. I don't think that I'm the only one who was interrested in Project Cars solely because it was a Gran Turismo-ish game that would come out for a Nintendo system. With the Wii U version cancelled, I see no draw in this game, because I already own Forza 2, 3 and 4. As a matter of fact, I do know that there are people who funded this project for this very reason. I can't tell how large of a percentage of the funding came from people like this, it may very well be insignifficant. However, it may also be so much that the game would not have been able to reach its current level of sophistication without those funds. In all likelyhood we'll never know. And as I said: this is a sound business decision.
  19. Personally, I only ever saw this as the Wii U's equivalent of Gran Turismo. Thus Slightly Mad has rendered their game pointless in my book. From a business standpoint, this is probably an acceptable choice, seeing the terrible sales of Need For Speed for the system. However, the fact of the matter is that consumers have (indirectly) paid for their Wii U copies in advance via crowdfunding. The question is how funding would've gone if they had not promised to release it for the system.
  20. Hoefully it'll affect his business sense as well.
  21. I think they'll have Wii U games. Hoping there'll be discs with three dip switches on them :P
  22. If done well, that could be great. I wonder if anyone at Playtonic would like to make an FPS or if they only want to make platformers. That company is a wet dream for anyone who enjoyed the N64 era
  23. PW was developed by a western developer, believe they had actually developed simulators for the US Air Force before. While Rare is gone, Nintendo They're in a tough spot. However, indie developers are on the rise. Some of them will be tomorrows AAA devs. If Nintendo take this opportunity, build strong relationships by making it easy and cheap for indies to develop their games for their systems, maybe even offer some level of funding for anyone willing to go exclusive, their future consoles may have a broad variety of cool exclusives that could weigh up the lack of support from the major third party publishers. I think I think it depends entirely on how Nintendo spin it. If Nintendo just bring out a new Excitetruck, basically the old one with HD graphics and some new gimmick, then yeah, it'll be a waste of resources. However if they keep the realistic looks/arcade handling of Excitebike 64, throw in licensed rally cars as well, incorporate the possibility to upgrade the vehicles, a solid career mode, online play, level editor etc and suddenly you have a really good substitute for Colin McRae and Motorstorm. Let's call it Excite! Offroad Championship. Upgrade the game engine and two years later you have a substitute for Gran Turismo. Let's call it Excite! GT. Kick the Mii's out of Pilotwings (preferably write an apology for Pilotwings Resort on the title screen), build a few diverse, visually stunning worlds, add realist-ish vehicle handling and sense of speed like in PW64, more vehicles and mission variety. Throw in a variety of different planes and a possibility to give your vehicles custom paintjobs. Maybe an online mode and video editor so you can do formation flying flying with your mates and share on Youtube. Enable players to unlock cars so you can explore the visually stunning worlds from ground level. If Nintendo want to save money, they could use the same game worlds in both Excite! games, Pilotwings, 1080 and Wave Race. I agree. However, I've got lots of friends who do want to buy the Wii U, they're just waiting for the right announcements. And that's what Nintendo need to aim for: appeal to the parts of their own fanbase that they've been missing for the past few years.
  24. I completely agree with Wii. Due to lost third party support, Nintendo must figure out a way to appeal to both demographics. I would never want Nintendo to drop their traditional style. However, Nintendo must understand that the "Nintendo experience" isn't just nostalgia towards the NES and SNES. It's also nostalgia towards the N64. Towards Pilotwings 64, 1080 Snowboarding, Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye. So, summing it all up: Nintendo need to broaden their spectrum.
  25. Just got the Bayonetta 1+2 combo a couple of weeks ago. Beat B2 yesterday evening and played a bit of B1. Such an addictive game. So much stuff to unlock! Although the difficulty is ludicrously uneven throughout the entire thing. I must say that Bayonetta looked way better in B1. Not only is the hair and the costume better, the way she arches her back ALL THE TIME is just terrifyng :P
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