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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. This is neither confirmed, nor is it STRICTLY Nintendo-related. But IGN just posted news on a game called The Crew, which is supposedly developed by the people behind Driver: San Francisco and will be released for Next Gen systems. If the rumor is true, and judging by Ubis previous track record of supporting the Wii U (even going through the extra lengths of releasing two Driver games for the Wii U), we could expect it for Nintendo platforms. Being a fan of Driver: SF, this sounds amazing, even if it's not an exclusive title.
  2. Recently Christopher Seavor, who was project lead for Conker's Bad Fur Day made a tweet: So I guess we'll see some twisted, awesome game come out. Thoughts?
  3. Being a retro buff, I think that if Nintendo go down the same route as with previous games, featuring different karts and retro tracks, I'd love to see the classic tracks being brought up to glorious HD levels and the inclusion of a "classic" kart: In fact, I'd like Nintendo to include a classic mode, where all opponents have the classic kart. To be honest though, Nintendo should buff up the single player content. Rather than replaying the same eight cups four times, I'd like to see a bunch of different cups with different combinations of levels. There could be the eight cups we've come accustomed to, followed an N64 cup, a Gamecube cup and so on, and potentialy a Rainbow Road cup, featuring all versions of the RR. Or even better, why not have a Diddy Kong Racing style adventure mode with an overworld and so on?
  4. Yes, they have indeed very much fallen from grace. But for a lot of Nintendo fans, Rare were a major part of the gaming in our youths. I probably as many Rare games as I do Nintendo games for my N64. Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Blast Corps... and I regret not getting the all the others as well. The idea of them being allowed to do something with more potential than avatars and Kinect games is very enticing.
  5. Wonder what EA are working on then. Mass Effect and Battlefield are the only things they have that I'm interrested in.
  6. Traditionally, the water cooler is a sort of social hub where workers gather and "have a glass of water" (not work without it officially being a break). So by the correct use of the term, it means that you gather around it at work and gossip. So yes, Microsoft are working super hard to create a game console so boring and dreary, that when you gather around it, you'll end up discussing other things. And of course, they don't want you to have it in your home, they want it to be at your workplace, where it's dullness will make you go back to work after 5 minutes at most. What I think they MEANT to say is that it's the subject you'll talk about when you're at the water cooler the day after.
  7. Nintendo now stand on equal ground with MS IMO. Now is the time to drop all the megatons at once.
  8. Looks interresting. I might potentially buy this. Reminds me of Hitman 2 and Goldeneye
  9. I would pay to see that happen. If Nintendo were to create a crowdfunding campaign to make it happen, I would support it, even though I never support those kinds of things. I would sign a contract that essentially forces me to pre-purchase everything they release for the Wii U. IF Return to the Past turns out to be the real title, what do you think it'll be. I can see it being a 3D, HD remake of the very first Zelda, or yet another Zelda with time travel. Although I would actually like to see a Zelda taking place after the other ones.
  10. Interresting, yet somewhat underwhelming. The fact that a bunch of stuff remains unknown, as well as the vagueness of everything makes me think this is fake. A new zapper would be cool, but only if it'll be more than a plastic shell. The Wii Zapper was a disaster, as it felt cheap, the trigger was in the wrong place and there was no stock. Also, you had no easy access to the buttons on the top of the controller etc. However, the idea of having the pad on top of this type of thing: The Wii U would instantly become the FPS console of choice
  11. I think it's quite a logical decision. If I understand correctly, it's a fairly story driven franchise. So releasing the first chapters is only logical. Yakuza is one of very few Sony-exclusive franchises I'm interrested in, so Sega have just, for the first time since the GC days, convinced me to give them money.
  12. Yakuza for Wii U? THAT would actually be a pleasing announcement!
  13. Earlier today, Nintendo apparently sent out a PM regarding what Wii U games they're going to show during E3. These apparently include entries from Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Bros. That's kinda weak, isn't it?
  14. To buy GOOD games rather than being a chav?
  15. http://kotaku.com/ea-has-no-games-in-development-for-nintendos-wii-u-507588994 Too bad we'll miss out on the next Battlefield and Mass Effect. Beyond that... I actually couldn't be arsed.
  16. Yeah, he's brilliant. One thing I'm hoping for is the line of improved VC games that Nintendo promised from the get-go. The most obvious thing would obviously be to adapt the N64-games to 16:9 screens and boost the resolution. But swapped character/vehicle models would lift the games to a whole new level. Oh, and not to be a bore, but this trailer was just shown: And this footage is from an ancient PS3! Imagine what could be done on the shiny, modern Wii U!
  17. No. Because that would mean that it'd probably include the Miiverse. Seriously, keep the Miis away from the classics. And the new IP's. On second thought: ban them to the realms of the OS for all eternity, and may each and all of them find a million insects in their underpants if they even think of intruding on an actual game.
  18. While I do take this with a BIG pinch of salt, I think that whether it'll be out for the Wii U or not won't be something held private between those two. First off, Nintendo have stated that they'll provide technical help to those who release games for their system, secondly, MGS is a quite big deal and I think Nintendo are going to make a big deal out of it if it turns out to be true. But I do doubt that it's true. Regarding the Final Fantasy remake rumor: that would be great. The obvious candidate is of course Final Fantasy VII.
  19. Rumors found at Wii U Daily: *Nintendo will air three to five Nintendo Directs before and around E3, starting on May 30 *3D Mario will be “huge, bigger than any Mario game to date” and looks “unlike anything you’ve ever seen” *Retro’s new game will be first person, futuristic, and something everyone wants them to do *When asked if “a certain Super Saiyan” would join Smash Bros (since Namco is involved), he said it “hasn’t been decided yet, but there is a chance” What do you guys think? Multiple ND's sounds plausible, although 5 seems like overkill. New Mario being bigger seems kinda vague. 120 stars has been a tradition sins SM64, but perhaps the levels will be even more unique. I however am hoping for more open, explorable worlds in the vein of SM64. It sound like Retro are making a new Metroid, although that feels a bit too obvious (makes no sense to be cryptic about it). I'm hoping: Perfect Dark.
  20. Sarcasm. Was that really necessary? I'm stating the business facts, which are that Nintendo have skipped out on a genre they really need to get in to. As always, the promise of traditional first party exclusives has swayed me into buying a Nintendo console. I'm a huge fan of essentially all games that everyone in this thread has mentioned, from Mario to Metroid to Waverace. However, that doesen't mean I'm fine with Nintendo ignoring what has been an essential type of game for the last 15 years.
  21. Well, from a business standpoint, Nintendo GT would make perfect sense, as these games are indeed system sellers. Gran Turismo 5 has shifted 9 milion copies, Forza 4 has sold 4 milion (Forza 3 sold ca 5,5 milion copies, proving that the yearly iteration idea is quite stupid) . And Wave Race: BS sold 600 000 copies, 1080 sold little over 300 000. Don't get me wrong, I want the classic Nintendo racers as well. I'd love to see an HD Waverace with spectacular water and lighting effects, scenic tracks and amazing physics as much as the next guy. Or an Excitebike that could be like the Gran Turismo of motorcycles, mixing the traditional dirt bikes with true sports bikes, all racing in, yet again, scenic surroundings. But as I don't want to buy a second system this generation, I want the Wii U to deliver everything I like. And that includes Nintendo GT. And as I've said before: from a business standpoint, it's a necessity. If Nintendo were to make a GT-competitor, I'd like it to be a bit more like Forza Horizon than regular Forza. I like there being hundreds and hundreds of cars to choose from, espescially more affordable ones, cars I might conceivably own. And I want to upgrade my cheap ass car into a monster, enabling me to race it throughout the game, even in the later, more difficult races. But I also want the aforementioned scenic surroundings. I don't want the tracks to be surrounded by concrete walls or seats for the audience.
  22. I believe that Iwata stated that Nintendo won't show any new hardware. Call me a bit odd, but I'm not particularly interrested in portable gaming. Maybe it's because I don't need to go to work by bus/train and walk everywhere instead, but to me, home consoles are where it's at. So I hope that Nintendo spend essentially the whole ND episode showing Wii U stuff.
  23. Well, if it's a kickstarter you'll get your money back if they don't reach their target. At least that's how I've understood it.
  24. Well, to be honest, yeah. I think that Retro have potential to do so much more. I'm yet again going to point this out: Nintendo NEED to pump out a competitor to Gran Turismo. Also, I'd love to see the rumors of GTA 5 for Wii U materialise. Or perhaps Retro Studios could be working on an equivelant? I would like for Retro to be given the GTA license, in a similar fashion to how Silicon Knights were given the Metal Gear license, and develop a GTA game taking place in Vice City, with all the cool features in GTA 5. In general, I'd say that I want to see Nintendo displaying a mix of essentials (3D Mario, Wii U Zelda), some long missing franchises (Pilotwings "we nuked wuhu island and killed all the Miis edition", Excitebike, Starfox, 1080, Waverace etc) and some new IP's. And of course, each multi platform title that doesen't end up on the Wii U needs to be countered with a similar exclusive title.
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