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Everything posted by somme

  1. I've still not watched TOS all the way through. Just can't get into it, not sure why. And I'm also loving all the Voyager love. I'm also looking forward to Discovery!
  2. I prefer the first season over any of the others. From Coven onwards I managed to get less and less far into a season. Last season I didn't make it through the first episode.
  3. Yeah, I don't mind gimmicky stuff when we already have way more games to play than we have time.
  4. If you're already getting your space fix from NMS I wouldn't bother right now. It does indeed have a steep learning curve and although it has a lot of good things about it, I found myself watching numbers the majority of the time as the distances between celestial bodies is more realistic... and space it big. NMS is much more immediate and much easier to jump in and play. With the new patch I also found more things to do in NMS.
  5. I just hope MGM/Stargate don't sue them as those Stargates look very Atlantis. Update seems great so far. I'm playing on my nephews original PS4 and it is looking a lot better. Can't wait to see what it looks like on my Pro.
  6. Well, the lore had over-arcing plots so yes I would say it had many stories. And no I'm not complaining about complaining. I'm just complaining about you. You rile people up all over this forum, and to be honest I've had my fill. I've been on this forum since the GameCube days but I just can't be bothered anymore.
  7. Borrowed my nephew's copy of this today. Well, in truth I started playing at his and got so immersed I had to steal it and go back home. I played solidly for around eight hours today. A great game. It's gorgeous to look at, fun to climb and shoot and although the story is a bit clichéd, it works and gets pretty intense at times. Never played an Uncharted game before but now I;m thinking about pre-ordering the new one!
  8. I'm guessing you didn't play long enough to realise there is a hefty amount of lore in-game. If you don't like the game, don't want to play it, and didn't play it long enough to really know anything about it, why come in here every single time there's activity and proceed to be overly negative? We get it, you don't like it. Move on.
  9. I listen to that album all the time. 'Asimov' is one of my favourite tracks, possibly ever!
  10. Excited for the new update to drop this week!
  11. Let me know what you think of the very end. I thought it was a perfect end myself.
  12. I agree. In VR motion controls feel very natural, any other time and they feel like a chore.
  13. Yes, I loved! It's an amazing show with a beautiful soundtrack. I've finished the show now and loved it from beginning to end. Nora rules.
  14. I'll be so glad when Nintendo finally ditch Amiibo.
  15. Yeah, I'm not bothered either. Everything goes up in price eventually.
  16. Part of me is expecting episode 9 to end on a cliffhanger with the First Order winning. Not a cliffhanger in a TV show sense, the story will be nicely ended but the good guys won't win. Then a decade or so later we'll have the next trilogy. There are many talented writers, producers, directors, musicians in the world, and barring Rey's Theme I actually found the score to TFA to be a little disappointing. And modern films generally seem to have less emphasis on memorable scores and they're always a lot quieter than movies from previous decades, especially the 80s.
  17. Who knows about that these days, haha. I don't see Rey finding love until episode 10-12 in 15 or so years time.
  18. First month in ages I don't actually own at least one of the titles. Wanted to play Just Cause 3 too so this works out well!
  19. With a world population of seven and a half billion and spiralling out of control then perhaps a fall in fertility is a good thing. We can't sustain the current growth and most people would probably disagree with a 'child limit' like China used to have. Also, as a gay man, I can probably answer a few questions. For starters camp and/or effeminate men are actually in the minority in the gay community. But you're much more likely to assume a camp man is gay than one who is not camp. Most gay men hide quite well as they're not overly effeminate and so people don't assume they're gay.
  20. I hope she's not Rey-Random. I do want her to be Luke's daughter. Gives her father issues just like him, and Kylo and, well, I'm sure Anakin had some issues too. Also, it is about the Skywalker family. Fucking up the galaxy one episode at a time. Haha. Though I do like one far-flung theory that Rey is Anakin. He was born of the force when needed and maybe she was too. Could explain why the lightsaber went to her, not Kylo. But whoever she is, I just hope she's not Obi Wan's, nor a nobody.
  21. I'm hoping they've just thrown all the action bits into the trailer, as I do prefer Trek's slower parts with social commentary or at least something more to say than "explosion". Either way, I'm still cautiously optimistic and will watch it all as I don't want this to be the last Trek show for another decade.
  22. I am wondering if the opening crawl of episode 9 will begin, "General Leia has been killed!" or whether they'll somehow use stand-ins/clever framing to have Leia in it for an opening battle, and to sacrifice herself for the Republic - which is something Leia and Carrie would probably have wanted. Personally, I'd prefer the latter.
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