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Everything posted by somme

  1. Yeah, whilst I really enjoyed the game at launch - even with the bugs and without some features I was expecting, it was still the game I'd always wanted - it's significantly improved. The only major things I'd say I want in the future would be gas giants, more things to do in space (which may be coming NEXT week - sorry) and more interesting creature and biome variations. The latter of which I think is something that will be tweaked and improved upon with every update, as they've already proven. I'm actually a lot more excited for third person than I thought I'd be. I guess after three hundred hours of first person it's nice to change it up. And I have always wanted to see my ship as I fly it and adding visual exosuit upgrades and customisation just adds to the plethora of upgrade possibility and progression trees already in-game. And as fun as it's been to play solo for three hundred hours - it's about time I showed off my freighter! Though that is going to seem pretty lame now we can have our own fleets. Playing with others is going to be a lot of fun.
  2. My excitement for Episode 9 is also very low. TLJ wasn't any better on a second watch. Solo was alright. I thought Lando would've been great in either TFA or TLJ, but yeah I guess he's free up Rey to abandon Chewie.
  3. somme

    Diablo 3

    I tend to solo it while watching trash TV. Haha. It is fun to play with others, though like most games, it's better with friends than strangers.
  4. I did find this season took longer to grab my attention that season. It took me five episodes last season to really get into it. This time it was the last two or three episodes - which were great. And I'll watch season three because, as much as this was different from the first, the third may be to the second. And the music the phenomenal. That Heart Shaped Box cover was really good.
  5. It's a fantastic game to play through and experience yourself, but I've found it's as enjoyable watching others play - now I've already been through it once.
  6. I'm so intrigued. Like the rest of you I've very little clue of what's going on but don't care and want it now.
  7. The Last of Us isn't really something I'd want to play under time constraints whilst being watched by dozens of other people. I'd rather wait and play it at home, maybe others feel the same? Regardless this does look to be the ultimate version of Smash. Considering I now live with two other gamers it might be worthwhile picking up a Switch when this comes out.
  8. Ah, another Resi title for me to lovingly purchase and play very little of. (I normally wuss out). Resi 2 is the only one I've ever finished though, so will definitely get it - it's needed a remake for far too long.
  9. Won't get a chance to see it until next week but you've given me some hope.
  10. Still my most anticipated game. Really looking forward to spending hundreds of hours creating games and short films.
  11. I'm surprised creators and writers continue wanting to work with Syfy - considering they haven't finished a story since... Battlestar Galactica?
  12. I love The Muppets and love it even more when they go "bad" or more adult. In fact I'm really pleased with this current trend of taking things we loved as kids and bringing them back and targeting them towards adults. Stranger Things is another example. Hoping for some dark children's films-for adults soon (Neverending Story/Return to Oz/Labyrinth - we are getting a Dark Crystal prequel so I guess there'll be more on the way.) But yeah, not always a fan of Melissa McCarthy but a new film every few years I enjoy.
  13. This'll be the first of the new batch of films I've not bothered going to a midnight screening to watch it. I'll catch it at some point unless it's another Rogue One-esque surprise.
  14. Anyway, great game. The story kept me hooked the whole way, which doesn't happen often with games. Horizon is the only other one of recent times I can remember loving the whole way through - actually thinking about it AC: Origins was another I enjoyed. And it was great hearing Christopher Judge/Teal'c's voice the whole way through. It was a great game, indeed.
  15. I'll see it but it doesn't look like a film I'll need to see more than one. Hopefully, it'll be more of a nice surprise like Rogue One, rather than TLJ.
  16. Yeah the side quests are a real drag. Normally I enjoy doing them all but these are dull and repetitive.
  17. 21 hours 39 minutes and 40 seconds in and I'm around level 35, Chapter 6. The Kingdom part is great, enjoying going back. The battles are still great fun. I don't want it to end!
  18. @drahkon Cheers for the tip, though I wasn't planning on going for the Platinum this time around, just enjoying the game and seeing which trophies 'pop' as I go.
  19. Really loving this so far - am around chapter 5 or 6. I was initially disappointed with the overworld being like a retro RPG. I kinda expected the whole game to be the gorgeous cartoon graphics, but I'm over it now. I think I'm taking things pretty slowly, exploring every nook and cranny. The battle system is great fun too, as are the Pikmin!
  20. For some games they are the only control method. Some can be either the DS4 or Move, some just DS4. It's worth getting them for the games that do use them. It's the only time (since the first few weeks of the Wii) where I've enjoyed motion controls - they do add to the immersion.
  21. Only the other day I was wondering if you'd be able to create 2d games and films. The transition from 2 to 3d was great. Still my most anticipated title at the moment.
  22. Finally seen the credits after 110 hours - but I'm still only HR29. The monsters could have been more varied. It may as well have been called Dragon Hunter. The non-dragon monsters were pretty cool though. The only one I hated was the wind one. Even with flash pods it was hideous! Still playing as much as humanly possible. Looking forward to the DLC.
  23. Ugh, the Kushala Daora makes me want to stop playing. No one seems to join that quest and it's a bugger to solo. Too much wind in the last stage, can't move, killed without being able to move. Dull and frustrating. First monster that's really pissed me off.
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